Bicentennial Interviews

Celebrating the birth of Bridgeport as an independent community, an act by the Connecticut Legislature in 1821, OIB is conducting a series of interviews with a cross section of stakeholders. Bridgeport was established as a town in 1821, as a city in 1836. Bridgeport still maintains its town charter.

Click on names to read interviews.

Suzanne Kachmar

Kaye Williams

Selma Miriam, Noel Furie

Charles “Don” Clemons

Phil Kuchma

Frank Borres

Lizzy Rockwell

Carolyn Vermont

Christina Smith

Ellie Angerame

Ernie Newton

Gregg Dancho

Steve diCostanzo

Alma Maya

John Torres

Fuzz Sangiovanni

Merritt Canteen’s Jay Rodriguez

Jay Piccirillo

Sonia Hernandez

Rick Torres

Danny Roach

Maisa Tisdale

Michael Testani

Ricky Mestre

John Fabrizi

Mario Testa

Donna Curran
