Nothing like the divine inspiration of a woman of the cloth endorsing a candidate for public office, especially an inner-city minister working a food pantry
Read moreTag: Barack Obama
Gusto For Musto–Ciocci Chokes Public Campaign Dough
State Senator Anthony Musto’s feeling pretty good about his reelection chances in two weeks. His Republican opponent Trumbull Town Councilman Chad Ciocci failed to qualify
Read moreUConn-Courant Poll Shows Women Gravitating To Obama
A poll released today by the University of Connecticut and Hartford Courant shows Barack Obama with a slim three-point lead nationally over Mitt Romney. In
Read moreThe Bridgeport Factor In The Murphy-McMahon Battle–What Will They Do?
As is usually the case, voter registration swells in the weeks before a presidential election. Bridgeport, Connecticut’s most populous city, has 44,229 registered Democrats, 4467
Read moreSiena Poll: Murphy-McMahon Headlocked–Barack Cruising
From Siena College: Loudonville, NY. With only three weeks to go before the election, Congressman Chris Murphy leads Republican Linda McMahon 46 percent to 44
Read moreMichelle Obama Votes Early–What About Us?
Michelle Obama cast her ballot on Monday, an early vote promoted by the Obama campaign as a shout out to their peeps to vote early
Read moreWebsite Promotes Yes Vote For Charter Question To Decide School Board Battle
An advocacy group website is complementing Mayor Bill Finch’s public outreach urging electors to vote yes on the Nov. 6 charter question that if approved would
Read moreWhen It Comes To Voting, Better Late Than Never! Finch And Murphy Reference Messy 2010 Election
Bridgeport elections never disappoint whether low turnouts, high turnouts or even when it’s a couple of days late. A quick lighthearted exchange between Mayor Bill
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