On this election day there’s always Casper the Friendly Ghost. City social activist Jorge Cruz, who lost a September Democratic primary to City Council incumbents Jack Banta and Denese Taylor-Moye in the 131st District representing the South End, Downtown and portion of West End, wrote in the supernatural cartoon character.
Cruz writes on his Facebook page:
Today I proudly VOTED for CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST as a WRITE-IN candidate for the 131st District Southend for city COUNCILMAN at CESAR Battalla school. And VOTED TOP of the LINE for the BOARD OF EDUCATION AND SHERIFF. NO VOTE FOR CITY COUNCILLORS. THEY’RE USELESS.
The district actually has a bona fide write-in candidate, Ras Omari.
While we wait for the results, this goes out to Donald Day for the dumbest comment of the day:
I guess someone finds this amusing, but I find the vote for Casper a slap in the face to the legions Blacks and whites that died so that his ignorant ass could have the right vote. I’m glad that you think this right given to you is somehow supposed to be a joke or entertaining to you because you and your people paid no price for this right that you received because someone else died for that right. The good thing about living the so-called American dream, our constitution gives you the right to do this bullshit, but conscience should/would dictate that you use discretion when exercising your right to vote. I find your actions reprehensible.
Donald Day, WTF is this: “because you and your people paid no price for this right that you received because someone else died for that right.” What do you mean by your people? Jorge Cruz is a Puerto Rican the last time I checked. I believe his partner or wife is African American. BTW, did you know Speedy Gonzalez and Casper the Friendly Ghost are compadres?
Joel, what don’t you understand about my statement that his people didn’t die for the right to vote? How many PR’s marched and died in the fight for voters rights during the 40’s,50’s,60’s and 70’s? What the hell does his wife being Black have to do with anything? In fact she should have schooled his ignorant ass about the importance and the history of voting.
So all you know about is Black History. Talking about “Black”. I went to vote at the Aquaculture School. When I was heading to my vehicle, a shinny new “Black” car was coming into the parking. I notice the front plate was blue and white with 22 on it. The Black Jaguar (or was it a Panther) so shinny, I had to put on my sunglasses. I guess it was only her people who helped her get elected and voter for her, hence a nice “Black” Jaguar. Have you gotten to drive it yet?
By the way, when I noticed the plates on the vehicle, I waved Hello.
No Joel, what I know about is Blacks in American history because our story is America’s story.
Without Puerto Rico there would be no American or Afro American History being that Columbus only ca me as far as Puerto Rico (never actually setting foot on the mainland)
Some times the real joke is the quality of candidate to vote from and none of us is in a position to judge what another decides or for what reason, I believe in the “vote” as a tool, but I have and still do advocate the ability to exercise your right to vote by not voting, show up have your name crossed and leave the ballot blank, if a 1000 or even a 100 people do this, it will not go unnoticed. Believe me in the next election people will try to win that vote.
Ron Mackey // Oct 26, 2017 at 4:25 pm
Raz, you got my vote.
Joel Gonzalez // Nov 7, 2017 at 11:36 am
Lennie, RAS is not his real or legal name. There are rules sign-in candidates must obey by and voters too. For example lets take Ron Mackey’s vote for “Raz”. Ron’s vote would not be counted because he misspelled it with a ‘z’ not the ‘s’ required. The name “RAS” doesn’t appear on the voters list at the address he gave. The records I checked show that he signed a petition during the primary cycle in the 131st. But, he failed to vote during the recent primary in the 131st.
Has the rules for write in candidates changed Lennie?
Speedy, the paperwork is submitted to the Town Clark’s Office and approved by the CT Secretary of State’s Office. Elections officials say he filed the correct paperwork.
Anyone can file the correct paperwork Lennie and not follow the rules. I’ve seen plenty of that. Sounds like you’re doing consulting work for the opposition, in 21 minutes you were able to get election officials to give you a reply ON THEIR BUSIEST DAY OF THE YEAR? Only in Redding. The paperwork is submitted to the Town Clark’s Office. When submitted it gets stamped and filed. No need to file with the Secretary of State anymore. Sort of when the “Rapist of Democracy” submitted the petition and paperwork registration of the PAC as late as possible.
Anyone can file the correct paperwork Lennie and not follow the rules. I’ve seen plenty of that. Sounds like you’re doing consulting work for the opposition, in 21 minutes you were able to get election officials to give you a reply ON THEIR BUSIEST DAY OF THE YEAR? Only in Redding. The paperwork is submitted to the Town Clark’s Office. When submitted it gets stamped and filed. No need to file with the Secretary of State anymore. Sort of when the “Rapist of Democracy” submitted the petition and paperwork registration of the PAC as late as possible.
Please be advised that P.A. 11-48 removes the requirement that town committees file a copy of their financial reports with the Town Clerk. SEEC requested this revision since all the reports are filed with us and are available via eCris. The Town Clerks remain responsible for all filings by municipal candidates, municipal slate committees, municipal political committees and referendum committees.
Speedy, did you take your meds today?
That was a stupid wuestion, Lennie.
Crack me up!
I tried Lenny,I had nothing to wash the pills down with and The Bridgeport Kid’s mother wouldn’t share some of the Kool Aid I gave gave her yesterday.
Joel, did Casper the Friendly Ghost file the correct paperwork? For the record I have no problem in saying that after careful evaluation and questioning two of the candidates I decided to cast my vote for Jack Banta and Denese Taylor-Moye in the 131st District.
I don’t know for sure but, the babies love him:
As of 620pm 796 have voter at black rock school
I voted today, YES on the library referendum, YES for Smith & Spain. Out with the gnarly, in with the new.
I was tempted to write in Opus the Penguin and Bill the Cat…