Groundbreaking For New Bassick High School Scheduled For Monday

Rendering of new Bassick High School.

City and state officials on Monday, May 22nd are slated to break ground for the new Bassick High School, a 205,000-square-foot facility featuring auditorium, gymnasium, fitness room with a renewed focus on trades located adjacent to the University of Bridgeport in the South End.

The building will also include the Bridgeport Military Academy. The two schools combined will house 1,250 students at a construction price tag of $124 million, most of the budget covered by the state. Occupancy is projected for August 2025.

The building will be raised to bring the first floor out of the flood elevation close to Long Island Sound.

The current Bassick is located on Fairfield Avenue at the edge of the West Side and West End.

The new building will include these programs for Bassick High School and the Bridgeport Military Academy

— Architecture/Engineering Lab
–Aeronautical Tech
— Advanced Manufacturing
— Automotive Repair
— Construction Technologies
— Liberal Arts
— Law Enforcement
— Firefighting
— Emergency Medical Services
— Homeland Security
— Military Sciences






  1. The Mayor must’ve forgot he already did this. While I was at the initial announcement of Bassick (event 1 ) I

    was unable to attend the first ground breaking for UB due to a scheduling conflict. Event two (groundbreaking one)

    Although I disagree with the waste of resources and multiple groundbreakings for the same school, I will be there for the third Bassick event (the second groundbreaking). I will be there, although the Mayor’s office has failed to get back to the community in regards to the many requests for information in regards to Bassick High School. The BOE has had a couple of forums and has been awaiting information to update the public.

    I will be there in spite of the fact of the Ganim Regime’s chronic underfunding of our schools that in all likely hood will force drastic cuts throughout the district causing old schools to close down.

    I will be there as an elected official at this publicity stunt. I won’t be there however ,the third time the Mayor gives a key to the city to Kevin Hart.


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