Update: Former Mayor Joe Ganim, after nearly six and one half years in the joint, has been released from a federal prison camp in Pennsylvania
Read moreCategory: State Politics
Nails On A Blackboard, BOE Politics And Personalities, Plus: Dem Prayer Mass
Yikes, they’ve just been sworn in on the Board of Education and the screeching is louder than a third-grade classroom. BOE members Bobby Simmons, who
Read moreTeddy, Get Ready, 911 Political From Bridgeport Motor Works
Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Billboard … Jumpers Beware: let’s give this billboard thing some thought because with potential Democratic Town Committee primaries on the horizon and
Read moreDodd’s Dough, Kohut’s Calling, Linda’s Lion, Musto’s Magic, Meet Malloy
Chris Dodd has at least two million clams left in the campaign account of his U.S. Senate seat for which he’ll not seek reelection. What to do
Read moreBill Clinton, Bill Curry, And My Presidential Nightmare, Plus: Regional Opportunities
Our discussion in the prior post about the impact of presidential visits had me thinking (always a confusing thing) back to 1994, a nutty year for
Read morePolls, The Barack Factor For Himes, Plus: Jepsen Challenges SuBy
Update, new Q polls Ronald Reagan’s polling numbers after two years as president showed he was toast. Then the economy rebounded and he croaked his Democratic opponent
Read moreDoes That Mummy Play Footsies? And What SuBy Really Wants … AG, Then Joe
Update, SuBy announces AG run: I’m starting to wonder if the Egyptian mummy from the Barnum Museum that director Kathy Maher is shipping to Quinnipiac for
Read moreCouncil Accepts Troll’s Apology
What happened to the old days when we had the Monday Night Fights? Everyone was adult-like, on good behavior. No threats, screaming, yelling. Good grief. What’s the
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