Sometimes you can say a lot by saying nothing. Former City Councilwoman Michele Small did just that Tuesday night in quiet solidarity with Samia Suliman
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Sometimes you can say a lot by saying nothing. Former City Councilwoman Michele Small did just that Tuesday night in quiet solidarity with Samia Suliman
Read moreFormer City Councilman Tom Mulligan, way back in the day, referred to City Council meetings as the “Monday night fights.” Well, seems like the poop
Read moreOn Thursday, 5:30 p.m. the 90-member Democratic Town Committee will select party officers at the Madison Avenue restaurant of Mario Testa who will seek another
Read moreInsurgents came up well short Tuesday trying to take out seasoned campaigners in Democratic Town Committee primaries. A slate led by 138th District Leader Maria Pereira
Read moreVoters have been identified. Now it’s time to place last-minute calls, door knocks, lit drops and social media blasts. And oh, remind voters to send
Read moreMore than 1,000 requests for absentee ballots and counting. Just days from Tuesday’s Democratic Town Committee primaries in six districts, candidates and political operatives are
Read moreHigh-profile pols generally don’t avail themselves to local, insider political skirmishes, but they will sometimes step up for neighborhood leaders who’ve been there for them
Read moreTwo weeks from key Democratic Town Committee district primary battles, two members of Bridgeport’s state legislative delegation are stepping up for their respective party supporters
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