High-profile pols generally don’t avail themselves to local, insider political skirmishes, but they will sometimes step up for neighborhood leaders who’ve been there for them early and often. That’s what Congressman Jim Himes has done for Danny Roach, neighborhood bar owner, police commissioner, mayoral appointee and district leader whose nine-member Democratic Town Committee slate faces a challenge March 6th in the 130th District that covers Black Rock and a portion of the West End.
Closer to home in what is retail as retail politicking can get, State Senator Marilyn Moore is supporting the insurgent slate while State Rep. Steve Stafstrom is backing Roach’s slate.
“Danny Roach is a good friend whose strong support I could always rely on during tough campaigns,” says Himes in a statement on behalf of Roach. “His longstanding commitment to the Democratic Party in Black Rock is admirable and much appreciated.”

These low-turnout district battles are all about identifying friends and dragging them out. Part of the process includes immunization from attacks leveraging people respected in the neighborhood. Whose opinion matters to you?
Retired Police Captain Brian McCarthy who knows the neighborhood turf well has also lent his voice for Roach.
“If it wasn’t for folks like commissioner Roach who supported us we would never have had the ability to reduce crime as significantly as was done during my time in charge of West command,” says McCarthy. “He always made time to speak with me regarding problems or concerns in the neighborhood.”
Running with with Roach, Eric M. Amado Jr., Scott Burns, Joy A. Cline, Anne H. Larcheveque, JoAnn Manzo, Michael S. Meehan, Thomas A. Mulligan Jr., and Shaquana Shaw.
Moore, see above, is featured, in a piece on behalf of the challengers.
Challenge slate Shaurice Bacon, Gregory Blake, Lynda Bluestein, Donna M. Curran, Dione T. Dwyer, JoAnn R. Kennedy, Michael R. Raleigh, Jenny Valencia, Diane M. Vulcano.
On March 6th, 6 of 10 town committee districts will forge primaries. Bridgeport’s 90-member DTC endorses candidates for public office and selects party officers. These battles are not winner take all. Electors in the respective districts can choose from any 9 among 18 candidates. So when polls close primary night a mixed bag of slate winners could occur.
Absentee ballots, as well, become a premium and both slates in the 130th District are working them. As of late last week about 170 absentee ballots have been requested in that district. The district has two voting precincts, Black Rock School and Aquaculture School.
District candidates follow listed by Slate B and C. No Slate A because no party endorsements in this process. Democratic electors in the respective districts are eligible to vote.
130th District, Black Rock/West End:
Slate B: Eric M. Amado Jr., Scott Burns, Joy A. Cline, Anne H. Larcheveque, JoAnn Manzo, Michael S. Meehan, Thomas A. Mulligan Jr., Daniel S. Roach, Shaquana Shaw.
Slate C: Shaurice Bacon, Gregory Blake, Lynda Bluestein, Donna M. Curran, Dione T. Dwyer, JoAnn R. Kennedy, Michael R. Raleigh, Jenny Valencia, Diane M. Vulcano.
131st District, South End/Downtown/West End:
Slate B: Jack O. Banta, Paul R. Boucher, Tommika Leak, Genoveva Miranda-Torres, Jose A. Negron Sr., Glenn Pettway, Mitchell Robles, Eric M. Simmons, Denese Taylor-Moye.
Slate C: Mdsufian Ahmed, Mary L. Bruce, Jorge Cruz Sr., Shavonne Davis, Frances Demery, Travis M. Harden, Scott Hughes, Omari O. McPherson, Melody Thergood.
132nd District, West Side:
Slate B: Carolyn D. Askew, M. Evette Brantley, Julian T. Brown, Michael D. Freddino Jr., Anthony J. Lancia Sr., John W. Olson, Elaine Pivirotto, Rolanda Smith, Reginald F. Walker.
Slate C: Lillian M. Alves, Marcus A. Brown, Rosie A. Clarke-Jones, Robert F. Distasi, Braxton T. Gardner, Antoinette Giles, Robert Halstead, Eva J. McLeod, Lisa Parziale.
133rd District, North End:
Slate B: Albertina Baptista, Michael A. DeFilippo, Patrick Gorrell, Jeanette Herron, Hernan F. Illingworth, Sabrine Kuczo, Thomas C. McCarthy, Samantha R. Nelson, Wayne Rodriguez.
Slate C: Jessica R. Allen, Sandra J. Carolina, Vincent DiPalma, Joseph Goldberg, Gail Janensch, Robert T. Keeley, Claire Mastromonaco, Anne Pappa-Phillips, Leighton O. Reynolds.
135th District: Whiskey Hill/North End:
Slate B: Robert A. Anderson Sr., Harry A. Bell, Darrett Evans Moss, Linda G. Jones, Wilfred E. Murphy, Doris R. Nelson, Stephen M. Nelson, Carmen D. Roman-Hatton, Arnold L. Whitaker Sr.
Slate C: Lisa Anderson, Audrey M. Barr, Keisha Burks, Tomeekha Gee, Warren Godbolt, Mary McBride-Lee, Waith K. Mitchell, Charlie L. Stallworth, Ruth M. Vines.
138th District, Upper East Side:
Slate B: Jacqueline Abrams, Timothy L. Bassey, Daniel C. Faber, Charles E. Hare, Sarah Lewis (not this Sarah Lewis), Helen Olga Losak, Maria H. Pereira, Michele L. Small, Samia G. Suliman.
Slate C: Tony Barr, Tyreke Bird, Abraham Duque, Dolores Fonseca, Rafael Fonseca Jr., Kevin Monks, Anthony Robert Paoletto, Martha Santiago, Nessah Smith.
Ron Mackey // Feb 24, 2018 at 3:18 pm
On the top line in the 130th district Michael S. Meehan is a good guy.
To be clear, I was just pointing out one person on that slate, just one.
Jimfox // Feb 25, 2018 at 9:57 am
Just another Roachette with 23 plus years on the Black Rock DTC.
He’s so far up Roach’s Ass, he can give Danny a Tonsillectomy!
Joe Ganim and Mario Testa’s Oligarchy, needs these spongers, to work the unscrupulous Testa AB system, in Black Rock!
So if your door bell rings and some guy wearing a Clerical Collar wants to take your ( Absentee Ballot) down to City Hall for you, and go’s by the name of Father Mulligan, slam the Flucking Door in his face!!
This contest is growing ugly. The candidate choices are pitting neighbor against neighbor.
Let the Good Himes Roll!
The Challenge Slate never replied to my question about a casino.
Has your article on MGM been published yet, to provide instruction and information to the average citizen? Has Line B held forth on this current issue or any other issue affecting the neighborhood or broader community for years? Take a few breaths. Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer. The Challenge Slate has put out more info about its purpose and plans than any DTC slate in the 130 for years. Yet you have not cared to comment on that difference. Habits are difficult to change but necessary in the light of the pace of the world (Tom Friedman newbook) for to survive we must adapt as never before. Time will tell.
John-Here’s my published piece from October?
Time has been told!
Interesting, Himes has said, more than once when asked to endorse a Bridgeport candidate for office, he didn’t get involved in local elections.
Now he’s speaking from the other side of his mouth.
Not necessarily, he didn’t run on this issue, people change and evolve
I’m just curious why …although he makes a compelling supporting argument.
Hi Jennifer… I don’t find it compelling. Jim Himes is all over TV talking about Trump,The various investigations into Trump INC,the gun debate and Jim Himes is very much involvedn with who will be the next Democratic leader after Nancy Pelosi. It’s quite telling that NONE of the CT.Reps(House and Senate) had absolutely no interest in the race for CT. Governor.
Hey Frank, I give him credit for the loyalty endorsement vote – not a ringing endorsement for sure.
Jim Himes is thinking about his next re-election campaign. The Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee is Old Reliable, the one party committee that can deliver the votes when it comes to tight elections. He’s thinking about job security.
Of course he is, he has never had to endorse a candidate to get Bridgeport votes before, doubt he needs to now.
If you read Jim Himes’ past 18 months of work or lack of work for the people you would think he was running for president the way he is obsessed with President Trump. Maybe it’s his re-election strategy to show the people he does not like the President and that in my opinion isn’t working for the betterment of the people. But hey, that strategy may work for his constitutes.
Apparently Jim Himes doesn’t speak the truth. I wonder if he knows the depth of commitment many Bridgeport Democrats have for the Challengers – in all the districts. I know that in our 130th race we get a pretty warm welcome when we get to speak with voters and explain who we are and why we are running.
I wonder if Jim Himes knows the depth of corruption in the DTC…
Hahahahaha! Again, hahahahaha.
Just remember Black Rock, it was Danny Roach who gave us the highest Tax increase in Black Rocks history with his appointment to the CC (Bloods thicker then water) with his baby sister Katie (Roach) Bukovsky and Scott Burns, these two gave away 40 year Tax abatement’s like it was candy!
Scott and Katie voted the way they were told to, period. End of story.
Sonny, baloney. No matter the mayor in 2016, no matter the council members in 2016, Black Rock was gonna be poisoned by the revaluation that was implemented and no amount of cutting was gonna change that, not by you, David Walker, or any of the Black Rockers who didn’t even bother showing to a public hearing before the budget was passed in 2016. Why did then-Mayor Bill Finch persuade the state legislature and Governor Dan Malloy to delay reval for two years in 2014? Because he did not want to face the voter emasculation that would have occurred if reval was implemented in the 2015 election year. He lost, anyway. So he left the mess for Joe Ganim and the City Council.
Lennie Joe Ganim and Bill Finch have and are playing with the numbers. The people of Bridgeport are being screwed left and right. in a way its their own vault. JML warned the people of this city that they were being hood winked by these numbers that the administration put forth. We showed the people of Bridgeport how they were hiding money in ghost positions and in overtime accounts. these people are liars and cheats.
I have always objected to the reevaluation company that BPT uses.They use far too many economic factors from the rest of Fairfield County. So..let’s talk about the re-evaluation company that BPT has used. this is another thing that the BPT City Council should look at.
Oust the Roachettes!!
Dave Walker for Governor!!!
Baloney to you to Lennie.
If the two council people in the Black Rock stepped up and voted against the recall some things may have been different.
Instead, just by going along, they got what they deserved.
You can not tell me if a few more districts joined the Black Rock in protesting they could not have cut some spending.
They could have adjusted the reval by 10% to immediately reflect the drop in appreciation or done some other things such as phasing the reveal in to lessen the impact.
They just went along and did what they were told.
And the result was one chose not to run and they other one was beaten at the polls. Enough said.
Troll, if Black Rockers had come out in droves during the public hearing portion of the budget instead of staying home it could have had some impact, but you make it sound like there could have been dramatic change in the reval process. There would not have been. No matter the mayor or council members Black Rock was getting hit hard in reval. How many times in 2014 did I write about Finch pushing off reval for two years and reasons why? Black Rockers came out to squawk in 2016 after the budget was passed, not before. John Marshall Lee and Michael Bottillo were the only two residents who showed up to the public hearing. A phase in of reval has its proponents and detractors. And Scott Burns was not crushed at the polls as you had predicted. Pete Spain barely got in, despite the so-called neighborhood hostility. http://onlyinbridgeport.com/wordpress/crickets-two-speakers-for-city-council-public-hearing-on-560-million-budget/
Let’s discount the cheating AB’s then you’ve got a fair fight and a much greater margin of victory for the good guys.
Lennie, come on. Blaming constituents for not coming out prior to the tax vote is a complete bs. What constituent that you know of would want a 24% tax hike? What constituent in Black Rock that you know would say, “ok, sounds great”? This is the same bs our so called CC reps at the timwe said to their constituents. Be honest, it would not have mattered if the entire town showed up. It also didn’t help that the Reps, “didn’t know the mill rate set the tax rate.” Sounds like they were in over their heads to begin with. These two also voted to not let the citizens have say in tax abatements?? Who the hell gives up the right to vote on anything these days?? They gave the same excuse, “we didnt know the people would care.” Did they ask? Did they let their constituents know this was happening? Did they reach out to the community prior to casting a vote? Answer is No. Those two did not communicate at all with the 130th and they were ssked from the very start to open communication up so constituents can have say on big decisions. They failed the 130th big time. Constituents made many suggestions to the two of them on why and how they needed to stay on top of communicatin. They both agreed and were never heard from again. Burns claimed he spent 18,000.00, his stipend, on making copies of papers. Really, and not one was a news letter or up date for constiteunts. Please dont blame the citizens, it was their job to communicate. Had we been informed, ee would have shown up. Sorry for typos.
Mary, it’s not BS, it’s fact. If you want to influence how public officials respond to, and vote on, a budget proposal, you show up during the budget process, not after the budget is approved. Public officials have a duty to inform. Taxpayers have a right to squawk. I do my best with this platform to inform the public about public hearings. It’s better to howl during the budget process. So, if you had a choice to complain before or after, what would you do? If your answer is after the fact, then, yes, there’s plenty of blame to go around.
Lennie, i never heard about the public hearing until after the votes were cast. In this day and age our 2 reps had a million ways to inform people of a public hearing and they did nothing. Most of the citizens i spoke to had no idea there was a public hearing. Again, had we known, we would have been there. Like you said, “Pubic officials have a duty to inform.” That was the part that did not happen.
Mary,l think Lennie has 9 horses in this race.
Thank you, Sonny. I can always count on you to crush my cashews.
I dont know if i should laugh, cry or never eat a cashew again. ????????
Lennie, You know that I have showed up for years now, during the budget process, and outside of the budget process. As a matter of fact there were nights during regular sessions where Cecile,CLyde and I might be the only folks present to talk. NO LONGER>>>
The City has found a voice? You think? Wonder why….could it be that Joe is out of town too often….calls meetings and press conferences together at the last moment, ignores hands raised at the last meeting where the subject was the SURPLUS!!!!
And under McCarthy (as ten year CITY COUNCIL Chieftain who made the rules with a smile on his face and no care for OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE, TRANSPARENT and HONEST governance) was happy to disallow the public through instructions to CoChairs and c ouncil rules to ignore questions or comments into the public record from interested public???
And so opposition has come out of the City woodwork, without a party from out of town, but from some locals who know it can be and needs to be done differently than the DTC has gotten so comfortable with. And the opposition is younger than, and represents more diverse groups not currently being represented, including females, and does not count on those who have City jobs and benefits in their families, and perhaps allows some pushback against some forms of “white supremacy”?? That may exist in the City of Bridgeport?
Taxation without representation is an honored American reason for revolt. In the 130th, the DTC Chair’s wife has declared in a facebook entry”You are all disgusting. Blackrock has always been represented by the best in the City always FINE people.” And so on ,”You need to here (sic) all the credentials of Danny Roach’s SLATE. EVERYONE IS INDEPENDENT OF THEIR OWN OPINION.” “YOUR SLATE HAS NO FACTS. JUST FALSE MARKETING………..”
Do you ever wish that someone had a chance to edit? A chance for a do-over? It is almost as if someone has been taking notes from the Presidential playbook – 2018, isn’t it? Could it be that Black Rock is a larger area with more organizations, interests and activities than has come to the notice of a handful of privileged neighbors? Is ‘waking up’ sometimes hard to do? What changes may be necessary? As someone said, I think TBK, isn’t the privilege we all share, being an American citizen in this time, the privilege of significance? Time will tell.
I must say that it’s good to know that Congressman Jim Himes does NOT believe in diversity for the DTC members in the 130th district because his loyalty to Danny Roach. Well, now it’s time for the black and Hispanic community to show Congressman Jim Himes at election time that we have NO need to vote for him because he can’t be loyal to us, so the hell with Jim Himes.
Tell it, brother!
Gee, Gary, and what do you call your precious Donald Trump?
LG Id’ love to comment on your thoughts and praises you make but you’re a hit and run contributor.
If we voted for Hillary we’d have. President under constant constant investigation. That’s what Trump said. “What have you got to lose?” he asked. So now he’s POTUS. As such he and his administration have been under constant investigation by the FBI and Special Council Robert Mueller. Rick Gates and Michael Flynn have pled guilty and agreed to cooperate with the investigation. Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, has been charged with enough felonies to put him behind bars until Doomsday.
And the band played on…
By the way I call him, President Trump.
You’re in the minority. We don’t have a president, we have an OCCUPANT in the White House.
Ah, President Pinocchio.
Pinocchio, as in a liar? U.S. Presidents don’t lie they change their mind.
Trump is a documented pathological liar.
Ron, so this move makes me wonder what’s going on with vote promises to cause Himes to make this unprecedented and risky move? The muscle behind this slate offered Torres the State Rep seat held by Stafstrom if he’d leave the last mayors race. The Foster – Torres votes combined weren’t as many as JG2, so who’s making what promises? I know Himes doesn’t think just because MJ Foster and I left town the Smut Busters Aka Black Rock Bitches no longer exist. Find out – don’t make me come back there!
I have never liked Jim Himes.
Himes just made a mistake. Himes should not be getting involved in this level of political organization. I am guessing that he got a call to do this. Well,tomorrow I am calling Himes office. I will directly ask Himes to retract his endorsement.
An extremely interesting development. It would appear that Congressman Himes is looking forward into his crystal ball and seeing a much more proactive, resurgent Bridgeport. I believe that this is part of his attempt to get on the right side of the Bridgeport casino issue and ride the wave of political/economic power that Bridgeport’s casino-driven redevelopment will bring to Bridgeport…
This also suggests that Greenwich is reading the regional economic tea leaves and recognizes that the combination of electoral and economic power about to be unleashed in Bridgeport will mandate regional power-sharing and respect for Bridgeport… Also very interesting implications for the gubernatorial race…
I’m beginning to regain respect for Jim Himes as a politician and his finance-industry-background prognosticating abilities…
Himes’ stock and Bridgeport stock are both poised to enjoy a long, high “buy” ride…
Did the challenge slate oppose the casino?
OHHH…come on… Jeff Kohut. This is basic raw knuckles politics. Jim Himes got a call to do what Mario wants him to do for future BPT votes. Jim Himes does not realize the big split coming up in BPT DEM politics.
Lennie, you say Himes made his statement “on behalf of Roach” and that retired police captain McCarthy also “lent his voice for Roach.” Were these two statements part of some sort of press release, or were they told to you ? I think your readers would love to know where this comes from and see the full context. Thanks. – Madeline Dennis Raleigh
I noticed that. Issued statements aren’t the same as appearing on the Sunday morning gab shows.
Madeline, the quotes I shared are/will be used at doors, upcoming mail pieces, Facebook posts etc. As noted in the story Himes lent his name in support of Roach, not the Roach slate. Your State Rep. Steve Stafstrom whom you’ve written many positive things about is supporting the Roach slate. State Senator Marilyn Moore, a noble public servant, is supporting the slate of your husband who opposes Roach. If Himes, Stafstrom, Moore, or anyone else in the process want to refute anything I’ve reported, I’m all ears.
Lennie, C’mon Man, that’s spin, you know when Congressman Jim Himes said,
“Danny Roach is a good friend whose strong support I could always rely on during tough campaigns,” says Himes in a statement on behalf of Roach. “His longstanding commitment to the Democratic Party in Black Rock is admirable and much appreciated.” Hines is clearly endorsing Danny Roach entire slate why else would Hines endorse just one person, Hines could have made his loyalty comment on April 1, 2018 but no, it’s solely meant to endorse Danny Roach’s entire slate.
Ron, did it occur to you Himes stepped up for Roach because he has a strong relationship with him, and perhaps not all slate members? On the other hand Marilyn Moore endorsed an entire slate. Marilyn doesn’t know all the slate members that well. But she endorsed an entire slate because she earned her stripes as anti-establishment and she’s looking down the road for a possible mayoral run. Nothing wrong with that.
Lennie, no, I don’t believe that at all, there’s a strong wind blowing in Bridgeport and in the Democratic Town Committee, a wind of change which started in the last election for the City Council. Joe Ganim, Mario Testa and Joe Ganim are all running scare because of that wind of change. There will be major changes in the makeup of the DTC. I’m sure that Hines didn’t just come out of the woodwork to endorse Danny Roach.
John from Black Rock got it right when he said, “all the candidates running in the 130th will also likely be supporting Himes, he should have stayed out of the primary.” Somebody told Hines that he must help Danny Roach because a change is in the air.
Ron, do you think there’s enough wind of change to unseat Mario Testa as town chair?
Lenny is it possible, just possible that Marilyn Moore thinks the challenge late are better candidates? There’s nothing nefarious about that is?
It’s smart politics for Marilyn to build relationships as she ponders a mayoral run in 2019.
Jennie, Ganim has been busy hiring a number of old City workers who are also workers during elections for Mario, that’s the magic sauce that keeps Mario as the DTC chairman. Democrats like winning but they are tired of that same old game, so yes Mario can be defeated but if he wins it will be a much closer election of New DTC members that he can’t control.
I think so, Lennie. The challenging slate nd the movements opposing the status quo are motivated by personal belief. It’s a cause for them.
I’ve always supported Jim Himes and will probably continue to do so.
However, as all the candidates running in the 130th will also likely be supporting Himes, he should have stayed out of the primary.
As for me, I’ll will be splitting my ticket. There are good people on both slates and I will vote accordingly.
Of course Himes doesn’t believe in diversity he just hired his first only Black for his DC office just recently. Its a female with Bridgeport roots who was hired as a receptionist. DAMN shame for a Congressman who depends on the Black urban vote. Just another Democrat politician’s effort with pimpafication of the Black vote.
Geeze Don, Himes is from Greenich. What did you expect?
Lennie, as a good reporter and base on the comments and made on OIB on Hines support for Danny Roach in the upcoming DTC election, why did he decide to endorse Roach and does that support include the entire slate of Danny Roach? Again, I still maintain that Congressman Jim Himes does NOT believe in diversity for the DTC members in the 130th district because his loyalty to Danny Roach.
Lennie, you did not answer my question. You deflected from it. For the sake of journalistic transparency, I think your readers would love to know how you obtained these Himes and McCarthy quotes, and would like to know the full context. Thanks. Madeline
Journalistic transparency? Madeline, what do you know about that? I care about one thing: is it accurate? If you can show that what I’ve shared is inaccurate produce proof and I’ll report it. I don’t give up my sources.
Careful Lennie. Madeline might unleash Phineas T. Barnum, her alter ego…
Will you be Trolling for votes in Branford?
LG are you in line to be on Mr. Himes’ staff/adviser for his campaign and or further if he wins?
How ’bout you, Gary? Gonna get appointed Secratary of Apple a Polishing with the Trump administration? You know how he can never have enough ass kissers.
No thank you, I don’t like apples.
How are you on ass kissing?
Gary, you’re the berries, and I appreciate your conservative credentials. Let’s see now, the past 10 years of OIB’s existence I’ve been accused of payroll pandering for Jodi Rell, Bill Finch, Chris Shays, Linda McMahon, Chris Murphy, Joe Ganim, David Walker, now I’m in line for a Himes staff position? Nope. I can tell you, in case it’s passed you by that I worked for Donald Trump for four years. The client-consultant relationship I had with him was good. I just don’t like him as president. He’s a Pinocchio president.
LG, your contributions to this story, the defenses you are offering and putting up makes it appears you have a horse in this race. —-Just my observation.
If you do decide to get back on the political stage, consider stage right for long term re-employment.
Gary, no pony in this battle. Good people on both slates. I haven’t left the political stage. I just do it from here mostly where OIB provides a political outlet, points of view, and give and take, although I have advised a number of candidates throughout the years, both Democrat and Republican.
True story (about you) Lennie. It’s most annoying when you’re suddenly the voice of reason for the “other side” on any issue. Wouldn’t want you any other way…usually.
Bepo IN The No? No one from the bottom line has answered my question regarding their position on a Bridgeport casino? If they prevail will they endorse a pro-casino casino?
Has this slate been sworn to a Loyalty Oath!
How about Line B?
Did everyone tell you that they will vote again ANYONE who does not support a Bridgeport Casino?
Even if there is no payment to the city?
Even if there is no commitment for real jobs for Bridgeport residents?
What’s in your wallet??? Or is it WHO?
You’re in Tribes pocket!
Journalistic transparency, eh? You should talk.
Someone needs to remind Jim Himes who was there for him the first time he ran. I can remember a meet and greet over at a restaurant on the East Side.
I didn’t see Danny Roach there.
I didn’t see any members of Slate B there.
I know Ed Gomes and U were there. Maybe it time to test the waters for a more liberal candidate who will remember more than just the last time.
Bob, the hell with Jim Hines, he is showing his true color. Bob you got it right, it time to test the waters for a more liberal candidate who will remember more than just the last time.
Jim Himes will be painted as a careerist politician more interested in preserving the status quo of corruption and political favoritism in Bridgeport than serving the interests of the people of the city of Bridgeport.
I know Danny Roach. He is a good man, looks out for the neighborhood. Be that as it may he is still district leader of a town committee that saddled us with Joseph P. Ganim for a second time. The city is moldering under the complacency of his leadership. It doesn’t help that he is shaking money trees all over the state, gathering nuts and leaves for his futile effort to be the first convicted felon elected to the governor’s office.
And I do not mean to minimize any one else’s input the first time.
I know Marilyn Moore was with him also. As a matter of fact she had a lot of input in putting together his office when he won.
Seems like a lot of people forgot what happened that first time.
Its Slate C For CHANGE that I am supporting.
Danny Roach has been around for a long, long time and Bridgeport really has nothing to show for it.
Police Commissioner for life.
DTC member for life.
A job for his wife.
A job for Danny. And when he could fulfill that requirements of that job, he got another.
When will people open their eyes and say enough is enough.
Of course maybe Jim Himes thins that this is the way it supposed to be in Bridgeport.
This is going to be a colorful contest.
I just called Congressman Himes’ office in Bridgeport and talked to a staffer and let the staffer know my dissatisfaction with Himes endorsement of Roach and Company and told the staffer that I will not vote for Himes this November 2018. I,almost assuredly,will not vote for the Republican/Trumpist candidate. Phone number for Congressman Himes Bridgeport office is 203-333-6600
Way to go, Frank!
I pay $6,000 a year in taxes.
That may not buy me a right to vote but I believe it gives me a right to complain.
Write! You sure do get a lot for your money to complain. Sorry that I can’t break bread this week. Just Balls!
Only $6,000? Low, Troll. You shouldn’t be complaining, you should be grateful.
Yeah but he wanted a swimming pool.
I saved 15% on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
Those who attain power do not like to lose it. The DTC elections could change the direction of coty policies for decades to come. Mario the Evil Emperor must assist Little Joe in his effort to lose the Democratic nomination for governor. Testa has been known to employ every sleazy trick in the book to maintain control of the DTC, the manipulation of absentee ballots to raising the dead. Pardon me for not thinking he will not try it again. The Secratary of State is sitting this one out. Denise Merrill doesn’t want to upset the careful of rotten apples. The Democratic ROV is in Mario’s pocket.
The best remedy for this situation is vigilance. Everyone involved must keep a keen eye for any and ll malfeasance.
I betting that When the situation deteriorates or becomes desperate; when drastic measures are needed. When push comes to shove, 1/2 of Row B
will start A (Bullet Vote campaign) for Roach, Mulligan, Meehan , and Manzo the quarter century club.
Row C may do the same?
This is Himes punching down. A sitting US Congressman should not be getting involved with a local DTC race. Considering he is on the intelligence committee and is getting alot of TV time on MSNBC; he should focus on bigger fish.
Can someone please explain to me what Danny Roach has ever really contributed to the city of Bridgeport. Has he organized activities that impacted youth or education? Has he volunteered for any meaningful non-profit or shown up somewhere that was not because of his city appointed job but because he genuinely wanted to be a contribute.
These are real questions? Besides political ties, why he he considered influential?
Mr. Ayala, I could tell you Mr. Himes has done NOTHING for the children’s education. As a matter of FACT he has been detrimental to the education system.
Mr. Himes quote, “Common Core is an amazing wonderful thing”, speaks loud and clear about his continuous failures and letdowns to the kids’ education. Follow his money and you’ll find his heart.
I submit, Mr. Ayala, that you know little of Bridgeport, Black Rock, or Danny Roach. He has been a driving force in his city and neighborhood for years.
Maybe you can ask the 200-300 underprivileged families he helps feed every year at Thanksgiving time. Voluntarism on Fire and Police Commissions, plus CT Visiting Nurse Services.
Simply put: When a person has served the community (without shouting about it) for decades, he gains well-deserved influence.
Consider doing your homework, sir.
Mr. Roach is to be lauded for his community spirit. No one can fault him for that. The real crux of the biscuit is the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, a political organization so corrupt it would make Big Tim Sullivan blush. We need fresh blood here, in the mayor’s office, in the City Council, and both party committees.
The backlash isn’t about Daniel Roach, it is about Jim Himes endorsing a corrupt party organization, the same one that re-elected a convicted felon.
Get YOUR facts straight, Mr. Halloran.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, back to school bookbag days and other forms of occasional philanthropic doing-good are ways of being charitable, historically. Don’t knock it, right? But does it deal with the underlying problem or is it as some call it, toxic charity?? Ignoring that….more serious issues….
So, have Danny or other of the DTC Line B slate been out at budget time to talk about the flat lined education budget that serves as a severe limitation on the lives of Bridgeport youth? Has he as Police Commission chair told the public what moving Police Pension B to State MERS has cost the City by allowing OVERTIME TO BECOME PENSIONABLE? Did he talk about more than $200 Million more on our bonded backs? And three years ago, why did he allow civilian control of POLICE Department to slip away from the Commission without putting up a fight?? Where are those answers? Time will tell.