GOP Chair To City Council: Act Rationally And Lawfully About ‘Sanctuary City’

Republican Town Chairman Mike Garrett, in a letter to City Council members, is urging the legislative body to “speak on behalf of all residents of Bridgeport, those who are American citizens and those who wish to become American citizens by demanding that Connecticut’s congressional delegation make immigration reform their priority, not by joining marches or protests and making statements of support, but through the legislative role they were elected to do.”

From Garrett:

“We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws.”

These words are from President Bill Clinton’s State of the Union address in 1995. These words are often repeated to express how torn that reasonable Americans feel about balancing our welcoming of immigrants and the need for laws to establish guidelines.

The Bridgeport City Council is currently weighing the prospect of declaring Bridgeport a ‘sanctuary city.’ The City Council claims they want to protect Bridgeport’s most vulnerable residents, the so-called illegal immigrant. However, they are already protected by the 14th amendment to the Constitution, “… nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Therefore, Illegal immigrants are protected by the law, but they are not above the law.

The word ‘immigrant’ is being misused in this debate. Meriam-Webster defines an immigrant as “a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence.” You attain permanent residence status by attaining a “green card,” which authorizes the green card holder the right to live and work in the United States indefinitely. The other path to permanent residence is to apply to become a U.S. citizen through the process of Naturalization.

The correct term, illegal alien, is defined as “a foreign person who is living in a country without having official permission to live there.” Illegal aliens/immigrants cannot avail themselves of these paths to permanent residence as they have entered the country illegally or overstayed their temporary U.S. visa.

Rather than embracing an emotional act of defiance by declaring Bridgeport a ‘sanctuary city’ and refusing to comply with immigration laws, we urge the city council to act rationally and lawfully.

Immigration reform is the ultimate lawful solution, but has been long on rhetoric and short on action. An act of defiance is not the solution.

We urge you as the legislative body of the City of Bridgeport to speak on behalf of all residents of Bridgeport, those who are American citizens and those who wish to become American citizens by demanding that Connecticut’s congressional delegation make immigration reform their priority, not by joining marches or protests and making statements of support, but through the legislative role they were elected to do.

Your statement will have added weight if you hand-deliver it to the Connecticut  congressional delegation while, presumably, city council members attend the National League of Cities Congressional Cities Conference in March.



  1. There is no reason I can see for Bridgeport becoming a Sanctuary city. How does it benefit the taxpayers of Bridgeport? Who is going to pay for the potential overcrowding of our schools? Who is going to help the PD? Also, who will help the FD? While 98% of the immigrants would be law-abiding what about the felons this city would be hiding? If the feds stop sending us money because we are a sanctuary city, WHAT THEN?

      1. They do work that Americans won’t do, manual labor jobs that are hard with low pay and no benefits. Businesses depend on those workers in order to make a profit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mario Testa has illegal immigrants washing dishes at his restaurant, Testo’s, and the same for some other restaurants in Bridgeport.

  2. I’m still on the fence concerning Bpt becoming a sanctuary city and its plus or negative outcome, if any. Immigration times have changed as far as the laws of the land, the numbers of immigrants coming into America, the jobs and housing along with free public education for their kids. And most of all, Homeland Security measures to prepare and protect American citizens from terrorist attacks from abroad, visitors or home-grown “immigrants” who have become radicalized! It’s not the same times of Ellis Island days nor the same liberty-seeking frame of mind that past immigrants shared in America’s past. This is a different mindset world where the weather, religious brainwashing, politics, energy needs, poor people’s needs and the nuke race among the superpower countries all play a part in all the negative happenings in the world today! Now other things and concerns must be brought to mind besides it being the right Christian thing to do as was in the past! Americans must start thinking in a survival way and realizing there are many ways for large disasters to strike here in America and cause chaos and confusion among our citizens. *** For the Trump Admin, it’s not so much what you do but how you do it, no? ***

  3. The only people living in this country who are NOT illegal immigrants are the Indians who are indigenous to this country.

    The rest of us are here “illegally.”

  4. *** The strong have always taken advantage of and preyed on the weak, it’s happened throughout history! Americans called it expanding the civilized world over savages and spreading white religious beliefs, no? ***


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