City government and politics can sometimes be a contact sport when passions run high, but things got a little too physical two weeks ago, according to several City Council members, after the legislative body torpedoed a tax abatement deal advanced by Mayor Bill Finch. Councilman Bob Halstead, a Finch critic, declared at the start of Monday’s council session that he “observed a flagrant display of hostility on the part of Mayor Bill Finch that culminated in an actual physical assault on one of our Council members” (Alfredo Castillo). Castillo says the mayor “grabbed me from the neck” but they’re good. Finch apologized.
Finch and Halstead, South End roommates decades ago, are no longer buds. The attached video produced by the public access Sound View Community Media captures the May 4 meeting when the City Council rejected a tax abatement plan supported by Finch on behalf of an East Side development. It does not show the incident in question at the conclusion of the council meeting when the mayor apparently confronted City Councilmen Jose Casco and Alfredo Castillo for their no votes. The 30 minute mark reveals the opposition by councilors Halstead and Enrique Torres. At approximately the 37 minute mark the mayor weighs in urging passage of the tax arrangement. The council rejected the abatement 10-8. The mayor, with a look in the direction of Castillo following his no vote, expresses disappointment and then appears to walk in the direction of Castillo, but the camera does not follow up at the close of the meeting.

Several OIB sources say in conversations with Castillo that he was irritated at Finch for the confrontation. The mayor has apologized.
Castillo himself says everything is okay: no harm, no foul, according to comments he made to CT Post reporter Brian Lockhart:
Casco in an interview said the mayor owes he and Castillo an apology but admitted he has not sought one.
“I don’t want this to happen again,” Casco said. “I don’t like the way he came to us, the way he approached us, the way he spoke to us. He’s not supposed to come and say, ‘Why did you vote against? Why are you not in favor? Why are you not with me?’ We represent our community. We’re not representing him.”
But Castillo, who was clearly initially upset with Finch but until Monday had not wanted to discuss what happened in the press, said the mayor phoned him the day after the May 4 council meeting and apologized.
“Yeah, he grabbed me from the neck,” Castillo said. “I guess he thought I was going to vote ‘yes’ on it. He called me as a friend and said, ‘Fredo, I’m sorry, I was out of line.’ He apologized. He didn’t hurt me. … We just want to move the city forward. I’m not here to bash him. We’re good.”
Lockhart story here.
Halstead statement:
On the evening of our previous Council Meeting, Monday, May 4, 2015, I observed a flagrant display of hostility on the part of Mayor Bill Finch that culminated in an actual physical assault on one of our Council members. This act occurred after a lengthy debate on the Council floor and a roll call vote that narrowly defeated the Mayor’s resolution for a tax abatement for a developer.
Immediately upon adjournment, the Mayor slammed articles about the podium, stormed over to the seats of Councilmen Castillo and Casco, verbally chastised them, put his hand onto Councilman Castillo’s neck in a hostile manner and pushed the chair that Councilman Castillo was sitting in.
I am appalled by this behavior on the part of our chief elected official, consider it bullying and I call upon the Mayor to make a public apology for this particular incident as that being unbecoming of a chief elected official to the individuals involved and to the Council as a whole.
I call upon the president of the Council to convene a meeting to discuss this incident and to establish rules and protocol that would in the future govern any inappropriate behavior on the part of our chief elected officials.
I am also requesting that any filming that may have caught this event be made available for the Council and for the general public.
I am requesting that my statement hereby becomes part of the public record.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Finch statement:
“After council meetings, I regularly chat with members about what occurred during the meeting, in addition to other issues. Following adjournment of the May 4 meeting, I spoke to a few different council members about variety of topics, including how unfortunate it was that we were unable to find a compromise on Crescent Crossing. It’s a project that involves relocating some Marina Village residents who are currently living in horrendous conditions, including severe flooding, to live in a better place.
“These residents will be moved to a new high-quality housing. Crescent Crossing will revitalize the neighborhood by creating jobs, providing residents with new high-quality housing options, and growing our tax base. Because of how important this development is to residents in need, my discussions with a couple members who were opposed to this job creating project may have been construed as something other than me showing my passion as a champion of our city and its future.
“The bottom line is that I have the utmost respect for Councilman Jose Casco and Councilman Alfredo Castillo. I have spoken to both of them and my relationship with both of them is as strong as ever. They both give their time and energy to making our city a better place as members of our city council. I’m sorry if either of them mistook my passion for this job creating high-quality housing development, which is critical for our city and its future. I look forward to continuing to work well with the Bridgeport city council on the Crescent Crossing project and others in the future. Together, we’re helping to make Bridgeport better every day.
Since when is assault and battery acceptable with the chief executive officer of Connecticut’s LARGEST city?!?!
The Mayor assaulted a LATINO holding a public office. Makes you wonder what he thinks about Latinos in general. He would never have violently assaulted a white Council member.
BptPorter. You are an ass.
A racist and an instigator. You ma’am should be ashamed.
Prove me otherwise Finch attacked a Latino? Yes or No. Has he ever attacked a white council member? Yes or No. And wasn’t it Finch who wanted to stop the Puerto Rican parade?
You are a racist and an instigator. You make it sound like he attacks Puerto Ricans. He also attacks little old ladies and Jews. That Bastard! So you BptPorter as a Latino are not so special! I’m sure he has assaulted a few Portuguese and Hungarians. GET OVER IT.
I am Irish birdbrain, and this article says he attacked a Latino. You should read it again. I don’t know of any time when he grabbed an old lady’s neck or Jew and he never threatened to take away any other parades.
You are Irish? Right.
You are a racist asshole.
I seriously doubt the “laying on of hands” had anything remotely to do with the ethnicity of the Council people. That’s an unnecessary stretch that serves no purpose other than to race bait. We have enough problems here, we don’t need any more racial divides. Shame on anyone who turns this deplorable lapse in judgement racist.
The Mayor appears to have a self-control issue, and he does not even approach the type of role model and spokesperson we need here. It’s time for voters to make a new choice for sure. But this hissy fit was about the votes he thought he had locked and nothing more.
Loved Lydia Martinez’ remarks about charter schools. Remember, Finch was going to build a new Harding for 800 students although there are over 1,100 there now. The building footprint had to be enlarged. Barnum, Waltersville, and Luiz Marin School are at full capacity. Where would the children of an additional 170 families go to school? Disappointed in Mike Marella.
Maria, if you knew the neighborhood and its elected officials as well as you claim, you would not be surprised. No matter who the mayor is, Marella is a suck-up. In this case he has to protect his wife’s $104,000 job with lighthouse.
Andy, I never said I was “surprised,” I said I was disappointed. There is a difference.
If you knew your elected officials, Marella’s vote would have been expected by you.
Hey Steve. I’ll accept your apology now! Guess I wasn’t making it up as you suggested. Finch is off his rocker with fear over Ganim. He is now literally strangling our council members. He’s a joke and can see the writing on the wall. Maybe we should change the name from the Bluefish to the Bridgeport Stranglers. It rings quite well. Then we can do another bobblehead day except one where his head falls off and he wets his pants.
Phantom, I did not call you a liar and no need to apologize. Mayor Finch has a temper. Joe Ganim screwed the city. The difference, Finch supporters know he is a work in progress and he is moving forward. His opening speech was very very inclusive. I am glad he mentioned Ed Lavernoich. A real asset to the city as well as green initiatives. I appreciated his reverence for the Bishop and his life accomplishments. Does this little leak affect me or the voters. Nope! It is most ironic of those throwing stones. Honestly, I do know of activities that are not becoming of other elected officials. At least Mayor Finch does not pull a Chris Christie when talking to constituents or other elected officials. Mr. Halstead’s remarks only excite Ganim supporters and that number are dwindling every day. So I’m getting the game plan. Ernie and friends will try to make Finch into a racist and Foster into a closet Republican. Finch has a temper unworthy of office and Foster is out of touch with her constituents. Our savior will be Joe Ganim, a convicted felon living in Easton who really has a pulse on the poor and indigent. I think Mayor Finch wins hands down. Phantom, if you think I owe you an apology, then I apologize. It is easy to apologize unlike Mayor Ganim who took 10 years to apologize because he wanted to run for Mayor and rented an apartment to show his solid commitment to the city of Bridgeport.
To paraphrase Auerbach: Oopsy.
He effing assaulted someone. When did any other mayor do that? Any other mayor?
Remember when they tried hang Walsh out to dry over a private phone call between two colleagues?
Sounds like Bridgeport could use some Foster care.
Wicca [in response to your post], former mayor turned convicted felon Joe Ganim assaulted the entire City of Bridgeport, the residents and the stakeholders. in the worst way possible. He rapped and looted the city for his personal gain. Obviously, there is no shame in his game. He has not and will not acknowledge and admit what he did (even though he’s been tried and convicted). He only recently dropped his appeal so he can run for mayor. Why? Two key factors here. 1) His wife divorced him. She doesn’t want him back. 2) The Connecticut Bar Association has not accepted him back into the fold either. He has not been granted his license to practice law again. The fact of the matter is Joe Ganim needs job. He has child support and maybe even spousal support to pay. He wants to use Bridgeport, again, for his own personal gain. Why in hell is he even a factor? Why is he even being considered? Look at who some of his major supports are: Ralph Ford, who recently lost his contract with the State due to improprieties. Charlie Stallworth, a pulpit pimp, and then there’s Ernie Newton, the “Moses of his peeps.” He’d been an elected official (from city council, including president, to state rep and state senator) for more than 20 years, but look at the East End. What did he do to help improve the quality of life in that district? I’ll tell you: Squat!
Back to my original point. Joe Ganim has inflicted the most horrendous, insidious assault that can be inflicted: Lie. Cheat. Steal. Repeat. WAKE UP, BRIDGEPORT!!!
And you are assuming I am a Ganim supporter based on what? The fact I am offended by the Mayor’s behavior? That would be an incorrect assumption.
His behavior was and is offensive no matter who anyone is supporting. Finch supporters should be the most mortified.
Valkyrie, Ganim has publicly admitted to his illegal activity. He was specifically asked on a radio show a couple of months ago if he was guilty of what he was convicted. He replied by stating he was guilty.
When you use words like “raped” to describe Ganim’s illegal activities, you are really diminishing what women who have truly been “raped” have endured and been subjected to. There is no comparison to what true rape victims experienced and what you claim Bridgeport residents endured because Ganim took kickbacks from wealthy developers.
I was attacked by a serial rapist when I lived in Philadelphia, but fought him off. He was captured within an hour and I had to identify him. I testified against him in court, however I was able to see the other women he successfully raped outside the courtroom. They were seriously devastated and traumatized. He was convicted and given a lengthy prison term.
I moved back to CT shortly after. Your rhetoric is truly out of line and completely inappropriate.
Maria, thank you for sharing your horrible experience and I am truly grateful you were able to fight off that degenerate. However, Valkyrie’s use of the word rape is not a diminishing of the trauma woman go through. Your story is used to embarrass Valkyrie. The term used was appropriate and has been used by many to describe Ganim’s assault on Bridgeport.
Steve, have you ever been the victim of a rapist? If not, you are not in a better position than I am to speak on behalf of rape victims. The vast majority of women who have been truly raped would find the use of the term “raped” in a political attack offensive and inappropriate.
It completely diminishes women who have truly been traumatized and victimized by rape. I am going to state it again, the use of the term “raped” in order to score political points is highly offensive.
Maria, now you are being ridiculous with the use of the word rape and better you discuss with your therapist than attack Valkyrie for a term that best describes Ganim’s actions.
No, I have never been the victim of a rapist though I understand it happens in prison often.
Nobody on this blog discussed rape in the sense you felt compelled to discuss your almost rape attack.
Finch shouldn’t be a work in progress, he should be a work FOR progress.
Well stated, Steven.
Watching Finch’s facial expressions as he tallies the vote is priceless.
If looks could kill, I believe Castillo and Casco would be dead. The look he shoots the both of them after they voted no clearly shows his disbelief.
His body language, facial expressions, and parting comments clearly shows how agitated he is.
There is nothing new here for people who have to deal with Bill Finch but he’s smart enough not to pull that act on certain people because … this is the side of Bill Finch the public doesn’t see along how much he lies.
This is disgusting, to put his hands on a council member because he didn’t vote the way Finch wanted??? Are you kidding me here??? And Finch saying he wants to get the Marina people housing? Yeah right, he’s real concerned about them, what is really going on here is McClutchy is a major donor to his campaign, the rewas a “wink and a nod,” “I’ll get his sweetheart deal through for you,” and when it got voted down, Finch showed his true colors and unprofessionalism, acting like a child who didn’t get his way, storming off and then assaulting a council member, disgusting.
Harvey, you know that’s disgusting. Getting fucked by Joe Ganim and having former Foster supporters now supporting him. The good news. They don’t deliver votes. You know what’s disgusting, people on this blog making much ado about nothing. Was anyone hurt? Did anyone cry? Was anyone physically abused? Was it really serious, Harvey? This is a joke. Btw I was at Blackham School people only talking about Finch and Foster. Ganim not a peep.
Steve, Rob Traitor, the President of the BEA works at Blackham. The BEA endorsed MJF last time she ran and he is personally an MJF supporter.
Maria, I know that very well. What was the point?
Rob Trabor?
The point is you claimed the adults within Blackham School are focused on Finch and Foster. Rob Traitor is likely influencing his colleagues around MJF. Rob TRAITOR is exactly what I meant to write.
Rob Trabor would never politic at school during the day. I am sure he is supporting MJF. Very few teachers live in Bridgeport and an endorsement from the teachers union does not pan out as history has told us time and time again.
Based on what I read in the article, Mr. Halstead is talking out both sides of his mouth, eg: “I witnessed it” and then reverting to “I didn’t see it, but others told me about it.” Whereupon, it becomes hearsay. If the two individuals who were approached by the Mayor in a manner they personally deem unacceptable, they should be the ones complaining. Instead they chose to accept an apology. I doubt either of them need Mr. Halstead to be their mouthpiece. Mr. Halstead is obviously politically and personally motivated.
Godiva, I just want to share I ran into Castillo on Friday. I asked him if it was true Finch had choked him. He told me that was not true. He said Finch came up behind him after the meeting adjourned, grabbed him by the back of his neck, pushed him and said “thank you” in a nasty way.
He also shared with me Finch had apologized and he accepted the apology. He told me several of his colleagues wanted him to press charges, however he decided not to. This is not hearsay, this was directly from him.
Personally, had Finch laid his hands on me, I would have pressed charges and retained an attorney asap.
Yawn … pressed charges for what!!! I guess Mr. Castillo is a wise man and you and Bob Halstead are Ganim sycophants. 🙂
Steve, whether you acknowledge it or not, Finch assaulted Castillo. You should not be defending this outrageous behavior. It is unprofessional, inappropriate and unlawful.
Maria P., you are absolutely correct. The Mayor’s actions were inappropriate. I would tell him to his face. That being said, I would also mention the excellent editorial in the Connecticut Post by Robert Christoph praising both Mayor Fabrizi and Mayor Finch and the momentum of Steelpointe with many more announcements to be made. Everything else is just background noise.
Maria, that’s the key word. YOU would have taken the matter into your own hands and pressed charges, not have some other nitwit with conflicting statements do it for you.
Torres and Halstead are to be commended for exposing this ridiculous proposal. The developer was going to take acres of land for 65 years at a cost of $1, and they then wanted to pay only a third of the taxes over 35 years while poor and middle class homeowners have to pay 100% of their exorbitant taxes.
Torres is right. True economic development expands the Grand List and generates tax revenue so the average homeowner is granted a level of tax relief.
Finch shouldn’t be praising David Kooris and his team, he should be terminating them for such an outlandish proposal.
I guess we will have to wait until December for that to happen. 🙂
Maria, I’d like to commend Halstead for his support of community gardens and Rick Torres for his great cookies and breakfasts.
Btw, that was a compliment to both. I love community gardens and enjoy breakfast at Harborview Market. Great sandwiches, also.
Maria, September!
Torres and Halstead are on point exposing that ridiculous proposal for a 35-year tax abatement. Thank you, Mr. Torres and Mr. Halstead. True economic development expands the Grand List. And, I agree with Maria Pereira, there’s some terminations that need to take place in OPED, starting with David Kooris. David Kooris is NOT operating in the best interest of Bridgeport. A 35-year tax abatement for a mediocre mixed-use, mixed-income housing development where the developer is receiving a multitude of subsidies, one of which is getting the land in-kind, is outlandish. Kooris talking about there’s no room for negotiation on this. Really? I hear the Council is offering the developer a maximum of 15 years. The developer is haggling and has come down from 35 to 17 years. What does that tell you? The developer can live with 7-10 years. Therefore, the Council needs to stick to the offer of 15 or nothing. Tell the developer “goodbye” and put that project out to bid.
Well this just proves the maturity level of Bill Finch and his ability to work well with those who have a different opinion. Respect is something Mayor Finch must learn. This is not the first time immaturity has hit Mayor Finch in the public arena. I remember his trips to the Board of Education meetings and acting in a childlike manner. He instigated arguments by bringing up facts that had nothing to do with Public School Progression. Finch has lost himself. It looks like a succession is in order.
Hello Godiva. What is wrong with my bringing this incident to the public eye? Does it hurt your man Finch? Steve, stop your foul language on this blog, it puts you in a league with Finch.
Bob, you really should peel your lips from Ganim’s ass. It is not becoming of you.
Shouldn’t we be concerned about real issues like Bristol Palin’s canceled wedding?
Good news. I just spoke to a couple of friends of mine who attended Ganim’s Fundraiser. They are no longer interested. I guess they were very impressed with Blackham School’s new ball park. I never commented on their attending the function as I know many people who just show up for the party. I think they are gravitating between Finch and Foster, but they say they have plenty of time to think it through. I agree!
Yes Steve, I support Ganim. As if this isn’t brazen enough, I also pointed out to the public our mayor attacked a couple of my colleagues and that is an affront to the entire Council and to the people of Bridgeport who deserve better. Thank you very much.
Come on Mr. Halstead, you admittedly didn’t witness this interaction yourself. Those two men are adults, they can handle the matter themselves as they see fit, without your intervention.
I am not a council person but part of the electorate. As a constituent, I am deeply offended by Mayor Finch’s behavior. Who addresses that? As far as I can see the person who did was Halstead.
It’s not a personal issue regarding Casco and Castillo. Finch is our Mayor and that fact makes it public.
Wicca, I agree.
Steve, many could say the exact same thing about you. Maybe you should consider “peeling” your lips from Finch’s ass.
No one promotes their candidate of choice more than you, however you repeatedly attack others for supporting their candidate of choice.
Everyone has a right to choose and support a particular candidate.
Maria, you are correct. You do not hear me saying anything negative about Mary-Jane Foster or her supporters. You do not hear me saying anything negative about Charlie Coviello, David Daniels, Howard Gardner or any of their supporters collectively or individually. I do attack Ganim and his supporters simply because I do not respect individuals supporting a man who betrayed the public trust and think anything a sitting Mayor does comes close to the disgrace. Further, I have never heard a positive comment about our sitting Mayor. JUST PURE DISRESPECT. HOW SAD IS IT GANIM’S MOST STAUNCH SUPPORTERS ALL SUPPORTED Mary-Jane Foster, all anti-Finch. It seems anyone could be their choice. But Ganim??? Yes Maria, you have the right to support any candidate. It is to Mayor Finch’s benefit you do not support him as you are a politician’s worst nightmare. Ganim will disappoint you and you will go after him like a pitbull. You see yourself as this person who can deliver votes and this will be your opportunity to prove yourself wrong. Mayor Finch and Mary-Jane Foster are both more popular than Ganim in your area, and September will prove that point.
First of all, I NEVER supported MJF, and I am a Ganim supporter.
Second of all, I don’t bluff, and I deliver what I commit to deliver.
Third of all, neither MJF nor Finch will win Thomas Hooker.
If you would like to make an additional wager regarding TH, I am more than willing to do so. How much would you like to wager?
Maria, you and I have a bet. I look forward to collecting from both you and Howard Gardner. Ganim winning Hooker? That would be a real joke. I have faith in the voters who live up the street from Finch. They are not fools. Mary-Jane Foster also has strong support. Perhaps while you were getting friendly responses going door to door you forgot Mary-Jane Foster had not yet announced she was running. Also you neglect to understand there are many in the Hooker area who are just now supporting Howard Gardner. Finch already has his base. The anti-Finch vote will be split. Most anti-Finch voters will see Foster as a fresh professional opportunity. Finch has already set the city on a positive path. No voter is going to deliver a victory for Joe Ganim at Hooker or anywhere else.
Steve, based on all the reasons you stated, you appear quite confident MJF and/or Finch will win Thomas Hooker. If you truly believe what you are writing, you will have no problem agreeing to a $1,000 wager.
If you truly believe what you are writing, this an easy $1,000 in your pocket. If you don’t accept the wager, then we know you are bluffing and you don’t have any faith in your candidates.
My commitment is if MJF and/or Finch receive more votes than Ganim at Thomas Hooker on September 16, I will pay you $1,000. If Ganim receives more votes than both MJF and Finch, you will pay me $1,000.
Do we have a bet? If you don’t take the bet we will all know you are full of hot air.
What do you say?
Maria, we already have a bet. I do not bet with money I do not have but I am certain.
Steve, you are absolutely not “certain.” If you were, not having the money to agree to the wager would not matter because it would be me paying you. If you truly believed in what you are stating on this blog you would agree to the wager because it is a guaranteed $1,000 in your pocket.
The fact you refuse to accept the wager informs everyone on OIB you don’t believe your own public statements and they lack any level of credibility.
Enough said.
Maria, only a fool bets with money they don’t have. Ganimw will not win. The campaign has not even started. Perhaps you would like to contribute that $1000 to Ganim?
Steve, there are many who would say only a “fool” would make statements that have no basis in fact, or in reality for that matter. You refuse to accept the bet because you know you will lose $1,000. That is a “fact” and a “reality” you are unwilling to acknowledge. Nothing more, nothing less.
Maria, you are correct in saying Rick Torres was right, and there are many other times he has been right. Maybe we should start including his name when we talk November.
So Mayor Finch is willing to let the tax burden hit many of the citizens of Bridgeport hard because he wants progress. These companies have the resources to build brand-new apartment complexes but yet I am to believe they do not have the monetary backing to pay city taxes?
The layout of this development is not even clearly presented to the residents of a community they wish to move. They are receiving Superstorm Sandy relief money, money that is deserved to go to the people of this city, without any report of the funds being shifted towards this organization? This is proof of lack of transparency. Councilwoman Taylor-Moye discussed transparency, where is it? The very community you served is most likely unaware that this is occurring. I live in her district and didn’t know this was occurring.
Bring transparency.
Nice to see John Gomes standing behind Halstead. Just another disappointment.
Steve, I am citizen who sees so much more potential in a city I have called home all my life. Is it too much to ask for paperwork, and other items pertinent to the spending of Federal dollars allocated to make better conditions for our city?
BRIGHT FUTURE. Absolutely not.
I’m glad the City Council members took the time to question this project and to reject it because there are too many questions that must be answered. Let me give credit to Rick Torres for his questions. The rents for this project are based on Greenwich which will greatly increase the rentals for this Bridgeport housing deal. There must be a complete detail report given to the City Council and the taxpayers about Super Storm Sandy. What are the guidelines for receiving this money and the guidelines for its spending? Past money from “Sandy” was for those homes and property of those who were harmed by “Sandy,” now these funds are going to developers, no, something is wrong here and there must be answers before Bridgeport goes any further.
City Attorney Hamilton Burger claimed the City Council’s vote to be advisory. But it mattered enough for Finch to schedule a do-over meeting, so the Greenwich Millionaires and his staff could again try to gain City Council support.
Auerbach, back off with your foul mouth.
Bob, did you forget you made that comment to me? Attending too many Ganim “parties.” There are no kind words to use to describe what Joseph P. Ganim did to this city without using FOUL language. I hardly believe these words offend you even when you are thinking clearly.
Maybe if you wrote it in Yiddish?
Bob, ir zent a tokhes.
Yes actually, you directed your foul mouth at me, not Ganim, and I demand an apology.
You are demanding an apology? Who demands an apology and gets one? Bridgeport voters demanded an apology from Joe Ganim and we got something resembling an apology 10 years later. May I apologize like your leader without being sincere? No, I promise to apologize for my foul mouth to you in 10 years. 🙂 Apparently, that timeframe works for you.
And I demand an apology, God Damn It!!!
You are all so demanding. I appreciate Gabrielle Parisi’s demand. Pave the roads green, damn it!
For the record, I too have never seen a mayor in the city of Bridgeport lay a hand on a council member in a threatening manner. Never.
And let me tell you. If anyone could have provoked a mayor to do this it would have been me. As a matter of fact, either Ganim snapped off the switch to my council speaker or had it removed. I laughed at the fact when a city employee showed me there was no on/off switch for my microphone. But he learned quickly enough the no switch, no sound system, no mayor could silence the voice of a passionate council person.
My biggest hope now is council members begin to learn the same.
OK Bubba, now that you mentioned that I have to admit I was probably a greater irritant to Mayor Joe Ganim than you. He realized I was doing the job I was elected to do, and I was never disrespected by him, nor did he ever raise his voice to me, let alone lay a hand on you or me. I think I may have had my microphone turned off once, or maybe the system just wasn’t working. Wink!
I find it laughable that Finch describes the conditions at Marina Village as deplorable, if only there were something he could do about it!!! Oh wait, the governing body of the housing authority is appointed by the mayor. The same agency that’s half a step away from being brought under receivership from HUD. What has Finch done about this? Nothing! Nearly everyone with a brain has left there, so this deal isn’t about helping the East End, it’s about the hook-up for a political donor. Cheers for the council stopping a deal the hapless housing authority would only mess up in the long run anyway.
Brick, excellent point. I thought the exact same thing. If Finch had his way, he would be appointing all the BBOE members, and then he would point out the deplorable condition of the schools without any accountability for his handpicked appointees.
Auerbach, with your language and behavior, you teach children in Bridgeport Public Schools? What a role model.
An excellent role model, Bob. I don’t go to school drunk. I engage all the children and probably one of the most popular substitutes who has literally given my time for nothing. An excellent role model who would not support a convicted felon. A role model who lets them feel pride in the city they live. A role model who thinks half the teachers need to be fired. A role model who believes the teachers union needs to disappear and a role model who acknowledges why Mayor Ganim would never send his kids to a Bridgeport Public School and a role model who cannot go anywhere in the city where kids do not seek me out and say hello, Mr. A. Hello Mr. Auerbach. Your back, my back. his back, Auerbach.
Wonderful. I’m a good guy and I have a right to support who I think would be best for Bridgeport and act responsibly as a Council member to keep an eye on the chief elected official, which is what I am doing. That’s what the Council should do whether it is Ganim or Finch. I’m still waiting for that apology from you about your obscene language towards me.
Bob, my obscene language toward you? Refresh my memory! I am not sure I said anything “obscene” your virgin ears haven’t heard before. I will not make you wait 10 years. I am sorry for every transgression I’ve made toward you and everybody else on this planet in this lifetime and any other lifetime I may have participated in. If my language offended you please accept my most sincere apology. You are definitely entitled to stand by Ganim. I think Joe Ganim is lucky to have all Mary-Jane Foster’s former supporters. Lets Joe know the depths of their loyalty.
A well-known fact. I have been a Bridgeport teacher for 30 years. You are a sub. Let me say thank you. It is difficult to get subs in Bridgeport. When there is no sub for a teacher, the students get split into several different classes. It disrupts the class that has the absent teacher and it disrupts all the classes that get those students.
So ANYTIME a sub is provided, I rejoice. A breathing body is better than nothing. I have witnessed you as a sub in my building. I have been in several different schools when you were actively working as a sub.
I agree a sub is a pretty thankless job. But you make some pretty strong claims especially about 50% of teachers need to be fired. An unfair statement with a very skewed vision.
Well Ms. Barney, maybe 50 percent of the teaching staff is an exaggeration. What I should have said is “if school teachers were treated like other individuals in the private sector. Had a human resource professional in charge of 10 schools. And disciplined teachers and rewarded teachers according to their ability, then I believe Bridgeport schools would be better off. I do not go to classes and read a magazine. Some teachers do not leave work and when they do it takes students an hour. No challenge and I am expected to entertain them. Being a sub is a thankless job until I run into students all over the city and they are happy to see me.
Funny, Auerbach makes fun of community gardens. In some unreported news today, the DEEP has just taken back $90,000 I had secured in grants from the State several years ago because your man Finch’s politics caused dysfunction and flux. The State took the grants back because that part of the grant had not been expended in the years since Finch got involved with the Bridgeport Community Land Trust which I founded and is now disbanded thanks to Finch. But he is not a felon and he sends his kids to Bridgeport Public Schools so I guess this is OK.
Bob Halstead, are you an idiot? I thanked you for the community gardens and your great efforts. You are an ass and I do not apologize for that. Made fun of your community garden, I acknowledged your contribution to Bridgeport as well as Mr. Torres. You sir, are a moron.
Bob, btw why the Mayor does not fund your gardens is beyond me.
Sorry, my keypad is microscopic.
Not for nothing but this thread has 90 posts before this entry and 31 are from Steve Auerbach. Perhaps his “keypad is microscopic” as he reports above? Perhaps the Mayor’s meltdown two weeks ago is truly indefensible in substance so the message switches to “anti-Ganim?” Perhaps, as one or more have suggested, there is a problem here that can be solved with anxiety reduction Rx?
Alternatively where does he suggest a remedy that will serve all Bridgeport voters, taxpayers and lovers of City life around issues that might redeem Ganim or correct the corruption by the Finch administration of governance checks and balance in the City equally? Isn’t that an equal opportunity issue moving us from Problemland into more positive territory? Time will tell.
Never fear, the OIB officer is back on duty. Why are you so concerned about how many posts Steve, or anyone else makes? It must be really slow at the office.
Steve, post on!
Ms. Pereira,
Do you ever regard yourself with a good look in the mirror?
Think about the possible reasons you may do that. Is it possible at least one reason might be to check out the way you are presenting yourself to the public? In my opinion (and I know how you support personal opinions from your previous posts) there are times when those of us who are regulars have said all that is material to say on a subject and have reached what may be called the “beating the dead horse” stage. In that case, a friendly reminder to cut down the length of a posting, or the number of postings may be helpful feedback. Do you comprehend? Something offered with generous spirit to Steve is turned into a comment about my office, where you have never visited nor have any concept of my work. Since you have posted, does that mean things are slow at your place? Or shall we stay away from comments about workplace, credentials, or business, in general. Time will tell.
John, Maria can’t see herself in the mirror because she has her head up her ass.
Thank you, Maria. You always make my day. I feel like I need to say Uncle when you go for my jugular! 🙂
Who in hell died and left you in charge?
This blog is owned and operated by Lennie Grimaldi, not by you. If he doesn’t have an issue with the number of posts Steve makes, why should you?
Don’t worry about the look I take in the mirror. Worry about what you see in the mirror. The only individual who needs to be concerned by how I am perceived by others is me. I “present myself in public” as someone who speaks my truth. My truth may not be someone else’s truth, and that is just fine.
What I clearly do “comprehend” is you are an arrogant, pontificating elitist who believes because you are a Yale graduate you are better that the rest of Bridgeport’s commoners. You may have book sense, but you lack basic common sense.
Haven’t a variety of OIB posters commented on the excessive length of your posts? And how has that worked out in rectifying the comments you post that could easily be considered novels by some?
May I suggest you stop counting how many posts others make and instead spend your time counting how many of your Black Rock neighbors actually like you. I am sure it will take less than five seconds to reach your tally.
Ms. Pereira,
For more than four years I have been writing on OIB truths about how the City is operating in contrast to how it should operate per Charter and Ordinances as well as how it might operated according to “best practices.” Much of the subject matter has been factual and fiscal, available to all. Much of the subject matter is not covered routinely by the CT Post, Channel 12 or any other TV site, and is not part of routine Mayoral publicity.
You are correct, at times in the past one or two readers have advised me to consider some editing. I have taken that into consideration. For the most part readers tell me they appreciate the work done. That is its own reward. What is more, is neither readers of this blog, nor folks who work for the City who create the issues on which I comment, seem to find no fault with the accuracy and truth of what is posted. If I am proud of anything it is seeking the Bridgeport TRUTH, not John Lee’s truths, or Maria Pereira’s truths, bothers those who wish to keep certain things secret, covered, away from public view, etc.
Counting neighbors who “actually like me” is not likely to be an activity for me to pursue. Were you to ask me about neighbors (in many neighborhoods with whom I have worked) who have gotten to know me through community work, by reading what I write or studying what I share in terms of City fiscal learning, then I already know I am OK from their comments freely offered.
I notice you rarely comment on the factuality or truth I report but regularly attempt to diminish me personally with playground insults that end up revealing more about your own sense of worth and “personal truth” than about me.
There are many persons needed to make sure all the youth are educated to standards, safe environments are enjoyed after school and in summers, more jobs (and training for them) occurs with City sponsorship in the name of economic development, taxpayers are respected by well studied and monitored operating and capital budgets, in order for the City to get better day by day. Lend your hand, mind, and set of truths to the broad problems of the City along with others. Many of your “hand-selected” enemies are not opposing you at every turn. Check it out. Time will tell.
Bow Tie, I know, you are a victim and completely innocent. You write comments about how I present myself in public, but that is not deemed a personal attack.
You don’t have time to tally how many of your neighbors actually like you, however you have time to count how many times Steve posts comments. Who is really spending time on the playground? And here you go again. Now you want to tell me what I should be spending my time on. As I stated previously, you are an arrogant, pontificating elitist who lacks basic common sense. Please don’t worry about who my “hand-selected enemies” are, or what they are doing as it relates to me. I don’t speak, interact, or work with you and others by choice. If I have “hand selected” someone as an enemy, there is a good reason for it. By the way, I have never considered you an enemy. I just consider you to be an annoying windbag who never gets measurable results.
I do not know what you would call “measurable results,” perhaps because you have not used that term in discussion with me. However I am pleased to see the City is now supplying monthly financial reports every month of the year including a June Final report for the past several years. Let Budget Oversight Bridgeport BOB) takes credit for that as no one else has.
In 2010-11 the City distributed July, August and September at one time, then five months of reports October-February sometime in April, and finally March – May in July. This did not meet Chapter 7, Section 9 of the Charter that covers Budget and Fiscal Controls. The City had not provided the 12th month report for over 20 years. Well they are in a semblance of compliance now. Is that measurable enough for you? We may only have used a flashlight to show the darkness, but there is a candle today.
Because of that report for June 2013 Final, we were also able to discover 15 City Council members had used almost $30,000 of taxpayer funds illegally without following Council progress with a meeting announced, agenda, minutes or official vote. Misappropriation of funds, specifically. Public corruption? We’ll see.
So if these are the only two things revealed and they are not enough for you, perhaps you would share with readers, voters and taxpayers what you mean from your own work as “measurable results.” Or not, as it does not matter to me. And if such results are performed by an “annoying windbag,” as you put it, my Momma told me even an ill wind blows some good. Thanks, Mom. Time will tell.
John, Maria should follow her own advice and check with the neighbors who even know who she is let alone like her. Maria writes on here about all the meetings she attends but the question is what has she accomplished by attending these meetings other than take up a lot of space and oxygen? This women served on the BOE and what was accomplished while that board was in power? Not much, we still had overcrowded classrooms, a very high dropout rate, a lack of supplies and the list goes on. Maria is a person who attends meetings, period. She is also a person who attends meetings looking for friends.
Bow Tie, by the way, when you add up all your neighbors who actually like you, I would definitely NOT count those closest to Pat Crossin. That would probably be defined as “padding” the results.
Before you canonize Pat Crossin you should really get to know him.
Let me be #100 on this thread. I guess I started it with my comment on the Council about Finch needing to apologize for attacking fellow Council people. Godiva calls me a nitwit and Hour Back calls me a moron. I got done what I needed to get done. Good night!
Bob Halstead, you are absolutely right! Keep up the good work!
Bob Halstead, I do not really think you are a moron.
Keep fighting for community gardens. They are green and necessary in many neighborhoods.