New justice of the peace Dolly Fonseca, a member of the Democratic Town Committee in the Upper East Side 138th District and wife of school board member Rafael Fonseca, writes “Who knows what 2017 will bring? Stay tuned.”
Next year, all 20 seats on the City Council and at least five school board positions are in play. The Fonsecas were part of a March district coalition with school board member Maria Pereira that swept all nine seats in the 138th District primary. The alliance between the Fonsecas and Pereira was short-lived.

Pereira, as a protest against Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa, nominated Angel Figueroa, an activist from Success Village who also ran on the 138th District slate, as party leader. The Fonsecas broke from Pereira to back Testa. Not long after that Pereira also had a falling-out with Figueroa.
Pereira had backed Joe Ganim for mayor and Anthony Paoletto and Nessah Smith for City Council, but those Pereira relationships blew up as well. Those former alliances worked against Pereira in her August primary State House loss to incumbent Charlie Stallworth. Pereira ran strong in her Upper East Side neighborhood but lost the race to Stallworth’s heavy African American support base.
Ganim appointed Rafael Fonseca to the school board to fill out the term of of Andre Baker. That seat is up for election in 2017. The normally quiet school board and City Council cycle could produce a number of Democratic primaries. Will Dolly Fonseca be part of the mix?
She shared this message:
As an elected official of the Democratic Town Committee of the 138th District I am honored to have been chosen to serve as a Justice of the Peace for our community.
Many were chosen to serve as Justice of the Peace and congratulations to all of them. We can serve officially after the Presidential inauguration in January 2017. Today, I took my oath.
I’d like to share my great news because I want the citizens of Bridgeport to know a little bit about me and to recognize who I am because I am here to help wherever I can.
As a lifelong resident of Bridgeport and having been married for 24 years to my wonderful husband Rafael Fonseca, Jr. I am excited to share my wealth of knowledge when it comes to love and marriage. So, just call me LadyLuck bc I have been Lucky in Love. Looking forward to serving as Justice of the Peace!
Please like and share our FB community page District Watch 138 which we started shortly after we won the election for the DTC for the 138th district.
We want people to know that “We are, Compassionate for Community!”
Thanks for the support OIB!
Spread the Love! ‘Tis the Season!
Other Background:
Associates from HCC
Associates from NCC
Professional License Respiratory Therapy in CT
Registered with the NBRCBachelors Degree from Southern Connecticut State University.
What a nice post! Thanks for sharing and congratulations as “Justice of the Peace.” Being a Facebook follower, I am amazed at the energy you and Raphael have. Do you ever sit back and relax? I know you will do great things. Your positive energy is contagious. We can all use a little more of that!
On a sidebar: I stopped down at the new Milano Restaurant at Bijou square and enjoyed a couple of slices of Pizza. Very nice place. Owner’s a really nice guy.
I was at Roosevelt School the other day and an OIB reader told me about one of her students having a fmaily that just opened a Mexican Pizzeria in the North End, Burnsford strip on Madison Ave.
The name is OAXACA Pizzeria and Taqueria. The reason I mention this is because I went there immediately after school and had the best, I mean THE BEST New England Clam Chowder. Yes at a Mexican restaurant, go figure. All soups homemade and on Fridays, NEW England clam chowder and Yankee bean.
Thank you, Mrs. B.
Back to Dolly. Keep up the good work and keep on the positive trail and high road. It really is the way to go!
It was nice to have you at Roosevelt! So glad you enjoyed the Mexican place! I knew you would check it out!
WHY is this on OIB???
Why Not?
Because it is about Bridgeport. DUH.
It’s not about Bridgeport. It’s about Dollie Fonseca. And that’s it. There are about 145,000 people in Bridgeport and she is one person.
Frank, you have a problem celebrating one Bridgeporter who is a member of the 138th Town Committee? Who was appointed to be a Justice of the Peace as well as another friend of mine who doesn’t like her name mentioned on OIB but she is on Facebook–Congratulations Ms. G. Frank, Dollie is a local celebrity. Her husband is on the BOE, a very controversial subject on this blog. Why would you even question Lennie’s choice of subject matter? How about the posts nobody responds to? Why not question them? Like the previous five posts. Or the John Marshall Lee posts. Is there something about Dollie you find offensive or unworthy of exposure? That would be like someone questioning your input, which is always appreciated. Dollie Fonseca and her husband are part of the same 138th that had exposure with their Christmas tree lighting at Nob Hill park named after yet another well-respected former member of the 138th Town committee may she rest in peace.
Talking about the 134th–my district–I would like to wish Michelle Lyons, my councilwoman, the very best on her retirement.
Frank, Dollie Fonseca is a member of the 138th. She serves with Maria Pereira, that alone makes her a newsworthy personality.
Frank, sometimes you just have to believe Lennie Grimaldi is well aware of what he is doing.
Dollie is more than just one in 145,000; she is 1 in a 1,000,000. 🙂
Steve, Dollie is a “local celebrity?” Give me a break. I bumped into Dollie once at Geraldine Johnson High School (actually, I bumped into her several times at GJS). This was a little PR so we can imagine future political battles. A “teaser” article. Nothing more, Nothing Less.
Frank, you are very astute. Do you amaze yourself? Of course it is a little PR, no different than the blog becoming the Maria Pereira show. It’s a blog about Bridgeport. Anything goes. Just go with it!
Just to clarify, the Fonsecas had absolutely nothing to do with the 138th TC First Annual Christmas Tree Lighting.
Big F’N deal.
This article is about Dollie Fonseca, not the Christmas tree lighting in the 138th.
Steve, you linked the Fonsecas serving on the 138th District TC and the 138th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting in the same sentence, which implied they were involved in organizing it, which they were not. I was simply clarifying that point.