Through rain, sleet, snow, dark of night, a snarly health pandemic called Covid and a hairy monster named Isaias, democracy prevails. Governor Ned Lamont on Monday
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Through rain, sleet, snow, dark of night, a snarly health pandemic called Covid and a hairy monster named Isaias, democracy prevails. Governor Ned Lamont on Monday
Read moreWhen Dennis Bradley was a candidate for State Senate and came up short against incumbent Ed Gomes it was yeah, baby, fire up that absentee
Read moreCity politics just went from crickets to campaign clash. Alberto “Tito” Ayala and East End activist Wanda Simmons are the latest to join the State
Read moreBacked overwhelmingly by Bridgeport’s political organization, City Councilman Marcus Brown Tuesday night received the Democratic endorsement over incumbent Marilyn Moore setting up an August primary
Read moreLeave it to Dennis Bradley to add showmanship to his State Senate reelection with no announced opponent. Bradley has formed USA for Bradley 2020, a
Read moreA virus has plagued all sorts of things, including political campaigning. For flamboyant State Senator Dennis Bradley, it’s provided some time for introspection on his
Read moreCovid has clubbed just about everything in its wake including political norms. Democracy must advance in some fashion. Next month candidates for Congress, state legislative
Read moreFor the first time in the history of the Democratic Town Committee, Monday night members selected delegates to the state convention–who will endorse candidates for
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