Jepsen: Bysiewicz Dancing Like Ginger Rogers

So, do ya wanna dance? With Ginger Rogers? Or Maybe Susan Bysiewicz?

George Jepsen, the leading Democratic challenger to Connecticut Secretary of  the State Susan Bysiewicz to replace Dick Blumenthal as attorney general, says SuBy’s doing a tap as she tries to make the case that she meets the legal definition, 10 years active practice as a lawyer, to run for AG.

Jepsen steps into the Pol Pod for a chat about SuBy’s decision to seek an opinion from Blumenthal, the political fallout of her qualifications in question, the chances of a court deciding the issue and his plans to become the state’s chief civil lawyer.

Fred and Ginger
Fred and Ginger

Susan Bysiewicz
George, shall we dance?

George Jepsen
Sure, only if I lead ... in the polls

Jepsen served as Senate Majority Leader and Democratic State Party Chair. He also ran as the candidate for lieutenant governor on the 2002 ticket, led by Bill Curry, that lost to John Rowland. He is an attorney with the Hartford-based law firm, Cowdery, Ecker & Murphy. But talk to George and his friends and it’s clear the job he’s been most passionate to secure is attorney general. His opportunity for the seat came when Blumenthal announced his run for Chris Dodd’s U.S. Senate seat.

SuBy didn’t waste a lot of time either entering the AG contest, sidestepping her gubernatorial bid and lead in statewide polls. Jepsen says, and SuBy won’t flat-out deny it, that what she really wants is Joe Lieberman’s U.S. Senate seat in 2012. And this, says George in the Pol Pod, will become a major issue for Democratic voters to decide. What’s SuBy’s commitment to the AG job? Ginger Rogers won the Academy Award for best actress for her role as Kitty Foyle. Will George Jepsen become SuBy’s foil? Shall we dance? So grab hold of your favorite dance partner and turn up the sound. {running time: 14:47}

Task force for kids, news release


House Speaker Christopher G. Donovan’s Task Force on Children in the Recession will hold a public hearing from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 6, in the Bridgeport City Hall Annex to receive input from citizens on the effects of the recession on their families’ lives.

State Sen. Anthony J. Musto (D-Trumbull), co-chairman of the Legislature’s Select Committee on Children, will give opening comments welcoming the task force to Bridgeport.

House Speaker Donovan (D-Meriden) will then talk about why the task force was created and the state’s role in helping children. The task force is co-chaired by state Rep. Karen Jarmoc (D-Enfield) and Rep. Diana Urban (D-North Stonington), who will address the gathering after Speaker Donovan.

U.S. Rep. Jim Himes (D-4th District) will talk about the “Federal Response to the Family and Youth Today” before testimony is heard from the public.

Regional hearings are taking place throughout the state with the task force and members of Congress. Jarmoc said the work of the task force has been important. The recession is expected to send an additional 35,000 children in Connecticut into poverty. Additionally, the economic cost to Connecticut from forgone earnings of children and poorer health of these children is expected to rise to $800 million per year without the intervention of legislative action, with recommendations from the task force.

The task force is charged with making recommendations for what steps the legislature can take to ensure the well-being of children in terms of health, safety, nutrition, housing, employment, child care and meeting their basic needs during the economic recession and recovery. Connecticut is the only state in the country to form this type of a group to examine the impact of the recession on children.

The group consists of legislators, congressional staff, economic experts, and advocates representing businesses, non-profits, family support, child policy, food security, housing, human services and public health organizations.

News release from Jim Himes

Himes Earns Perfect Pro-Environment Voting Record from Environment Connecticut

WASHINGTON, DC— Environment Connecticut has announced that Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) earned a perfect score on their 2009 environmental scorecard. Himes’ 100% record is a result of his support for a wide range of pro-environment policies in 2009.

“We applaud Congressman Himes for standing up and putting the environment ahead of special interests in 2009,” said Environment Connecticut Program Director Christopher Phelps. “From investing in clean energy to protecting America’s wilderness areas and making smart infrastructure a priority for federal investment, he has consistently put the environment first.”

Himes has been an active supporter of pro-environment policies since taking office one year ago. This past year, the Congressman helped pass the historic American Clean Energy Security Act and supported a number of other pro-environment measures, including legislation to protect more than 2 million acres of public lands. Additionally, Himes has sponsored legislation to improve access to public transportation, encourage telecommuting, and make housing more energy efficient.

Through his constituent services work and in collaboration with local governments, Himes has made environmental infrastructure investment and Brownfield redevelopment top priorities. He secured funding to dredge the Greenwich and Norwalk Harbors and has been an outspoken supporter of the Town of Fairfield’s Brownfield redevelopment project to build a new train station parking lot.

“Smart environmental policy creates jobs and protects the health of local residents,” said Congressman Himes. “I am eager to continue fighting for policies that promote clean energy, encourage smart development, and make us good stewards of the planet our children will inherit.”

The scorecard and key to the votes scored within can be viewed online at

News release from Rob Russo:

Himes Votes to Increase National Debt by $1.9 TRILLION

37 Democrats Vote for Fiscal Responsibility but NOT Jim Himes

Fairfield – Jim Himes voted today to allow the government to go $1.9 TRILLION deeper into debt over the next year. Thirty-seven Democrats voted against raising the debt ceiling, but Jim Himes voted with Speaker Pelosi, thus continuing his record of voting in lockstep with his party’s leadership.

The $1.9 TRILLION increase is equal to about $6,000 for every Connecticut resident. The $1.9 Trillion increase will allow the national debt to balloon to 14.3 TRILLION.

Despite President Obama’s recent warnings about the debt, this Congress led by Speaker Pelosi and followed by Jim Himes is continuing its spending spree.

“We will never be able to create jobs or grow the economy with the mounting debt.” said Rob Russo. “I am running to bring fiscal sanity to Washington. When times get tough, families across Connecticut tighten their belts and control spending and that is exactly what Congress needs to do.”



  1. I will tell you this Lennie I have had enough of all of these politicians. Susan B is a fraud and an opportunist. Jepsen is a perennial politician and office seeker. They are all full of it.
    Last night I saw Donovan one of the leaders in Hartford talking about universal health care being how the legislature passed universal health care and Rell vetoed it. Donovan went on and on about adding the uninsured to the state insurance coverage. One thing this guy did not say was how this would be paid for. We have a deficit of huge proportions and he wants Connecticut to have its own health care like Massachusetts.
    On its face the premiums will be lower than what is paid for state employees but who and how do we pay for people that don’t have coverage? Before you go there don’t you think these AHs in Hartford should figure out how they are going to pay for this? Tax us or business any more than you are now and this will be a ghost state.
    You know the Dems have an opportunity to make great strides and changes but they can’t get their shit together. Look at the countrywide polls and you will see health care way down the list below terrorism and Jobs. What do they do? They spend a year on a health care bill that for all intents and purposes is dead. New jobless numbers today 800,000 new jobless claims last month, unemployment up to 10.1% and still no jobs bill. Obama has no plan and has told congress to come up with a jobs bill. Well we saw what they did when he told them to come up with a health care bill.
    I say let’s get rid of all of them and start over.
    One more thing did we elect Himes or Pelosi; I can’t tell the difference.

  2. “Dancing with the Bars!”

    Suby is a real Hoofer. Dances with two left feet and suffers from Hoof in Mouth disease.

    When did George Jettison come back from his hiatus in Florida? He’s another two-schlepper.

  3. *** The way things are going for Suby, she’s better off staying put right where she’s at for now ’cause she’s changing her mind much too often & may end up on the outside looking in! *** As for the P&Z debacle Walsh is right, why have any rules & regulations pertaining to city/state ordinances or sanctions on commissions & committees, if they’re not going to be followed because of individual preferences, politics or any other favorable reasons to make an exception to the rules. *** Hope C. Shays decides to run for CT Governor, I think his overall experience in government, political bipartisan ties from past history would be a plus over some of the present running candidates. *** The Park City “update” monthly paper seems to paint Bpt. city government real issues with disappearing ink? All the so-called bringing the city forward into the future developments are here today but gone tomorrow! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  4. What we have running for state offices are the same bunch of retreads we had 4 years ago. There is not an innovative thinker in the group. In the governor’s race we will get to vote for dumb & dumber.
    When are these politicians going to realize that the public wants Strong, Honest, INNOVATIVE people in office?
    When are the politicians going to learn that people do not want spendthrift people in government? Did anyone learn anything from the Scott Brown victory in Massachusetts? He made one of the most intelligent statements to date. He said and I paraphrase, it’s time to stop spending money on lawyers for terrorists that money should be used to fight terrorism.
    Rep Himes is typical of most politicians today. He has voted 100% with Nancy Pelosi. Not once has he stood up and said no that’s to costly. He just voted to raise the country’s debt service which right now means $.40 of every dollar is going towards debt service. You can’t run a government like that.
    I think that in Hartford and Washington DC they have a room where they take all the politicians and suck out their brains and their balls. Why else are we in so much trouble?
    People are losing their homes, people are losing their jobs, kids are going to bed hungry and the list goes on and on. What has been done in the last decade to stop this? Nothing of substance.


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