Ganim In Israel For Municipal ‘Technological Advances’

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

Since returning to office last December, Mayor Joe Ganim  has become a bit of a jet-setter, visiting other states and countries in the name of professional development.

This week, Bridgeport’s mayor is in Israel.

Prior to his latest trip, he attended a gathering of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Miami, FL. in January, a National League of Cities conference in Washington D.C. in February, and another Conference of Mayors event in June in Indianapolis, Indiana.

… Ganim and about 30 mayors from around the world are participating in this week’s Israel trip sponsored by the International Conference of Mayors and the American Jewish Congress. The city paid for his $750 airfare but other expenses are covered by the two host organizations, according to Ganim’s office.

Full story here.



  1. I agree with MJF. These trips send the wrong message and it is not necessarily about the costs. Although I am sure the City Hall bean counters can hide a lot of ‘extras.’ Joe Ganim is out networking while the city is not working.
    Stay at home. Do the nuts and bolts. Address the BOE turmoil. Get your financial advisory committee up and running. Address all the vacancies and expired terms on your boards and commissions. Start networking in the regional, state and tristate business communities seeking development opportunities. Then maybe you can think about some overseas junkets. But Equador and Israel? Please. Nice places to visit but totally irrelevant to Bridgeport’s current or future plans.

  2. I’m sure the cost is being picked up by the lobbyist for the International Conference Of Mayors and the American Jewish Congress. Lobbyist, that’s where big problems can go in the wrong direction. Who else is traveling with Mayor Ganim, is Mario Testa or some local businesses person or lobbyist?

  3. From previous posting today, more appropriate to this thread, I submit:
    “And when Mayor Ganim returns to Bridgeport from each stay in out-of-town hotels, at what address does he rest his travel-weary brow? I have asked this question on a number of OIB threads but no one honors the question. Does anyone know? He was registered to vote in past elections from a Cartright Street address, however this changed to Ellsworth Street in August 2016. There has been some past discussion about this address (and no recent sightings).

    “One common response in conversations is Joe lives in Easton. Of course that could not be true because the Charter calls for the Mayor to be a Bridgeport resident, doesn’t it? Time will tell.”

  4. Unlike Bob Walsh, I totally disagree with Mary-Jane Foster. I think being Mayor of the largest city in the State, it is important for our Mayor to get exposure to as many cultures as possible. I think $750 is a very small price to pay. I am not sure what Foster imagines she could have accomplished staying in the city for a week if she were Mayor.

    I have been to Israel a number of times. It was absolutely one of the most spectacular, educational and mind-boggling tours I have taken. I have taken the Jewish, Christian and Moslem tours. I have been everywhere Ganim is going and so much more. I think people are not aware of the Israelis’ advanced technology and Manufacturing. I think Ganim has a lot to gain. I remember on a Saturday evening going into the Arab quarter of Jerusalem. It was like taking a step back in time 2000 years. The sites and the smells and of course the Arab/Israeli food. Hope our Mayor has a safe trip. In our country where we are so divided, I think Ganim will benefit from seeing how the Muslims, Jews and Christians integrate in Jerusalem proper. However, Lucky Joe is going to my favorite city, Tel Aviv, which is like a very clean version of Manhattan with hotels and restaurants on the Mediterranean. Spectacular boardwalk and shopping. I think touring their modern manufacturing facilities will be very inspiring. For anyone on this blog who has not taken a tour of Israel, you are in for a real treat.

    1. Ron Mackey–You must not have read my post. Ganim has a lot to gain on this visit and the article suggested he would be visiting some tourist sites. Israel has some amazing state of the art MANUFACTURING. I AM PLEASED HE IS GOING AND MEETING WITH OTHER ELECTED OFFICIALS. BRIDGEPORT WILL BENEFIT. SORRY, I AM NOT ON THE ANTI-JOE BANDWAGON FOR THIS. I HAVE BEEN TO ISRAEL many times and it is an awesome experience. That’s all.

  5. Steve,
    The article did not mention anything of any significance of what this conference was about other than to “focus on technological advances that can improve the function of municipal government, as well as security methods to make cities safer.”
    What is he looking at, new security equipment for Sikorsky Airport?
    All the modern technology solutions for municipalities are at the League of Cities convention in December.

    1. Bob,
      It is about “parking meters.” The City has fussed around about meters for years with coins and then cards, but by that time most retail locations where you could buy a parking credit card were gone. Now there are four installed on Broad Street opposite Morton Government Center. Four? Was this a beta test? Is it a joke? Are we buying them on the installment plan? Would a better meter system displace parking enforcement personnel? Time will tell.

  6. Steve,
    The mayor should be establishing a culture of urgency within Bridgeport’s municipal government. Getting things done. Creating an accomplishment-driven organization.
    Instead he is going on trips at least every other month and acting like everything is fine. It took over six months to appoint an Economic Development Director. He felt he was needed more folding towels at his AirBNB rather than running the city.
    I take it back, Steve. You are right. Keep taking those trips, Joe. Create an image of an uncaring, aloof, unfocused mayor. That might be the best thing the voters need to see to hasten your exit out of City Hall.

  7. Bob Walsh, I stand by everything I said. Joe was wise to take this trip. People who never get out of this city, which is most on this blog, your perception of reality is skewed. I commend Joe for going and if all he gets out of it is a nice trip, I say good for him! I do not hear anyone outside this blog complaining other than anti-Ganim surrogates.

    1. Steve, Joe was out of the state for a number of years paid by the State so he needs to focus on bringing REAL jobs to the City instead of those minimum wage jobs your guy Bill Finch brought here. Did Mario Testa go on this visit, and who else from Bridgeport traveling with the mayor who never get out of this city?


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