Payroll checks from 1987. Ratty floors and stairs. Leftover equipment. A mountain of a mess.
An OIB reader, who requested anonymity for sharing images, gained access to the inside of the old Remington Arms building on Barnum Avenue shortly after the latest fire that triggered the city into condemnation action. It’s ugly in there, and certainly not an inviting place for city firefighters to bring raging blazes under control.
We have removed the names and social security numbers from the canceled payroll checks from 1987. The OIB reader’s discovery raises questions about the personal information left behind of former RemGrit Corporation employees. Remington sold its Abrasive Products business and the Barnum Avenue site in Bridgeport to RemGrit Corporation in 1986, according to Remington’s corporate history. In recent years the vacated site has been controlled by a limited liability company led by city developer Sal DiNardo who could not reach a tax deal with the city in exchange for demolishing the site.
Portions of the former East Side manufacturing plant are coming down, following the latest fire, per emergency order of the city, but it will cost millions to demolish and clear the entire complex for land remediation, depending on a future usage.
What of value can be pulled from the multiple-building complex? Hey, who’s cashing in on all the steel?
A View From Inside Buildings Not Yet Demolished
Lennie, the Ghost appears again. Look at the photo of the stairs. Look at the far left-hand side by the third step from the bottom.
The Steel Tipping Point being gleaned off that site is a real Steal!!!
Grin Ripper // Oct 5, 2010 at 10:26 am
To your posting
What you’re saying is on point.
The question remains … how long will delinquent taxpayers get a pass on paying what’s owed the City? What … you guess it’s ’til all the delinquent properties burn down?
Figure for me Grin Ripper, how many tax dollars will Bridgeport citizens pay for this dereliction of duty on the part of this administration?
It’s hard to tell looking at these photos but other sites I have been involved in were constructed of similar material.
We know the Brick can be salvaged and resold.
We know the steel can be salvaged and sold.
If this is a heavy mill constructed interior where the beams are large and the floor joists also they are then salvageable. I have seen where the nails were saved and sold off because they were extremely old. I don’t know what they are like in this complex. There is a lot of money in salvage sitting at that location.
Blummy was on the mark in the debate all Linda could say was no comment.
What about the remark from Linda that Blumie never held a job in the private sector? She stated correctly that he has been collecting a government paycheck for the past 40 years. Blumie has no real outside work experience.
FYI, the free Italian language class at the Black Rock Library tomorrow at 7:30 is almost full, and at capacity.