Tom Foley’s Education Whitewash Shatters Out-Of-Touch Meter

UPDATE: In a new ad, Republican candidate for governor Tom Foley says nothing is more important than a child’s education. “Over 100,000 Connecticut children are in underpreforming schools,” he declares in the spot, surrounded by school children, not one of them black or Hispanic. You’ve got to wonder how disconnected Foley is from the reality of underperforming schools when he disregards children of color from his advertising message.

Now certainly children of color do not hold a monopoly on low school performance, but when you examine education performance the greatest impact is in urban areas such as Bridgeport, the state’s largest city, where Foley has promised to devote more attention this election cycle and a specific urban agenda that has not yet materialized.

Foley also promises “Fairness and opportunity for every child” in the ad that includes his wife and their two young children.

How often has Foley visited an urban school district? Talked to teachers, students, parents? Attended a school board meeting? Does he know the dropout rate of Connecticut’s urban students dwarfs that of suburban kids?

“It isn’t fair,” he says in the spot, “when a child is not in a good school.”

Is it fair Foley is at the very least insensitive–perhaps totally disengaged–from the reality of actual school performance and urban students most impacted by it?

You’d think Foley, and his campaign handlers, would be a little more in touch by now.

Here’s what Foley told the Connecticut Mirror “when asked how a failing school would improve if it lost money every time a student left for a charter school.”

“I never heard that question,” he said.

Foley declined to identity any one dominant influence on his approach to education, though he admires former Republican governors who have made education reform a priority, starting with William Weld of Massachusetts.



  1. Foley is wrapped in the mantle of … money.
    And while money can buy all the advertising time in the world, money cannot remedy political blindness.
    Looks like he is going to be another graduate of the LINDA school.

    1. Because people like you have spread the race card virus. It’s so contagious, smart, informed and educated people like Lennie Grimaldi are infected. Reading this from Lennie sounds as stupid as if you had written the article. For decades, the images of blacks and Hispanics have been used in social, political and economic propaganda. What good has come out of it? This reminds me of those TV ads depicting poor, starving children in Africa or Central America. They ask the viewers for just 40 cents a day to feed the children. What they don’t tell you is only 2 cents of the 40 will go towards food, clothing and medical care for the needy.

  2. And again no substance. All schools should be great!!! Just don’t expect Foley to explain how this is going to happen while at the same time shrinking government a.k.a. cutting spending.
    And Maria P wants us to believe Foley is anti-charter. Yeah, sure. He will privatize everything he can.

    1. Bob, please cut and paste a comment posted on OIB where I stated Tom Foley is anti-charter. If I said or wrote it, I will own it, however you are making a completely false statement.

      1. Why don’t you cut it out? You claim to be anti-Malloy because he is pro-charter so you are pro-Foley because he is PRO-CHARTER???
        Or is Foley anti-charter? I have tried to see where Foley will speak to any issue and he won’t. But you obviously can divine his intentions, so please fill us in.

        1. Bob, you claimed “Maria P. wants us to believe Foley is anti-charter,” not I. Support your statement by simply cutting and pasting any comment on OIB that supports you claim.

          You aren’t related to Jennifer Buchanan, are you? If you are, no further explanation is needed. Two peas in a pod who make completely false accusations you are unable to support in any way, shape or fashion.

          1. Come on, Maria. You are as vague as Foley. Tom Foley does not want us to know what he will do. And Maria will not let us know why she is supporting Foley. Tom Foley will be a disaster to the Bridgeport School system. He will be 100 times worse than Dan Malloy. Come one Maria, point to something that says I am wrong. You cannot.

          2. Bob, don’t sidestep the issue at hand. You made an accusation regarding my position on Tom Foley and his position on charter schools. I am simply asking you to cut and paste the comment I made on this blog that supports YOUR claim.

            Now I am going to ask you to cut and paste the comment I made on this blog where I stated I am “supporting Foley.”

            I have never, not once, publicly stated I am supporting Foley or what his position is on charter schools.

            Are you a huge fan of fiction? It certainly seems like you are. Your statements are completely false and you are a blatant liar.

          3. Perhaps Bob thinks you are supporting Foley this time since you voted for him last time and are anti-Malloy.

          4. Lifelong BPT, there is a difference between stating “I think” Maria P. is supporting Tom Foley and stating “I think” Maria P. wants us to believe Tom Foley is opposed to charter schools.

            I NEVER made those statements and this LIAR has stated I have. As I stated previously, I will own what I say and write, however I will not allow others to make public statements regarding a public position I have taken when the assertion is a complete LIE.

            I am NOT voting for either Tom Foley or Dan Malloy. Thousands upon thousands of people voted for Obama in his first presidential election, however they did not vote for him in his second presidential election.

          5. Maria Pereira, you said, “Thousands upon thousands of people voted for Obama in his first presidential election, however they did not vote for him in his second presidential election.” What is your point? Obama did win that second election.

  3. Tom Foley, this ad is dumb as overalls on a dog … and seems to lay the groundwork for a “school choice” campaign IF you win. Barf!

    You vs. Malloy is like Lloyd Christmas vs. Harry Dunne from “Dumb and Dumber,” without the entertainment. Even your kids want out of this commercial (where’s the nanny?).

    And, just asking, why don’t you wear a wedding band like most of us normal married stiffs? It offends my family values.

    1. That’s a very personal thing, Bob, that’s up to you and your dog, of course.

      The expression I used above I first heard in Charlottesville, VA … along with another C-ville favorite: “That dog don’t hunt.” They were invoking a big old hound dog in real denim overalls … that can do no good and is bound for failure.

  4. This is the Foley game plan. Avoid specificity at all costs. Look harmless, act harmless and play on voters’ emotions. But anna said it above, Foley’s creeping me out. That is what my significant other has started to say. This guy is creepy. She thought Malloy was creepy but she is now saying this guy is worse. She thought Malloy was stiff when he spoke but now it’s this guy is worse.
    Foley is hoping to load up on the far right and to cobble together a majority to win but he may be getting overexposed.

  5. If we follow Lennie’s logic here and go back a bit in time, we would have all voted yes for mayoral appointment of all school board members and for more charter schools–they had plenty of Hispanic and black faces all over their campaign literature.

  6. Ron, my point is simply because someone chooses to vote for a candidate once, it does not mean they are guaranteed to vote for that same candidate in another election.


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