Cash poor and support challenged, State Rep. Charlie Stallworth on Tuesday dropped out of the mayoral race announcing his decision at his East End church that served as a stepping stone for Joe Ganim’s return to the mayoralty in 2015. Once political friends, Stallworth and Ganim have parted ways.
Will Stallworth support Ganim’s chief rival State Senator Marilyn Moore? Stallworth says he’ll make that decision after visiting family in Alabama.
Stallworth’s campaign, from the start, lacked traction. No money, no message and no rationale for running will do that. In four months he only raised about $18,000, anemically short of Ganim’s more than $300K and Moore’s $100K.
Stallworth was blinded to the cause of what makes campaigns tick.
Wednesday morning is where the rubber meets the road for Moore, the start of a two-week window for her campaign operation to fan out across the city to petition onto the September 10 Democratic primary ballot. She’ll need validated signatures from five percent of registered Democrats in the city.
Ganim is not taking Moore lightly. He spent last weekend knocking on doors in 90-degree heat.
Tuesday night Ganim will receive the endorsement for another four-year term at Testo’s Restaurant. Moore is expected to make an appearance at the Democratic Town Committee meeting where she’ll have a small group of political supporters place her name into nomination.
Reverend Stallworth, my hope is that you will now not only support Senator Moore, but follow in the footprints of a coalition of black and Hispanic clergy who endorsed Mayor Toni Harp for re-election Tuesday, calling her a leader of experience and a woman of faith.
Those are the qualities that emanates from Senator Moore who is professionally, personally, businesslike, politically and religiously prepared to lead Bridgeport with a heavy dose of Integrity, Character and Honesty thrown in.
Reverend Stallworth, when you ran for mayor you did so because you thought that Bridgeport deserved better than Mayor Ganim and that your love of city and people, so you ran. My Brother, the reason for running hasn’t change it’s just moved from you to Senator Moore. Rev, you have it in your power to help change the face of Bridgeport politics and bring something that has been lacking in city government for decades, Honesty,Transparency and For The People! I’m going to work for the Senator my Brother, how about You?
Donald Day said it most eloquently. I will not add.
Don, that’s great advice and hopefully Reverend Stallworth will go in that direction. Don, Joe Ganim showed Reverend Stallworth how ungrateful he is after Reverend Stallworth “OPEN THE DOOR FOR JOE”S COMING TO JESUS MOMENT” at his church on Emancipation Day Celebration service that gave Joe Ganim his jump start to get elected mayor after Ganim served time in federal prison. What did Ganim do to thank Stallworth for getting him back into office, Stallworth was fired by Ganim from the City position that was given to him. Remember Reverend Stallworth was the President of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance (IMA) organization of black churches that open the doors to Ganim to get reelected. It was the black voter that put Joe Ganim back into the mayor’s office while Ganim turned his back not only to Reverend Stallworth but to black voters of Bridgeport. Joe Ganim was not loyal to Reverend Stallworth like he is to A.J. Perez, the Police Chief.
Day didn’t you once say on OIB black people will never vote for Puerto Rican and white people love Moore? Was that from the footprints of a coalition of black and Hispanic clergy who endorsed Mayor Toni Harp? When you go to work fro Moore are you going to tell the Latino community, while you vote for a black person a black person will never vote for you? Or do you want a do over like JML when he told Tony to get his shit together? I don’t know much about the sincerity behind that statement or JML but I still stand by my statement the Port needs more tree along the streets, js
P.S Judge Lopes don’t park over the curb and in the grass. 🙂
Saw this coming from a lightyear away.