Public Hearings Scheduled For Draft Of “Plan Bridgeport”

News release from Mayor’s Office:

The City of Bridgeport’s Planning Department has completed a draft of “Plan Bridgeport,” the city’s ten-year master plan for conservation and development. The Plan Bridgeport project kicked off in June 2018 with four months of community outreach that included over 1,600 members of the Bridgeport community. After another four months of aggregating all community and stakeholder feedback a written draft of the Plan has been submitted for approval to the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission.

Plan Bridgeport establishes a vision for the next decade that includes Bridgeport’s equitable development, its economic and social health, and its quality of life. The Plan provides a foundation for policy and funding decisions and informs the City’s zoning regulations for the next ten years and beyond. This master plan is updated every ten years in accordance to State statute.

The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) will hold public hearings on both March 25, 2019 and April 22, 2019. All members of the public are welcome to share comments about Plan Bridgeport at these public hearings. For more information regarding these meeting times, please visit the Planning and Zoning Commission website.

A draft version of Plan Bridgeport can be downloaded from or viewed in paper copy at all Bridgeport libraries. For more information on Plan Bridgeport, visit or call 203-576-7221.



  1. Compliments to the OPED team carrying out the assignment of updating our 10 year Plan for the City. Lots of meeting, perhaps 1600 people in the audiences listening and commenting. Material available in print many days before final votes. I have been present and also have read a portion of the Plan Draft.

    At the Introduction on page 3, the Plan report says: ” It provides a future vision that is based in the realities of the resources and constraints that are present in Bridgeport today.” This vision statement “is an expression of the desires and aspirations of the community…” and it may well be, but at the meeting I attended, reference to some who fear violence and guns and personal safety while in the City was made by a surveyor of those attending Thursdays at McLevy Green. The survey found expression of fear and worry about personal safety. I raised the issue since I had not heard ( or now seen such words, that are certainly constraints for use of City locations) fear or anyother negative emotion spoken by OPED. I was told to look under quality of life. Interesting. If a thing cannot be referenced accurately, how do you plan for it? What resource can overcome such a constraint. Not for myself as I had breakfast, lunch snack and a bite and drink before attending Barnum Museum tonight, but spoken for the larger number outside the City who read our papers, see Channel 12 where Chief Perez frequently comments, and worry at times about a safer evening out? Plan on dealing with that? How so if Plan and Vision are to become reality for the next ten year plan? Time will tell.

  2. Meet the “new” plan. Same as the “old” plan… (Truly, using the word “plan” in the same paragraph or page as “Bridgeport,” constitutes and oxymoron…)

    To get a “sneak preview” of the “plan,” just google “Bridgeport, housing-hub, ONE FUTURE, ONE COAST, and “highest real poverty rate in Connecticut”

    (Public input on the “plan” will be treated with due condescension and appropriately ignored — in keeping with the spirit of the real, regional/state plan for Bridgeport…)


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