Mayor Ganim addresses administration, staff, and #BPT police prior to the swearing-in of Acting Chief of Police Rebeca Garcia.
#Bridgeport #BPTUpdates
Posted by Joe Ganim on Thursday, September 10, 2020
Bagging a police chief is a big deal for federal authorities. It goes straight to the top of an investigator’s resume. The charges and FBI agent’s account in the criminal complaint against former Chief AJ Perez are damning. See criminal complaint here.
Essentially Perez had an unfair advantage in the 2018 national search to select a top cop that artificially placed him among the top three finalists, the only way he could be selected as chief. He had assistance from senior underlings who are now cooperating with the government including recorded conversations adding meat on the bone of charges.

Several other witnesses will corroborate the allegations. Perez and his lawyer will soon pore through all the information the government must disclose to craft a defense in lieu of a plea to lessen the potential damage. Both Perez and Personnel Director David David were also charged with providing false statements to federal authorities during voluntary interviews.
Dunn, who resigned on Friday as personnel director, has a key decision to make at 72 years old. Fight to the end? Plead out and mitigate damage?
Perez, for now, is at the top of the charged food chain.
The city recruited five professionals in the field of police and municipal government to serve on a panel that conducted interviews Oct. 19, 2018 from a list of seven semifinalists. Executive search consultant Randi Frank, who has represented the city in several national searches, assembled the police chief search panel: Hartford Police Chief David Rosado, Yale University Police Chief Ronnell Higgins, municipal human resource official Bernadette Welch, UConn Health Labor Relations Director Caroline Beitman, and former Hartford City Manager Lee Erdmann.
The panel short-listed the search to three: in order New Haven Assistant Chief Luiz Casanova, Perez and Bridgeport Captain Roderick Porter, the highest-ranking African American in the department.
Ganim selected Perez, his long-time friend, whom he had elevated to acting chief in 2016 shortly after Ganim returned to the mayoralty.
Where’s Ganim in all of this?
His relationship with Perez became frosty as this federal investigation intensified. Although a nice guy, Perez’s tenure as chief was controversial some of which centered on police conduct. Ganim probably has buyer’s remorse in selecting him chief.
The federal complaint claims Dunn told someone in the selection process that the mayor wanted Perez in the top three. If true, where did that come from? It didn’t come from Ganim directly to Dunn. Nowhere in the complaint does it state a public official applied pressure on Dunn to wire Perez for the top three.
Either way, this story will be around for a while. And who knows what else might shake out as a result.
And how long will it be before the mayor orders another search for a permanent chief?
Assistant Chief Rebeca Garcia ability to take the Assistants Chief exam which is currently pending in court, was changed by Recently Arrested Acting Director of Civil Service David Dunn to make her eligible and we ALL KNOW that he isn’t above Lying, Cheating and Manipulating the System for the benefit of others. If you read the complaint where he is charged you’ll notice that he changed the rules to not only make Chief Pérez eligible, but to give him a better chance to be in the top three. What’s the chances he did exactly the same thing to make Assistant Chief Rebeca Garcia eligible to take the Assistant Chief exam, which is the basis of the lawsuit filed by Captain Roderick Porter and several others. Attorney Bucci, it doesn’t get much easier for you does it?
I would be remiss if i didn’t mention that Captain Roderick Porter is the only person in the Bridgeport Police Department that REALLY passed the recent Chief’s exam, yet he isn’t being considered for the Acting Chief position. Shame on you Mayor Ganim, Shame on you!
Listen to yourself. How can someone’s ‘ability’ to take a test be changed? Rebecca Garcia is an intelligent woman, a hard worker as much as Porter and others are.
It doesn’t do those who have taken promotion tests any justice if David Dunn was personnel director. The same way you question the process for Rebecca Garcia, anyone can question the high scoring in tests by all others.
Exactly, One thing that has been constant in the Port perpetuates racism. Columbus, racist letter by black officer, racist tests etc. Comrade Ron and Day. JK 🙂
I would bet even Porter was on that list by the same rigged system that put AJ on it before it began.
Never made any sence why a cop would report a fellow officer about some racist text. Some much for that blue line, shit rolls downhill makes somewhat sense now. But when the feds come knocking who knows what they have, what skeletons they may know about. Who knows how deep this rabbit hole really is.
“Never made any sence why a cop would report a fellow officer about some racist text.”
Would you do the same if that ‘fellow officer was fucking your wife?
Please, if sleeping around among cops was a call to break the blue line that blue line would be thinner dental floss. I would even bet there was a time he was in same room with her when she so-called cheated on him.
I notice you didn’t say ex-wife. Are you saying he is still with her?
Again, please with that police underbelly police culture that’s good factor in police abuse in performing their duty.
A better sense of it would be the jealousy of the fact he would have be the right-hand man of the top cop and that pissed him off. Who is to even say like what Mark did to AJ she didn’t do to him? Maybe she set him up.
Although, Love is the strongest emotion, the reaction varies, the things people will do/ have done, however, racist text don’t suggest he was sleeping with her. but I take you word for it.
It’s hard to say how I would react if my wife was sleeping around. I would check myself, and ask why, how and where did the love goes, how it got to that point. But to lowering myself to be rat/snithch would not be a a choice. I would never blame a man for sleeping with my wife just like I would never blame a woman for me cheating on my wife. It’s not her fault or the reason I sleep with her. Don’t confuse opportunity with one’s action.
However, some people do overreact to a broken heart like suicide so it is a hard thing to deal with. I doubt these is in the same category but you understand. At any rate. No man wants any man to be or even ever have been with his woman, regardless of his joint size. There is the reason why males say they want a virgin or why Allah offers 72 of them to his followers. 🙂
To be fair it’s not about if she is sleeping around more than who. She can sleep around with all the women she wants. I am cool with that. 🙂 In fact, I encourage it. 🙂 on the DL of course. If she was a cop she can even use her handcuffs on them., roll play, pretent she going to arrest her. 🙂
See that the difference between me and you. I look for sound solutions. We are all aware of gun violence, no need to cut off a finger. I’m happy the devil didn’t put the idea in your head to set yourself on fire. You would be supprise by that.
That being said. in the end woman can have there cake and eat it too, Man not so much, in fact their train of thought is more anger than anything. At least that’s the way I see it. JS
P.S Knock, Knock, who there. 🙂
Oooorrrrrr 🙂
Donald you have this obession with Captain Porter and with Acting Chief’s eligibility to take the Assistant Chief’s exam. So first let me ask you. Would you be screaming to the hills if it was Garcia who had made the top 3 and after Perez resigned Porter was made Acting Chief even though he had not applied for the Chief’s position? Probably, no absolutely not because everything with you is black and white.
Secondly this obession with the Assistant Chief exam that is supposedly in court and Acting Chief Garcia’s eligibility for said position. First she is more than qualified if they gave the exam because she commanded the Domestic Violence and Internal Affairs Divisions and has a degree. Second point precedence was already established when then Chief Chapman appointed then Captain Mangano Assistant Chief without an exam and without the objection of the Union. Then Captain Lynn Kerwin was promoted to Assistant Chief by then Chief Gaudett again without having to take an exam because said position was the choice of the Chief. So needless to say that case will go nowhere and Bucci who is representing those officers including Porter will have made some easy money.
And finally Donald how do we know that Porter wasn’t made a top three finalist as a favor from little Joey for the Captain Straubel racial incident against him. After all one must wonder that after a nationwide search for possible candidates for the Chief’s position the top 3 were all from Connecticut. Particularly interesting 2 from Bridgeport PD, Perez and Porter and the third from New Haven PD Luis Casanova. I would say that this was a waste of tax payers monies. Don’t you think so?
I don’t see how in the world Joe should have the privilege of choosing a new chief,if there was just a slight trust in the process,it’s obviously gone now.The very little credibilty and trust we had for Joe is gone.The writing is on the wall that the feds have MUCH more info than was let out.I fully expect Joe to be indicted in the near future,not necessarily for this fiasco,but for other things.At that point Aidee Nieves becomes acting Mayor(oh lord)…Does anyone want Joe hiring another Personnel director at this point??…
Joe,you have taken everything you possibly could from our once great city,again & again you you took advantage ,do the right thing and step down before you’re forced too.Bridgeport has no more you can take from us,go away now.
Ofcourse Joe wanted AJ, didn’t his #2 Staley quit? Ricci quit? lot of layers before you get to the top. Is Garcia the first female chief? that checks off alot of boxes, no?
From today’s Ct Post article…When they asked Joe if the FBI has talked to him…”He started walking faster and declined to answer repeated questions on whether he was questioned or interviewed by the FBI regarding the allegations against Perez and Dunn.”
An Innocent person would stop,and answer the question like this..”yes,I have spoken to the FBI and cooperated with them,I want to get to the bottom of this”… Instead of answering like that,Joe walks away quickly..
Any Council President can only succeed a sitting Mayor, for any reason, if the inability of the Mayor to serve falls within the last six months of the Mayor’s four-year term. I have it on reliable information the present CP will be long gone by then.
City Charter
Chapter 2
Section 3. Absence or Disability of Mayor; Vacancy in Office of Mayor; Special Election.
(a) …
(b) In the event that a vacancy occurs, for any reason, in the office of mayor, the president of the city council shall act as mayor, until the office of mayor is filled as provided in subSection (c) of this section.
(c) Whenever a vacancy occurs in the office of mayor, other than during the final year of such mayor’s term of office, the city council shall cause a special election for the office of mayor to be held not less than 120 nor more than 150 days from the date that such vacancy occurs. The person elected mayor at such special election shall take office on the 7th calendar day following his/her election and shall serve the unexpired portion of the term vacated. In the event the vacancy occurs during the final year of the mayor’s term, the president of the city council shall become mayor and serve for the unexpired portion of the term vacated.
From your mouth to God’s ear Lisa🍯.
Dunn will drop the dime on Ganim , to save his own Ass.
Joe needs to resign and the City Council should take a no confidence vote on this Administration !
Are you trying to say: Put a fork in him-he’s Dunn?
That mighta been the headlines in the papers if this was New York City!
Joel, I’m saying this city has not moved forward because of the corruption by Joe Ganim and Mario Testa, bad cops, bad Schools, high taxes and a corrupt city government, who in their right mind would ever open a new business in Bridgeport?
Rats will kill other rats to get to the cheese.
I believe I said the following about 2 years ago regarding all of this shit: get the popcorn ready it’s going to be quite a show!!!
When the trap is set , It’s the second Rat that gets the cheese!
Legit question, sort of, (sorry Rich)… Ed Adams?
Wow you’ve got me on that one!!!
Back in the day I worked in cooperation with some feds including DEA and FBI guys but I never ran into him. I met him once but that was it. Hello hi and goodbye at a restaurant where he was with all “the boys”. I don’t know what other function he served at the agency other than what we all read about. I’m guessing we did not run in any of the same investigative circles. Other than Ganim using him for credibility purposes-(yeah right)-on the come back campaign and resulting election, I don’t have a clue what else he brought to the table. All I know is that he’s on the city payroll for doing absolutely nothing. I don’t believe he was ever apart of the “round table” outdoors beside Mario’s back door on Suburban. Maybe he’s not an espresso aficionado!! But seriously other then being handed a salary as a political payback your guess is as good as anyones.
I’ll end with this I can’t see it landing on Joe’s desk unless someone flips on him and spills the beans, “if any” well the are always beans to spill. I mean the corruption that had taken place just to get Joe reelected was mind-numbing. How in the hell did Moore end up as a written candidate and was lonely notify of it on Primary night where she best Joe at the machines and Joe squeaked out a win by 100 or so votes? That was over Joe’s head so I can’t see it playing out with him leaving office over someone cheating on a test when he can barely win on his own.
As for the test gate, someone, Dunn has to flip, and Joe has to end up as ex-Gov Blagojevich, caught on tape pressuring Dunn to make sure AJ makes it to the top 3. With a police force with a 100 million dollar budget who knows you, the Feds want, up too, what they will do, or what message they are trying to send. Rest to sure Joe’s political asperation is closing to an end. The days of running for Governor are over unless Joe skates by, and those theaters are acutely developed. If not, game over in the next election, if there’s one for him.
What you vultures seem to be missing while hopping for the other shoe to drop with someone flipping while this saga is being played out, Joe was running for Governor In what universe did the ever make sense, even in Joe’s universe that was beyond comprehension.
If there was a tape the feds had like officer 1 (mark) with AJ. I would think Joe in this case would have been a defendant instead just mentioned by Dunn, saying Joe wants AJ in the top three. I Can’t say what the Feds are up to or what leverage they are trying to gain. Just remember you vultures, Officer 1 (Mark) was working with Feds against AJ because some other cop ratted him out about some texts he made in a department with a 100 million dollar annual budget.
Regardless of how the plays out I still believe a casino resort is the Port’s only salvation, and most of you political players that have been around for decades are well passage the age where every day is closer to death than life and the Port has not really seen better days by your hands. JS
P.S we will see how much juice Joe has and those wanting a casino in the Port, minus the violence, really no need for it.
“The federal complaint claims Dunn told someone in the selection process that the mayor wanted Perez in the top three. If true, where did that come from? It didn’t come from Ganim directly to Dunn. Nowhere in the complaint does it state a public official applied pressure on Dunn to wire Perez for the top three.”
Good point Lennie. However it looks like ONLY Dunn can answer that question. The complaint can be amended down the road. Dunn is charged with one count of lying to federal authorities already. He did the damage to himself already. Years ago I posted here on OIB that the lesson learned or taken by folks contemplating participating in BPT corruption is to be careful with phone or electronic communications. Dunn left a trail. Another mistake by Dunn was hiring the head hunter from N.Y. Thus creating an interstate activity. You Just entered the Southern District.
Joel, the Southern District of New York was brought in as an independent agency because as chief Perez had many relationships with federal agents in Connecticut working common cases.
Lennie, David Dunn gave Joe Ganim “plausible deniability.” “Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack or absence of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. If illegal or otherwise-disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such acts to insulate themselves and shift the blame onto the agents who carried out the acts, as they are confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible (credible), but sometimes, it makes the denial only unactionable. The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions for the plausible avoidance of responsibility for one’s future actions or knowledge. In some organizations, legal doctrines such as command responsibility exist to hold major parties responsible for the actions of subordinates who are involved in heinous acts and nullify any legal protection that their denial of involvement would carry.
“Many relationships” is an understatement. Lennie I’m guessing you know that it could be even closer than one might think…….and that’s why they had to go “out of town’ or state, so to speak.
Joel, who is head hunter company that you mentioned?
Randy Frank…
Joel, I agree with you about Dunn, there’s a lot of gold to be found with Dunn’s action as the top person who’s in charge of all Civil Service testing.
I would ask that people to check out the lack of experience that Frank has with giving exams for cities that have the population and racial makeup like Bridgeport.
Randi Frank Consulting LLC
Headquarters in Louisville, KY serving Nationwide Clients with a special emphasis on Kentucky, Connecticut and the East Coast.
Phone: 203-213-3722
Kentucky Address:
Randi Frank Consulting LLC
7700 Hoover Way
Louisville, KY 40219
Lennie, are you suggesting Joe knew nothing about this, because the request to make sure Perez was in the top 3 ,wasn’t directly told to Dunn by Joe???.. C’mon Lennie,that’s not what you’re saying, is it??
Harvey, I’m looking at this from a culpability perspective. How does the investigative fallout impact Ganim criminally? Joe Ganim never told David Dunn to fix the process to wire Perez in the top 3. For some people it’s a logical conclusion that, based on the criminal complaint, Dunn can throw Ganim under the bus. He can’t give the feds that. Of course that’s not going to stop big brother from digging for something that can tie in Ganim, be it this case or something else. It’s the nature of the beast. The feds never go away. After JG1 they were around for Fabrizi, they were around for Finch and they’ve been around for the five years Ganim has returned as mayor. Ganim and Perez had a close friendship. Perez remained loyal to Joe during his darkest days, even after testifying at the federal trial in 2003 that he was there for the $7,000 wine haul I purchased to share with Joe more than 20 years ago. For all the stuff that was involved in that case that’s the thing people remember most – the vino. Salute!
When Joe returned he rewarded Perez’s loyalty by making him acting chief in early 2016. For me, once Joe did that he was even with the house. He owed him nothing. Ganim’s failure was stalling the national search to select a chief in violation of the City Charter. But he also had plenty of time to assess Perez as top cop. Nice guy, not a manager. After enough pressure, Ganim approved a national search in 2018. I wrote then and now (and as a result broke this story in March that giving Perez the five-year appointment was going to be a gigantic toothache for Ganim for a variety of reasons. Now we are seeing it. Does it become a full blown root canal? Or even worse a tooth extraction without novocaine? If Ganim had to do it all over again he’d have selected someone else as chief.
Tooth Be Told
Lennie, let me follow up about Perez’s loyalty to Joe Ganim and also how his own words have comeback to hurt him especially with the FBI. I’ve copy a portion from the Hartford Courant.
“The mayor told Perez to stash four cases of the wine in his own basement. The wine, three cases of which were hauled before the jury, served as tangible evidence in the government’s case against Ganim, who was convicted of taking more than $500,000 in kickbacks and bribes.”
During Perez’s testimony, he made clear his bond with the mayor, saying even if he thought Ganim was breaking the law, he may not have turned him in to authorities.
“It’s no secret that I loved the mayor,” Perez testified. “I wouldn’t have called the FBI or anything like that. … If I had seen him do anything wrong I would have gone to my supervisor and said … ‘I can’t work for the mayor anymore.”’
I understand your position Lennie, thanks for the response..
I’m convinced you and others do understand. You folks just don’t want to accept what is.
Say what you want about Stevie A,but he nailed it 5 years ago..Kudos Steve!
August 6, 2015 at 5:38 pm
I think medical science now uses the term “Genetic congenital Liar” and there is a picture of Joe Ganim next to the medical term. Again, Foster fails to address Joe Ganim and he really is her only roadblock. Three weeks to go. Boring!
Harvey Weintraub. C’MON MAN, REALLY? Stevie A will say that he didn’t take his meds when he wrote that post because he’s so far up Joe Ganim’s ass that he’s Ganim’s biggest cheerleader.
Come on Lennie. You are back on the KOOL AIDE. Why would Dunn do this if not told to be Joe? There is no record of Dunn asking for a kick back. So what’s in for David? Don’t buy your deniable culpability theory.
If you read the Post this AM Stan Tardy said he never said he saw that much detail in a criminal complaint.
Maybe they don’t have it totally nailed down yet but I’ll bet they a lucky their chops.
Why do you think Joe evaded the question about talking to the FBI. Do you think he didn’t want to say he is fully cooperating or is it they don’t talk to a person of interest until the FBI has it totally nailed down.
C’mon Lennie, you can’t believe that mess you’re telling the loyal readers of OIB that Recently Arrested Acting Director of Civil Service David Dunn risked his career, his integrity his character and here’s the capper, going to prison for giving Chief Pérez the answers because he loved him so much? Judge Judy on her show always says, “If it don’t make sense it’s a Lie!”
Mayor Ganim made not have told him personally, but you can bet Recently Arrested Acting Director of Civil Service David Dunn was told by someone in his inner circle that he wanted Pérez in the top three. There is one undeniable fact, ALL THREE ARE LIARS and CHEATS and one of them is a Convicted Liar and Cheat.
Donald for once we are in agreement. For Lennie to imply that after making AJ the Acting Chief that everything was square between little Joey and him. C’mon there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell him. Exactly stated why would Dunn risk his career if he wasn’t instructed by little Joey to make sure AJ was in the top 3. Why would he change the criteria of the Bachelor’s degree requirement for the position if it didn’t come from little Joey. Like I said get your popcorn and drinks because Ganim the sequel has commenced.
DD, often times things don’t make sense on the surface. Plenty of people have put their life, liberty, integrity etc on the line because it didn’t seem to make sense. You’ve castigated Dunn for a decade about his dubious decisions as personnel director. Fair enough. That is open season. Let’s suppose someone in Ganim’s inner circle told Dunn the mayor wanted Perez in the top three. Did the directive come straight from Ganim? Was that an assumption because Ganim named Perez acting chief and accordingly wanted him permanent? Did Ganim know anything about the system being rigged for Perez? AJ, according to the complaint, wanted insider help and got it. Several cops have told me AJ is a nice guy but no way he finishes top three without help. There is nothing in the complaint that suggests this scheme was at the behest of public official number one.
What has to make sense is the government’s burden of proof to make a case stick against a public official. Now that two people have been charged does it shake lose more information? Maybe, we’ll see. Ganim’s selection of Perez certainly has come back to bite him. But to what extent?
Right in the thick of this mess racist remarks made by then Captain Straubel about Captain Porter erupted publicly. Straubel was Perez’s top aide. Straubel helped Perez with the test. Straubel was pissed about how he was treated for the Porter remarks, forcing his retirement. Straubel cooperated with the government. Porter, by the way, was ranked third among the finalists so he could have been selected by Ganim. Porter is suing over the process.
Police department politics is thicker than quicksand. People do stupid stuff all the time over politics and personalities. And sometimes they sink because of it.
Don, this case is like the 1971 movie, “The 1971 Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight” starring Robert De Niro and Jerry Orbach.
Mayor Ganim was so busy running around trying to be governor that he forgot about being the mayor, he didn’t call for nationwide exams for the Personnel Director and for a Police Chief. It was no secret that Joe Ganim had to pay AJ Perez who was his driver while he was stealing $500,000 of taxpayers money for wines and suits and basically keeping his mouth shut to the feds. As for David Dunn, he been on the City’s payroll from the time that he was a member of Mayor John Mandanici’s Kiddie Korps back in the late 1970’s. Dunn knew his job was to be President 45 Michael Cohen, the fix up man. Dunn was the person who knew where all the city’s skeletons were buried. Mayor Finch and Mayor Ganim allowed Dunn to stay in his “Acting” Personnel Director position for 12 years when he should have only been there for 120 days. Dunn was able to manipulated Randi Frank, the owner of the testing company that gave the test so that she violate the professional and U.S. Federal Guideline standards in testing.
Bridgeport is a gold mine for the feds with more to come and the voters can thank their self for voting for this mayor and this do nothing City Council.
Comrade Day, I’m with Lennie. For the Feds to bring a case against Joe there has to be more than wanting AJ as top cop. Its been widely publicized that Joe wanted a change in the top cop position during his reelection comeback champaign when AJ and the police union were supporting and endorsing him. As well as, after Finch renewed Gaudette’s contract and that saga played out, costing the city. However, to Lennie’s point. Joe owns the police for helping him”get” elected more than old news and wine cases. They the cops wanted Gaudett out, and AJ was the standard-bearer. Where and when that old news and wine comes, who knows? but a lot of people were somewhat less than happy after Joe won, Lisa can attest to that.
I think the administration waited as long as it could with AJ as acting chief because in the hopes AJ would conclude that he was over his head. Unfortunately, I think AJ saw the greener pasture and decided he can just dictate it to underlings, based on how he dictated the test had no to issue it that. which is cool with me, but there was one part of the job that had to be handled by him, and that was in the press, Well, it was bad, optically.
Comrade as for Dunn he didn’t survive 40 years, administration after administration with doing what was asked. The problem I see here is the lack of accountability and entrance corruption that allows such sloppiness of criminal activity. JS People
It’s funny how people were calling for AJ’s resignation but would call him when they needed him. Personally, if AJ was more able to articulate himself on the city behave in high profile cases may be the Feds wouldn’t have been sicked on him. What does scrap metal have to do with anything? AJ time is the stress, they will pass. In the end, you lone got caught cheating on a test. I can honestly say I have never cheated on any test, I failed, never cheated. 🙂
If I am a betting man Joe’s chief of staff will be replaced.
P.S these proceess was more of and interview then a test. JS
Full disclosure, this is just my opinion, and have nothing to base anything I say on but my imagination. 🙂
AJ had all the question. He has help in a writing the answers to the written questions and he still couldn’t finish first???
Are you going to say he did it intentionally so it didn’t look suspicious? Come on Lennie. One minute he needed all the help he could get and the next minute he a genius for failing just the right number to come in second?
Put down the KOOL AIDE right now and come in off that ledge.
Troll, if I’m on a ledge it will be with gin.
Here’s another odd twist to this Chief selection soap opera. Why would the consulting firm hired to administer the test email the candidates (post Perez receiving them from Dunn) the written portion indicating that they must be answered solely by the candidates in a truthful manner. Hello did they ever hear of webcams and proctors to watch them as they answered the questions via the webcams. I’m still scratching my head on that one. But again Only in Bridgeport
Jose Reye, what you just wrote Donald Day and myself have been the only ones out there talking about this subject and how David Dunn is not qualified to hold the position as the Personnel Director. The fact that Mayor Ganim and the City Council fail the taxpayers by not going by the City Charter in calling for a nationwide exam for a new Personnel Director.
Lennie, you know that NOTHING like this would happen in this city if Joe/Mario didn’t want it to. It’s a far stretch to think Joe never let it be known to Dunn that he wanted Perez in the top 3. Joe & Mario wanted Perez to be Chief from day one.When you manipulate things like they do in this city, you need a police chief that takes orders and doesn’t ask questions..Perez certainly filled that requirement..
Thank you Harvey. Do you think that Mario wouldn’t care if he could call up the Chief and ask for a Bpt Police Officer to be on stand by for AB duty in a primary that Mario wanted to win?
Do you think Mario would say “Sorry Joe. We can’t plant wit de AB’s no more because this new Chief sat me down and told me it illegal?
I will conclude this debate that a national search will result in an out-of-towner (state)who can put to bed some of the office politics that pledge’s the Port’s PB and to restore some sense of trust in the communities in the city, and enact needed policies because clearly even with a budget twice as Hartford’s people still don’t know how to act. If it stops here. To combat the race game that also pledges the Port the person should be Chinese. 🙂
JMO BAM! I am out of here, you valchures.
Here’s another hole in your argument. If Joe didn’t owe anything to AJ then why did he name him permanent Chief.
You’re telling me one Chris Meyers doesn’t Trump one David Dunn?
All he would have had to do was have Meyers overrule Dunn and say a plaiting reading of the charter said that the Chief has to have a degree and Perez was out. Case closed. Next man up.
So he doesn’t pick Perez. Gives him some titt title in City Hall and every thing is perfect. AJ double dips for as long as Joe is mayor and everyone lives happily after.
It’s KOOL AIDE time!!!
Everybody drink up🍹!!
Better yet, he could have gotten rid of Ed Adams and given that job to AJ. Unless Ed served another purpose having to do with still cleaning up Joe’s messes.
Joe released a statement a little while ago,of course trying to distance himself ..Soo,Joe “gave a clear directive that the process be conducted professionally, fairly, and timely, in accordance with the City’s Charter”….Except he wanted Perez in the top 3,and Dunn made that happen for Joe…Joe,no one is buying you didn’t know,it’s over now…
Ganim’s office released a statement, saying, “While acknowledging clear disappointment, the mayor reiterated that he gave a clear directive that the process be …conducted professionally, fairly, and timely, in accordance with the City’s Charter. The mayor has expressed his appreciation that most members of city leadership are now pulling together at a time when we need to unify to make appropriate change and move forward.”
As I said, it doesn’t make sense. He had plenty ways out yet he kept on choosing AJ.
You’ve got to come up with more than this Joe.
Joe had plenty of outs and he did take any.
Joe wants you to believe that Dunn took it upon himself to give Perez the questions, change the requirements to be hired Chief, etc,etc… All this denial is going to come back on him.
*** This is just the tip of the “shit-berg”cause it always starts @ the top & rolls down-ward for something as simple as a test-exam, $ raise, loyalty to friends & politics. ***
Exactly what does ED Adams do for the $100,000??.. Wasn’t he supposed to talk Joe off the ledge when he got the urge to steal,Rig bids,commit fraud, and other things Joe has a propensity to do?
Council talking tough, check back in 3 months, they won’t do a thing.. A powerless group.
Lennie, I saw your response to me and while I appreciate your promptness in responding, I’ll just say, Get Outta Here. After the Feds read that response you can rest assured that during the voir dire process the Feds will use their peremptory challenges to remove you from the jury! 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
A state representative, a city councilwoman and a former mayor say that Rebeca Garcia is not qualified to be acting police chief in Bridgeport. Jose Reyes and Joel Gonzalez, neither of those individuals are me!
Thanks for the correction Donald, however the way you posted your message it appeared as you were the one making the assumption. So do you care to reveal who the state representative, city councilwoman, and former mayor or will they stay anonymous sources. I have a hunch that former mayor is Bucci who is making free money off the Captains who have filled suit regarding the Assistant Chief position that really has no merit due to past practice in filling that position. As I stated earlier in a previous post, both then Captain Mangano and Captain Lynn Kerwin were both promoted to that rank without a promotional exam and without objection from the union because said position was at the discretion and choice of the Chief. Second question which you might answer. What is the basis for Garcia not to be eligible. If the basis is the fact that she didn’t apply for the permanent position they are wrong again because the Acting Chief selection is at the discretion and choice of the Mayor and has nothing to do with whether or not she applied for the permanent position. Unless you can show me in the City Charter that says otherwise this argument is closed.
Jose, it’s in an article in the Connecticut Insider.
So Lennie,
Have you read my counter arguments to your “we’re all square” theory. Care to comment on them.
1) No one is going to be more palatable the AJ and do whatever Joe or Mario say.
2) Replace Ed Adams with AJ and give AJ a job as long as Ganim lasts. Ed has outlived his usefulness.
3) Have the City Attorney overrule Dunn and say AJ is not qualified. Easy way out. “I’d like to AJ but my hands are tied.”
Instead he opted for doing his best Sgt Shultz imitation and saying “I know nothing”. It doesn’t pass the smell test.
Troll, Joe didn’t need any easy way out. From my perspective he rewarded AJ by making him acting chief. It should have ended there. Joe’s not asking for my advice these days, but if he had I’d have told him do not appoint AJ permanent chief for a variety of reasons. You rewarded him by making him acting chief. Case closed. Move on. Now it’s a mess.
So is Joe that stupid?
Or has he surrounded him self with “yes” men and women.
And Lennie
If Joe knew nuttin, why did he provide for legal representation for himself AND Shamus. Your explanations don’t hold any water.
When federal investigators demand municipal documents you need lawyers to both process those documents and talk to them.
We’ve got a staff of city attorney. They could have handled producing documents and answering general questions.
Bob,when you know you’re guilty,you want the best there is defending you,besides,it’s not like it cost any of the accused anything,once again the taxpayers pick up the tab for Joe and his cronies..Not to mention the city attorney’s office is very busy handling whether or not the Columbus statue should go back up..