Malloy: Trump Shameful, Treasonous, Terrifying

Well governor, tell us how you really feel. Governor Dan Malloy released the following statement regarding Donald Trump’s remarks at a joint press conference on Monday with Vladimir Putin.

“Shameful. Treasonous. Terrifying. All words summarizing the actions and remarks today by President Trump. This president is either in way over his head or does not have our nation’s best interests at heart. Regardless of the reason for this epic failure, neither scenario is acceptable. Serious harm was done by this sham of a summit and our nation is no safer for it.”



  1. *** Trump’s praise to Putin, “he’s a competitor”, “a strong competitor”!*** WOW!*** Can Trump supporters put this down as another one of Trumps many campaign promises and wonderful things that he has accomplished since being President? What has Trump & admin. (now that the Republicans have the majority in the House & Senate) actually done that is part of his, to do, “bucket-list”? ***

      1. *** Don’t be afraid, its okay to show your true colors & god-less faith. There’s room in heaven for everyone, rich or poor, strong or weak, black or white, sick or healthy, etc. As long as you repent your sins & ask for god’s forgiveness, there is even room & hope for all Trump supporters too!***

  2. “Shameful, Treasonous, Terrifying”

    The official Democrat party script.

    Yada, yada ……

    Only weak minds will buy it. Malloy must be positioning for a campaign job with Andrew Cuomo.

    1. You are just as disgraceful as your hero. OMG. Are this type of supposed humans even living in our country? Are you even a real American? Disgusting

    2. Still spewing the party line, eh Tom? Better acquire a taste for crow. You’re gonna be eating a lot of it after November. The GOP is going to be routed from Capitol Hill. The Democratic majority in the House will vote to impeach your party’s rust colored standard bearer.

  3. What a DISGRACE, I was watching listening to 45 at a join press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, 45′s believes in “hate America first,” 45 committed treason with some of his comments and once again the Republican Party not saying anything, “hate America first.”

    Bob Stefanowski, Steve Obsitnik, Mark Boughton, Tim Herbst and David Stemerman the Republican candidates for governor all gave President Donald Trump an “A’’ when asked about his performance so far in the White House. Connecticut voters, it can’t get any clearer than the direction and the mindset of the Republicans where 45 has made it impossible for Connecticut taxpayers to write off their property tax and their State incomes taxes off of their federal taxes. “Great performance,” for real?

  4. From the Washington Post:

    “It is being widely reported today that many Republicans are criticizing President Trump’s refusal to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin over his sabotage of American democracy. Many of their statements sided with the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia did interfere in the 2016 election, and defended our intelligence services against Trump’s continued assault against them.

    “But ask yourself this question: How many of those statements from Republicans also acknowledged the conclusion of the intelligence community that the goal of that Russian interference was to elect Trump?”

  5. *** Oh come on & give the guy a break, he only misspoke once again & this time in Russia! After all every right-wing, nationalist, Fox News & Trump supporter knows exactly what our great commander & chief really meant, no? ***Lets Move ON Its only a Witch Hunt*** BUT WHO’s HUNTING WITCHES @ THIS DAY & AGE ***

  6. It’s all about OIL, $, and power (of course!…). The American OILogarchy and their maneuvering to keep oil as $king$, and control the majority of the world’s supply in that context had the Russian OILograrchy drooling(recall the EXXON/Rex Tillerson deal with Russia for access to 10 billion barrels of Russian oil?…). Donald Trump, looking to maintain and expand his empire with desperately-needed, “no questions asked” Russian cash, along with tremendous real-estate-development-opportunity potential (which he had recognized early-on in post-Soviet Russia) saw a great opportunity as a broker and beneficiary in service of a US-Russia OILogarchy partnership in this context, and very astutely cultivated such a role — which he deduced could be much facilitated and enhanced by becoming POTUS (where he would be able to do such things as appoint EXXON president Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State…).

    It would seem that Trump’s $-twisted soul recognized a great opportunity in the cultivation of a relationship with Vladimir Putin, in the context of above scenario, and that he successfully courted the Devil in this regard and hatched a plan to become president with that Devil’s help… (Of course, the Devil always such deals, having the tactical advantage of very little control and oversight…)

    So, here we are, with an incredibly-powerful OILogarchy partnership enjoying the ability to manipulate and control the incredibly powerful POTUS, the latter of which has few qualms about being controlled in the context of being a Co-Chair/beneficiary of this world-controlling OILogarchy-BOD… (Even if he’s not quite co-equal to the other pitchfork-wielding Co-Chair…).

    But, this whole scenario is a natural outgrowth of the greed-worship launched by the Reagan Administration, the latter of which apparently couldn’t see the danger, just beyond fore$t of green, as it decided to manipulate the world power structure in pursuit of US corporate interests and a stronger hold on the world’s resources… We’ll, what they accomplished was unleashing the unholy forces of greed in the form of the diabolical Trump-Putin partnership… The long-term implications of the maintenance of this partnership –per the ability of Donald Trump and his handlers/facilitators to remain in power, are nothing short of apocalyptic…

  7. *** Seems that when the R.Wing Nationalist’s “Commander & Chief” messes up bad, this blog gets little action from Trump supporting bloggers. Its as they can’t really make too many rational excuses so they just blog a few meaning less silly words or mention some other “past history” admin. blunder that is suppose to make everything a-okay, or so they think! Trump supporters & the silent GOP is running out of costumes to dress-up their political golden “PIG”, in order to make him look the part as, “Commander & Chief”. ***


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