Lopezed: When Vanity Is The Favorite Sin–Government Isolates People For Political Celebration Inaugural

For nearly two years work on behalf of the people has been conducted mostly under the pandemic of virtual Zoom meetings. Let’s keep public officials and people they represent safe from potential spread. No argument. Curiously, now that a new class of elected officials is poised for service, the pomp and circumstance has returned exclusively for photo ops, back-slapping and pleasure-center enjoyment. Let’s wine and dine and Klein. That’s kinda what it’s all about. A purposeful celebration without a purposeful moment.

Roughly 30 elected officials on December 1 will receive the oath of office indoors at the stylish Klein Memorial Auditorium, with presumably friends, relatives, political pals, constituents in observance. For the 20-member City Council this exhibition represents a first-time, in-person gathering since the legislative body went Zoom, a point noted by retired Superior Court Judge Carmen Lopez who knows all about oath recruitment for such events under normal circumstances.

But these are not normal times, unless it becomes convenient for ego currency.

From Judge Lopez:

“Vanity: Definitely my Favorite Sin” says Al Pacino in his portrayal of Satan in the last line of The Devil’s Advocate.

The latest news brought to us by Only in Bridgeport regarding the Inaugural Ceremonies of Bridgeport’s Municipal Office Holders, clearly establishes, without a doubt, that the sin of Vanity is running rampant in our City.

Is it possible that those Bridgeport residents elected to the position of City Council, Board of Education and City Sheriffs think so highly of themselves and their accomplishments that they will really parade themselves in all their glory at the Klein Memorial, a 1400 seat auditorium?

Can it be, that the Legislative Branch of our Municipal Government, the very distinguished City Council, will actually come out of almost two years of Zoom Meetings and let themselves be seen in a public gathering?

And then, in typical ‘hide from the public and keep things secret mentality’ retreat to Zoom meetings.

Can’t be, can it?

Well, maybe these elite office holders of municipal positions just need to remind the rest of us  lowly residents and taxpayers of just how serious, important and regal they are by virtue of winning an election that will allow them to become public servants.

Not just anybody can do that; it takes a certain kind of politician to do this.

As most of us experience the highest rate of inflation since 1990, along with a supply chain shortage bewildering everyone struggling with financial setbacks, our City Council is opening up a huge Auditorium for their coronation. Think of the cost involved with arranging for personnel for parking and for police protection as well as for heating and other amenities including lighting, and all of the other props necessary to put on such a production.

Save money?

Why would you ask such a question of folks so convinced that they are worth spending other people’s money?

Amazing that in response to Lennie’s article referring to this distinguished group of ‘winners’ as Preening peacocks, a Board of Education member publicly stated:

“And Preen, I shall; this is my selfish moment before giving hundreds of unpaid hours … to the City.”

Spoken like a true public servant!

Can’t help but remember the Hans Christian Anderson fable, The Emperor’s New Clothes, the story about the vain and self-satisfied king, who was enamored of his glorified self-importance. So enchanted was he with himself, that he was successfully convinced by a couple of charlatans to believe that a non-existent set of new clothes specially made for him by them, was so special that only highfalutin  people, such as himself would be able to see them. And, as we know, believing he was so grand, he pompously paraded himself in front of his subjects, without clothes.

On a more serious note, let us remind these elected officials that they have presided over the federal convictions of the Chief of Police, the Personnel Director, a City Attorney’s Office advised by the Freedom of Information Commission to take classes on the proper scope of the Freedom of Information Act, the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars on criminal defense attorneys for city employees, without a legal obligation to do so and a multitude of acts of malfeasance of public duty.

While I am tempted to set forth examples of the breach of the public trust, I think the point has been made. Suffice it to say that we have all witnessed many acts of hubris by our elected officials.

Perhaps, these officials may take a moment from their splendor and glory and consider the advice of President Eisenhower, the Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War and a twice-elected President of the United States. Despite a life dedicated to public service he put everything into perspective when he said,  “Take your job seriously, not yourself!”

Would that our venerable Bridgeport elected officials show similar humility!



  1. Thank you, Your Honor.

    Your critique is duly noted. My comments were mostly tongue in cheek (mostly). I do not disagree in general with you have said. Most of the article Lennie posted had to do with the city council still meeting remotely and coming out from hiding for this ceremony. I’ve been one of the strongest advocates for in person meetings since the day we re-opened schools. I, and the board have been meeting in person for months now, this is an example the city council should follow.

    With no control over the venue, nor the expenditure I will be attending. I will continue governing in the same frugal thoughtful manner with BOE funds and expenditures where I have some measure of control as I have for the last four years.

    Respectfully, (tongue in cheek again) In this instance with no control, naked emperor or not I shall preen.

  2. Wondering if the after party is going to be at Mario’s and therefore billed to the city at inflated prices so Joe can get a little piece of the pie that day?

  3. What — no face mask mandate, no social distancing, no “vaccination confirmation?
    If vanity were a requirement, Wanda Simmons would be the guest of honor. Why? She’s ready for the spotlight with her recent transformation / makeover. Lennie even posted the pic!
    It’s not as bad as it seems. In the event Simmons deserves a summons, police will be posted outside.

  4. As usual Judge Lopez is right on point but I would like to give another point this vanity of celebration. This dog and pony show is a Joe Ganim production to make Joe look good for the state Democrats in power to make it look like Joe has the abitity to brng people out

    Judge Lopez wrote, ” On a more serious note, let us remind these elected officials that they have presided over the federal convictions of the Chief of Police, the Personnel Director, a City Attorney’s Office advised by the Freedom of Information Commission to take classes on the proper scope of the Freedom of Information Act, the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars on criminal defense attorneys for city employees, without a legal obligation to do so and a multitude of acts of malfeasance of public duty.” Those city council members who were reelected have done nothing conerning the point that Judge Lopez wrote. Now you have new people who have just gotten elected who have no experience with the city charter or the running of city goverment. There needs to be training sessions about city government and understanding the city charter but look at what happen with Freedom of Information Commission to take classes on the proper scope of the Freedom of Information Act. This is a celebration of a do nothing city council and a know nothing new council members, again this is all about Joe and his future plans to look good.

    “Hello Preening Peacocks – Inaugural Ceremonies For Municipal Office Holders Dec. 1 At The Klein”
    November 16, 2021 LennieGrimaldi

    Ron Mackey says:
    November 16, 2021 at 1:39 pm
    What a joke, the Klein, you got to be joking, who the hell do they think are. Show us you know how to perform your duties.

  5. Having participated in these ‘celebrations’, I have mixed feelings. I viewed my participation as a public commitment to apply my educations and acquired skills to benefit the residents of Bridgeport.
    My new town of residence has a simple swearing-in gathering at the town hall. Prior to election day, every incumbent and candidate presented ‘bios’ in the local weekly newspaper that reflected college degrees and relevant work experience, very different from the candidate scrutiny (or lack thereof) in Bridgeport.
    Bridgeport city government is morally bankrupt. Bridgeport taxpayers should be insulted by the arrogance of city officials, but then, this is Bridgeport.

  6. Really, the whole idea of this ridiculous pageantry being held to recognize the collective failure of Bridgeport city government, even as our future further sours and our assets are stealthily placed under conservatorship by a state government obviously in doubt of the former’s competence and ability to steer clear of existential exigency, is just maddening. It reflects a cluelessness by those involved that is only exceeded by the people that continue to elect them and entrust them with the well-being of their families and economic future.

    This city is obviously damned… In lieu of a full, federal-state bailout and takeover, there needs to be an ecumenical exorcism of some sort as some attempt to dampen the rampaging evil that has been unleashed on our city — perhaps we could hold such an exorcism at the Bridgeport HARTFORD Healthcare Amphitheater as an enhancement to its over-hyped Festival of Lights…

    Cheers! Clean and Green!


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