Six years ago, at the urging of Mayor Bill Finch and State Senator Andres Ayala, then Governor Dan Malloy rolled out an election-year proposal for a second city train station, an East Side urban development initiative to clean up a troubled tract of land. With Finch and Ayala out of office State Rep. Chris Rosario has become a champion of the project.
The price tag is now too lofty for Governor Ned Lamont who declares it’s not in his transportation funding plan, prompting frustration from Rosario who has touted the plan as a major initiative for jobs and transit-oriented development in his district.
From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:
Although Gov. Ned Lamont did not use the word “dead,” he made it clear Monday that the city’s long-sought-after second train station will not be built anytime soon.
“We’re going to do something, certainly, with the rail station in Bridgeport,” Lamont said when asked by the Connecticut Post while visiting a local nonprofit about the chances of the state funding the $300 million East Side station.
Lamont then clarified he was referring to the downtown train station on Water Street.
“Right now our plan is to look at existing stations,” he said, adding later: “I want to make sure existing stations are up to speed, state of the art.”
I truly believe that is was doomed from the beginning. The downtown station to this Barnum station are just to close to each other.
Please all ,don’t hold your breath on the casino being built as well, or the Majestic project which in my opinion should be the one they focus on not gonna happen by the looks of it. The ice ring……hummmm for everyone but Bpt. resisdence.
$300 million East Side station to no-where!
The Governor’s right fix our highways, bridges, and existing stations!
Like CT has hundreds of millions to build a new railroad station a mile from the existing one. And here’s a question: Who is supposed to use those huge slips at the new Boca restaurant/marina complex at Steelepointe? They’re far too big for most pleasure or fishing boats, and vacancy rates at existing marinas are up. The phantom yachting crowd gambling at the phantom casino?
A 30-something year project that isn’t even half way done yet they want to build another rail station, fix the Majestic, build and ice ring ,build a casino and build the congress bridge. Hummm, can you complete SteelePointe?
Sorry forgot Bassick. 2029 it opens……….ok,ok 2031
Coach, that soon?
i guess i could mention the Remmington Shavers project
i heard flooding issues………Reminton arms buildings on barnum ave havent been torn down and i guess thats enviormental issues?? They bare so ugly going down Barnum ave
That Railroad station project was just Finch trying to come up with something positive in an election cycle,it was never in serious discusion.In fact,if I remember correctly,the transportation commissioner at the time,first reaction was”that’s news to me.where are the funds coming from to build it”?…The Railroad station project was Finch” Majestic Theater development” of Joe’s….We can’t fund our schools,our city is slowly decaying,one building at a time,and Finch thought a second railroad station was the answer,lol.
Well look who Bloomberg pick as his two state coordinators. Adam Wood’s wife, Adam being the Chief of Staff for Bill Finch, and the State Rep who claims to be the biggest backer of the 2nd train station.
Bloomberg will do for the nation what Finch did for Bridgeport; nothing.
Bloomberg is a good guy. He was a good mayor. He is a good businessman. He is a GREAT philanthropist. He is running because as an extremely wealthy man, he wants to give people another view on the many issues proposed by the far left socialist candidates. The issues that, if ever moved forward by the left, would bankrupt the country. He knows that to be true as does anyone who has ran a real business and never received anything for free but had to work hard to attain what they have. He should take whatever money he intends to spend on this campaign and donate it to great causes as he has done all his life because he has NO CHANCE of winning.
That explains your comments on OIB about Bridgeport.