It’s time to step up and vote. Polls are open until 8 p.m.
Mayor Joe Ganim and primary opponent State Senator Marilyn Moore made multiple appearances on Monday.
Moore closed out Monday with a fundraiser at Leisha’s Bakeria Downtown.

Ganim, riding power of incumbency, highlighted an urban renewal building demolition Downtown.
Republicans also have a primary for mayor featuring John Rodriguez, Ethan Book and Dishon Francis.
If you hear anything let us know. Stay tuned for updates.
Not sure where you vote? See here.
5 people were in line at Black Rock School waiting for the opening of the polls. Thanks to all the poll workers who will put in a long day today.
Good luck no matter what horse that you have running in this race.
As of 7 :27 am 65 votes casted at black rock. 4 Moore votes from my household
Retire Mario!
Absentee from my first Black Rock address and now in line to vote at my second Black Rock address. Next, to the grave yard to dig up a few more voters…. Lord have mercy nothing has changed in Bridgeport except the newest high profile personalities sucked into the Machine this year.
Good luck my friends, vote line B for a Better Bridgeport.
She’s Bridgeport enough!
me myself and I? seriously just once…
Even though I no longer live in Bridgeport I voted line B twice today. Moore better Bridgeport!
Vote early, and often.
As of 4:20 pm Black Rock School, the count was 500 voted.