The Connecticut Post published a profile Sunday of developer Sal DiNardo, patriarch of Peter DiNardo Enterprises, a commercial real estate company. Scribes Michael Mayko and Keila Torres Ocasio presented a balanced view of the irrepressible developer who allowed them access to his real estate world to show he’s made of flesh and blood and not stitched body parts jolted by lightning. Sal is not comfortable with scribes and ya never know what he might say. “Hey, are you listening to me!”
My coffee tasted mighty cold last Sunday when I picked up the paper to see I was a cover boy. Jesus, my “friends” at the Connecticut Post put me next to Russell Peeler! They didn’t show Sal’s mug next to a convicted killer, as they did me, but this may be the first time Sal has posed for media shots. I’m sure some OIB readers would prefer it a mug shot.
The Post threw a spotlight on Sal, his business, his tax payments (or not). DiNardo and the city recently came to terms on a remediation plan for the vacant former Remington site on Barnum Avenue. Sal also owns the property that was recently blowtorched by the zoning commission for a proposed halfway house for men in the West End. DiNardo also cleaned up a portion of the dirty Bridgeport Brass site, with a tax break from the city, that is home to United Rentals and is generating tax revenue.
Sal, one of Bridgeport’s ultimate characters, inspires much passion, especially here on OIB. I started thinking (always a dilemma for me) what actor would best portray Sal in a film version of his life. It has to be Chazz Palminteri. Put Chazz in an orange suit and it would be perfect. Let’s have a little fun this weekend. Who would be your acting choice to play Bridgeport’s high-profile pols in a film version of Only In Bridgeport? Mario Testa (Danny DeVito), Joe Ganim (Sean Penn), Bill Finch ( Kevin Nealon), Chris Caruso (Chris Farley, okay okay, I know he’s dead), City Council President Tom McCarthy (Jerry Mathers). What say you?

What an enormous insult to Chazz Palminteri suggesting he play Sal DiNardo. I think the only one who could truly play Sal like the weasel he is would be Paul Reubens AKA Pee Wee Herman … Maybe his father and his grandfather came to this country and worked hard to better their lives, and maybe they were great men with strong morals and genuine good principles … I did not know them and could not tell you, but Sal DiNardo is a low life. He has one principle he stands for … screw anyone he can out of whatever he can. I was unfortunate enough to deal with this individual myself which was despite my better judgement. I built a beautiful set of Mahogany Gates that are located at the entrance of his 1159 Redding Road “so-called farm.” Sal DiNardo was kind enough to pay me half of what he contracted me to do. Seems he didn’t feel like paying after he was ordered by the town to restore the wetlands back to their original state. Hopefully his sons will be the apples that fall far, far away from the tree and restore some kind of decency to the DiNardo name.
Congrats Sal … You screwed me! Good Luck with the town of Bridgeport.
City Council President Tom McCarthy (Jared Fogle) aka The Subway Guy:
The guy who played Eddie Haskell could play Finch.
Bill Finch–Don Knotts, Mayberry RFD
Sally’s the teflon non-don.
Nathan Lane as Tom McCarthy.
Lindsey Lohan as Auden Grogins (after Ms. Lohan is released from the California State Women’s Correctional Center, of course).
1. Mario Testa … (Luigi Manocchio) [Mob]
2. Sal DiNardo … (Franky Citro) [Mob]
3. Tom McCarthy … (Jerry Capeci) [Mob Rat]
4. Chris Caruso … (Ralph Wiggum) of the Simpsons or (Grady Stiles)
5. Bill Finch … (Pee-wee Herman) Finch only needs high white pumps, red jazz bow, has the suit.
6. MJF … (Olivia de Havilland) or (Mickey King–Aerialist)
7. Carolanne Curry … (Blossom Dearie) or (Ayn Rand)
8. tc … (Quasimodo) Hunchback of OIB
9. Tom Lombard … (Epicurius)
10. Joel Gonzalez … (Prince Randian)
11. Paul Timpanelli (Meyer Lansky) [Mob]
You crack me up.
Hey Quasimodo, do you know who is/was Prince Randian?
Audin Grogins–We accept her, we accept her, one of us, one of us!!!
Pete Carrol coach of the Seattle Seahawks dead ringer for Finch.
Seymour Hoffman–Caruso
Danny DeVito too uncouth for Mario–Joe Pesci
Jason Biggs–Adam.
John Goodman can play Charlie Carroll. Fabrizi will be played by James Gandolfini. Anthony Hopkins can play Paul Timpanelli. Mary-Jane Foster can play herself, seeing as she used to be an actress. There can even be some cameo appearances, such as Will Forte from SNL as Jim Himes.
Stafstrom = Liberace
Wood = Fredo (brother of Michael Corleone)
CC = Nick Nolte
Finch = Steve Martin
Rumor has it Uncle Sal is talking to the Birdman about another charitable donation to Sal’s favorite charity; himself.
Could be over $1 million in Sal’s back pocket!
So how about Uncle Sal playing himself in a cameo role? Nobody plays Sal better than Sal and nobody plays the City of Bridgeport better than Sal.
Chazz Palminteri playing Sal DiNardo? My God! What have you got against Chazz Palminteri?
What about Ernest “T?” Who can play Ernest “T?”
How about Antonio Fargas? Wasn’t he Huggy Bear on Starsky & Hutch? I know yahooy finds Moses huggable.
Blech. I’d rather hug Anna.
I was going to suggest that. Or the actor who played Webster.
Word is Uncle Sal wants the city to take some property by eminent domain and sell it to him below what he would have to pay.
Claims this is something Ganim agreed to do before going to jail.
Only Sal could look to the city to make good on an alleged deal made with a corrupt city official a decade ago.
And only Bill Finch could agree to do so.
Reaper: It sounds like the property on South St. Sal DiNardo wanted the City to take it from some British firm so he can get the necessary setbacks to build his asphalt plant. He had no deal with anyone, if Finch makes a deal with DiNardo, we will be ready for both of those scumbags.
Jimfox, you got that right, we will be ready for both of those scumbags if they try again to put an asphalt plant on South Ave.
Right On, Ron!
Hey Ron, give me a call when you get a chance.
I have got to admit I can see Finch on a bar in a room full of bikers as he dances to “Tequila.” Pet Finch could lead the band.