New Year’s resolutions. Predictions, predictions. Time to look into the OIB crystal ball. Tell us what you see. Look into my eyes. Jesus, I sound like a Dracula movie.
For political junkies like me 2010 will be an absolute hoot. Former Mayor Joe Ganim, incarcerated for more than six years, is expected to be released shortly. Hard to believe I’ve not spoken to Joe in 9 years. And former State Senator Ernie Newton, the Moses of his people, will be released in 2010.
The new year, March to be exact, will include potential Democratic Town Committee primaries for future control of the party. Democratic Party Chair Mario Testa does not yet have an announced opponent to vie for 90-member party leadership. But ya never can tell who’s hiding in the bushes. Do they burn brightly? Watch out for those thorns! Nothing like a pol in the prickers.
Assuming Mario’s reelected he’ll then go about hooking up with one of the leading guber candidates Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz, former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy and Ned Lamont who croaked Joe Lieberman in a primary in 2006 only to lose to JoeMentum in the general election. How did that happen? Ned failed to appeal to independents. And so, maybe that’s Susan’s and Dan’s biggest argument against multi-bucks Ned: Can he win a general election?
State party conventions will take place in May. On the GOP side for governor it’s a race between Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele and former Ambassador to Ireland Tom Foley.
In the 4th Congressional District Republicans Rob Russo, former state senator and Shelton State Senator Dan Debicella are jockeying for the GOP nod to face Democratic incumbent Jim Himes.
And what about Chris Dodd? He faces a primary from Merrick Alpert, an attractive money-challenged candidate who e-mailed OIB “I will be on another walk across Connecticut next week. This one will take me on a 100 mile, five day trek to focus on the suffering that is taking place in Connecticut. Starting in Enfield I will walk south to East Hartford and then go on to Hartford, New Britain, Bristol, Waterbury, Ansonia and New Haven. There will be a lot of points in between. Unlike the last walk, on this walk I do not go through Bridgeport, but I will certainly be addressing issues relevant to the citizens of the city. My flag will be in my hands.”
Linda McMahon and former Congressman Rob Simmons are duking it out on the GOP side to face Connecticut’s senior senator, or Alpert, in November.
And we’ll have a whole bunch of state legislative races. Could bullet Bob Keeley try to reclaim his old seat against State Rep. Auden Grogins, the blonde banshee from Black Rock? What other incumbents will be challenged? I can’t wait!
In the state’s largest city, this is a crucial budget cycle for Mayor Bill Finch who’s up for reelection in 2011. Pay raises for cops kick in for the budget year that begins July 2010, and the mayor has a new-look Board of Education which he hopes can help his city-side budget. The guy in charge of the BOE budget Pat Crossin, who had the same position on the City Council for several years, is a pushover for no one. That will be fun.
Me, I think the city needs a new Harding High School. Maybe Jodi Rell will help give Bridgeport the loot for a new high school in addition to a new prison before she leaves office. You want reading material for the weekend? Here goes. Happy New Decade!!!
Marc Delmonico, Bridgeport GOP Chair, steps up in letter to gov’s office:
I never received the data comparing the States spending allocations to Bridgeport verses other Connecticut cities. It is obvious that Bridgeport is not a high priority on the Governor’s list. We have only to look at the latest news with regard to the proposed jail. Be advised that I will be siding with Bridgeport. The blatant arrogance of Hartford towards this city is amazing. I am trying to grow a Republican Party in this City, every step forward we take, is set back three steps by the Governor.
First you put a jail on waterfront property. I am sure that in Real Estate Development 101 it is taught that waterfront property is better used for Economic Development rather than government services. The only Government services that should be on waterfront property are the Navy and the Coast Guard.
Secondly your hesitation in sending the spending allocations I requested is confirmation of what I thought … Bridgeport is not getting the fair slice of the pie.
Thirdly, Bridgeport gave you alternate sites for the Girls Detention Center (Jail). It is obvious that this was ignored. You are destroying an established neighborhood. It is obviously too late to affect this administration since The Governor is not seeking reelection. I hope the next Republican administration will be more Bridgeport-friendly, and I will do my best to help insure that for my City.
Linda McMahon’s New Year’s Resolution:
As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to think about a New Year’s resolution that will stick. My pledge for 2010 is to unite Connecticut so that we can take back Washington.
Uncontrolled spending, massive recurring deficits and unacceptable debt — this is what career politicians have given to us. Government is not working for people, and career politicians are doing what they do best when their jobs are threatened: spending even more of our money and driving the country further into the red.
We need to end this cycle, and the way to do that is to stop sending career politicians to Washington. Instead, we should elect a Senator who has the strength to end business as usual, make Washington work for Connecticut families, and most importantly, put people back to work.
Share this message with your family, friends and neighbors. As we ring in 2010, you will have your chance to tell Washington you want a new direction. Right now, you can keep the momentum building by taking these last few hours of 2009 to sign up for a yard sign, a bumper sticker or the opportunity to volunteer.
We are ready to take the voice of Connecticut families to Washington, D.C.
I will work for you. The journey has already begun. Best wishes for the New Year.
News release from Mayor Finch:
Housing Authority Hires Fire Safety Consultant to Review Safety Issues at P.T. Barnum Apartments
In the wake of a fatal fire on Nov. 13, Mayor Bill Finch and the leadership of the Bridgeport Housing Authority announced today that the Housing Authority has hired a fire safety expert to examine and evaluate fire safety at the P.T. Barnum Apartments.
The Housing Authority has hired Joseph H. Versteeg, principal of Versteeg Associates, a consulting firm specializing in the formulation and implementation of fire safety/protection strategies and the development of fire/life safety training programs, to aid the BHA in ensuring fire safety at the public housing complex.
“In order to move forward, we felt it was best to have an independent party review the many suggestions put forth by residents, the public and other interested parties, and make recommendations on where to focus our resources,” said Nicholas Calace, Housing Authority Executive Director. “Mr. Versteeg’s expertise as former commanding officer of the technical services section of the State Fire Marshal’s office and his background in fire/life safety training and implementation will be invaluable as we determine what will be the best and most efficient course of action to address the safety concerns of P.T. Barnum residents.”
Versteeg will review all suggestions that have come from the three public board meetings held by the Housing Authority since the fire, the staff meetings hosted by the Mayor, and from members of the public and residents of P.T. Barnum Apartments.
To reinforce the message of fire safety, the Fire Chief and the Mayor have visited with children at Longfellow School where most of the children at P.T. Barnum attend. In addition, the Fire Chief along with members of the department, have visited every apartment at P.T. Barnum, providing information and discussing fire safety with residents. The Fire Department next plans to spread the fire safety message during door-to-door visits at Marina Village and the rest of the City’s public housing complexes.
“I have joined the Chief in visiting many of the residents of P.T., and the one-on-one visits have been very helpful in reinforcing the fire safety message to an entire family,” said Mayor Finch. “The assistance of an outside expert will help the Housing Authority and the City to make all of our public housing complexes safer in the future.”
“I would urge all City residents to check their smoke alarms on a regular basis to ensure they are operating properly, and to practice fire safety plans with family and friends so everyone knows what to do in case of a fire,” said Bridgeport Fire Chief Brian Rooney. “The one sure way to reduce the possibility of a fire in your home is to be vigilant and use smoke detectors,” he added.
In addition to the hiring of a consultant, the Housing Authority also has augmented its annual certification process to require that each tenant file a fire safety plan when they recertify their financial eligibility each year.
The state Fire Marshal’s office is continuing its investigation into the exact cause of the fire; a final report is expected in 30 to 40 days.
The Housing Authority expects to call another meeting sometime in January to inform residents and the public of their progress and receive additional input. The meeting will be open to the public and all residents of P.T. Barnum, and state, local and federal officeholders will be invited to attend.
In the meantime, residents are urged to share their ideas and concerns about fire safety with the Housing Authority by writing the Executive Director at 150 Highland Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604 or by attending any of their board meetings.
And More From The Mayor
Mayor Finch Wishes All a Safe and Happy New Year in 2010
Mayor Bill Finch urges all city residents to have a safe and Happy New Year’s celebration, and a healthy and prosperous year in 2010.
“Safety is our number-one priority during the holiday season, and throughout the year,” said Mayor Finch. “Here are two New Year’s resolutions everyone should make: make sure your home or apartment has a working smoke detector and, if you plan to celebrate on New Year’s Eve, please include a designated driver in your plans.”
City residents can take advantage of the free Safe Asleep smoke detector program by calling 203.335.8835 to get one installed. The Bridgeport Fire Department, in conjunction with AmeriCorps and the American Red Cross, has installed more than 23,000 smoke detectors in city homes since 2005.
Bassick Video Students Win $12,500 in Final Feats Contest
Bassick High School video students won a total of $12,500 in the recent nationwide “Friday Night Feats” video contest sponsored by State Farm Insurance.
The winning video, which placed second out of 300 entries from school across the nation, depicted the Bassick Lions touchdown victory in the last 15 seconds against cross-town rivals Harding Presidents during a game on Nov. 11.
Mayor Bill Finch joined Bassick principal Ronald Remy and Schools Supt. John Ramos Sr. in congratulating the students’ efforts. Local State Farm representative Victoria Hodson presented a check for $12,500 to football coach Frank Marcucio and Video Instructor Kathy Silver, whose students created the winning video, during an event at the school on Dec. 22.
“We’re very proud of the work these students are doing; their video work was top-notch and very deserving of recognition,” said Mayor Finch.
Bassick football players Rodney Lanham, quarterback, and Davonte Franklin, a running back and the stars of the video, joined Ms. Silver’s students at the award presentation.
Troll Hearing
There will be a SPECIAL MEETING of the City Council’s COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE to be held on Monday evening, January 11, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wheeler Rooms, Side A & B.
If you have submitted an item that appears on the agenda below and are receiving this notice, it is imperative that you or a representative attend the meeting to represent that item.
23-09 Statements of Councilperson Robert S. Walsh, 132nd District to Councilperson Mary Evette Brantley.
Very truly yours,
Ann L. Murray
Assistant City Clerk
Bullshit Declaration Of The Decade
You cannot be serious!

Attention all Only in Bridgeport readers:
When it comes to Happy New Year, I’m a real socialist: I want everyone to have the same thing!
But I cater to rugged individuals, too. So …
If things weren’t so fine in 2009, I hope you prosper again in 2010.
What this world needs is more successful people; I hope you’re one of them.
Local Eyes–Thanks for putting us on your Social List!
Looks like the city did the right thing in hiring an outside consultant to make recommendations for PT fire safety. Joe Versteeg is a highly qualified person.
My Decade in Review–More or less.
I have made it through close to 5 decades. This is the only one where I felt like the country and I were doing better at the start of the decade than at the end. I weighed less and I made more money. The country had less debt and more jobs. We had a tentative peace, a balanced budget and we owned more of the country than China. Granted we had the devil with the blue dress on, but compared with the country’s 3 mistresses, the sultry allure of Wall Street, the seductive and hypnotic credit industry, and everyone’s favorite ride, the auto industry … I’d take a Monica any day. The decade’s first change of power tore the fabric of democracy and rode roughshod over its electorate; for the first time in our history a court decided the outcome of a presidential election.
In the first year of the new millennium our country was literally and figuratively shaken to its core with 911. I’ll never forget frantically trying to get my husband on the phone that day as he was going to Wall Street for a meeting. It turned out he was on one of the bridges and saw the second plane hit. I won’t ever forget the harrowing stories of several friends, and the fact that some friends were forever silenced. For one brief period in this decade we were united in our grief against a common enemy, but it was only fleeting. Our country is now as divided as it was back in the civil war. Blue verses red, instead of gray, separating purple into 2 distinct colors instead of the blending of hues. When the most popular person in the Country is President Obama followed closely by Sarah Palin, you can’t help but see how split our country is.
The last 10 years the state and the country were like the grasshopper who frivolously consumed its sustenance, and borrowed its way into starvation, with no ant to extend charity. The haves had more and the have nots had less. We now have less privacy and more suspicion, more fear and less hope. It is ironic that a bright spot in the decade included more awareness and agreement that the world was melting and would eventually drown a third of the world’s population. It was a decade of losing role models and increasing cynicism. Cynicism that slowly pervaded every pore, starving our optimism and feeding our pessimism. We now stand on the brink of the first major health care reform since FDR and it appears from the media that sticks and stones are breaking bones with no chance of mending.
It will be with great joy that I say good bye to the ’00s. I have great hope that the ’10s will be better, statistically the odds are with me, as our country does cycle. The policy pendulum swings back and forth as we try to change the recent past. However it is the big picture we should focus on, the lessons of more than 2 centennials. We have had conflict since the birth of our nation, the tug of war between state and federal power, big government and social awareness, corporations and the everyman. We compromised then, and the result was an abiding Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I hope we strive to learn and listen more and restrain ourselves and attack less. That is my hope for the new year, more or less.
Great post! I give it a Ten.
Linda McMahon’s New Year’s Resolution?
I wonder if placing a political ad on OIB is in Linda’s list of New Year’s Resolutions. Lennie, are OIB readers allowed to have more than one resolution?
Live it up, Joel; as many resolutions as you want. We won’t limit you to 9!
“… on this walk I do not go through Bridgeport, but I will certainly be addressing issues relevant to the citizens of the city. My flag will be in my hands.”
Hey Lennie, make OIB a State and design the flag in your hands. Let’s walk around my neighborhood when you and the flag are ready.
“… Hard to believe I’ve not spoken to Joe in 9 years.”
Will Lennie Grimaldi get Joe Ganim to do a Pol Pod interview before the end of the next decade?
Stay tuned to OIB until 2020.
EarthCam has Times Square covered with eleven robo cams and thousands of people. Look closely and you might see someone you know.
Middle age has never been so much fun. < -- turn on your speakers to hear "street noise" from hidden microphones.
Bullshit Declaration Of The Decade
You cannot be serious!
Lennie, are you better-off at the end of this decade than when Bush started to lead it? Do you feel as safe taking a plane? Happy with the Democrats you have voted for? Pleased with last decade of service from your friend Chris Dodd? Do you feel more Lieber-man-rated from government mandates and intrusion? What Mission did the Democrats complete in the last decade?
Could a 20 year old like OIB Blogger Of The Year donj get elected mayor of Bridgeport in the first mayoral election of the new decade? Before you answer, read this:
I defer to the many “political wise,” both women and men, who study the many subjects and stories raised daily in OIB in the depth of your memory on facts and info about people, customs and City eccentricities.
I also do not wish to have the “last word” for the year 2009 of OIB.
However, I noted the mention of the changing Police compensation in the upcoming budget cycle (and can’t wait to see what the two year deferrals do to budgets in the out years).
It causes me to ask once again: “Where’s the money?”
I have kept asking a specific question on the amount of the “unrestricted City fund balance” on multiple occasions this summer, fall, and winter. No one has yet been able to lay a number on the rest of us. Seems strange to me with the variety of “political wise” who can ask questions of people who should know that this info is unavailable. Perhaps the City audit for July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008 will have to be the necessary source, but if the amount was around $10 Million at the beginning of that year, where was it at the beginning of the current budget year? More importantly, since that “rainy day” amount that absorbs all of the budget extras or revenue shortfalls each year has been in “free fall” trend most years in the past decade, just what does the City do when the last dime disappears?
Perhaps an OIB reader has a printing press to keep the City going similar to the one in Washington DC that is operating overtime, cranking out debt obligations into a dim future for many of us? I think not, but what is the current status of that fund, specified in the City Charter? Whom will you ask? Do we need to have a prize as an incentive? Let me know what the rules of OIB allow, Lennie. In the meantime have a safe and happy evening bringing in the New Year.
Well Beacon, I’ll look into the fund balance but the last I heard it was in the $10 million range, not a number that makes bond rating agencies happy. The fund balance 10 years ago was roughly $50 million. Joel was on the council when the fund balance was much higher and he may recall when the slide started.
Hello my OIB friends I have been so busy lately that I really cannot be on OIB like that anymore. Happy New Year to everybody. I will not vote for a Republican in 2010, Jodi Rell showed me why I hate the Republican party so much. I think all three democratic Gov candidates are great to pick from. I honestly can say I am undecided but leaning towards Sue B. This is the first time I can say I am happy with the lineup Democrats have for gov. As for sen I will be voting for Dodd, he is not the best but he is the only one that deserves my vote. No one on the Republican side can convince me to vote for them in 2010 after what they tried to do to health care!!! As for Mario I have no plans on voting for his slate come March.
donj: Mario does not run a slate so you have no vote there. As far as health care may I suggest that you take a look at both the senate version and the house version. On health care you can expect to pay for it or be fined. Under the senate version small business is in a pickle. If they already offer health care to their employees it will be cheaper for them to drop the health care and pay the $770 per employee fine. One business owner who owns 18 hotels covers all his employees and also operates a clinic for them. He estimates that his company will save $8 million by dropping the coverage and paying the fine. While I agree that people without insurance do need affordable health care does anyone know what the cost will be? I don’t think so. I would be willing to bet that not one senator has read the 2,500 page senate health care bill. By the way what did the Republicans do that harmed health care? Sure they voted no but it meant nothing. Did the Republicans offer Senator Ben Nelson over 100 million in Medicaid savings for his vote? Did they offer Dodd $100 million for a new hospital for his work on health care? Did they offer Mary Landreu from Louisiana $300 Million for her vote? NO.
I understand your point tc but more people will have health coverage. Don’t mean to sound rude but the older generation always talking about don’t touch my health care well you know what this is a new age and time and it benefits the younger generation like me. I never hear Republicans or Joe L talk about the waste of spending when we went to Iraq so why the hell are they complaining when the people with less are going to get covered at least we are spending it on something good. Republicans are for the rich and that’s the end of the story. 20 years from now I don’t see that party holding any weight. My generation and the one that’s coming behind are liberal/modest = Democrat generation and this includes whites, blacks, and Hispanics.
*** Happy, safe, healthy, prosperous New Year to all “OIB” bloggers, readers & family! *** May the “New Year” bring back the (positive sides) of going back to the “Good Old Basic Ways” of doing things in general. *** Nothing fancy, nor outsider studies with large payroll ideas in city government that spend tax dollars & never seem to get done nor work. Just plain old-fashioned (math) economics across the board with a (clean house) mentality for overall “basic” change. Back to basics, where if it’s not broke, you simply don’t fix it! *** Last but not least, “vote” for individuals, not political parties & learn to “respect” yourself so you may be able to “respect” others! *** Stop spending “$” & “prepare” & save “$” for the future, as if your life might depend on it because things just may get a bit worse before they get better. Learn to depend on yourself, not the government so you’ll know exactly who to blame! Remember, common sense & street smarts do not come with a college diploma. ***
Lennie, we are waiting for your comment on this:
Joel, Joe was relentless in pushing his appeal process and seeking an overturn in case he decides to seek a future in electoral politics. He’ll be out soon and as far as I’m concerned he did his time and is even with the house. Had he ‘fessed up years ago and taken his medicine he’d have been home with his family much sooner. I have no clue as to what Joe plans but he has a strong family, a classy wife and he’ll be heard from.
As for me, I’m happy right where I am exchanging banter with my OIB friends.
“… seeking an overturn in case he decides to seek a future in electoral politics.”
Are you saying that since Joe’s attorneys failed to overturn, Joe has no future in electoral politics?
He has a future but just where depends.
Hmmm, just read that article and it said Ganim was a contender for Gov. Imagine if Ganim were gov I think this city would be in good shape don’t you think? I would give him a second chance in a heartbeat to be my mayor again. I can’t wait to have a Democratic gov in CT!!!
But that article also said that he would return to his home in Easton. So what does that mean for Bridgeport? Nothing?
Your point “stands!”
donj: We are saying don’t touch our benefits because we worked for those benefits. We sacrificed for those benefits. Most young people with stars in their eyes feel like you. In 20 years when you have worked hard and achieved a status in life and someone states they want to take that away you will feel differently.
Many of today’s Republicans and conservative Democrats were the flower generation of the ’60s and ’70s and ultra liberal then. A taste of reality changed many of the flower power generation.
Look I think everyone should have some kind of health care but not at other people’s expense. Older generation that I am part of. Worked for 50 years, never on state aid, never on unemployment, never got a handout even in tough times. Times got tough took a second job. Took 0% pay raises for medical benefits and now they are under assault.
donj follow the history of this health care bill and you may find it is not the panacea you think it is. Adding 30 million people to the insurance ranks. The #1 question is and no politician has addressed it: Where are the doctors going to come from? My family doctor is not taking any new patients as his practice is full.
Here is a political reality, come the midterm election you could see a very big change in the number of Republicans elected and reelected to congress, it always happens in a midterm election. Having a one-party system sucks. If you need an example of a one-party system look at Bridgeport.
Slow day: read with interest the Town of Trumbull’s objections to the new Regional High School scheduled to be built off of Quarry Rd. It seems they never have any objections when the shoe is on the other foot. Not once when they built the multiplex movie complex did they cite water and water pressure as a concern even though at capacity this complex probably has as many occupants as the high school will have. No water concerns when Sikorsky built a large complex on Quarry Rd. This also goes for never a complaint about traffic or traffic jams.
Citing a volunteer Fire Department and EMS was never a concern nor did it stop Trumbull from littering our borders with things they did not want elsewhere in town. They allowed Avalon Bay to build a couple of hundred apartment units on our border (Old Town Rd). The industrial park off Chopsey Hill & Old Town, the education center on Old Town Rd, Trumbull Shopping Center, Hawley Lane shopping center. No water concerns then, no fire department concerns then, no EMS concerns then. If Scinto wanted to build his elderly home there and Trumbull owned the property they would have no problem then.
These are the biggest bunch of NIMBYS I have ever seen. It.s time for Trumbull to assume some of its social responsibility. These officials are worried about the added expense of having a school in their town, in fact one suggested it be built in Bridgeport. To these town officials I say Bridgeport will take this high school and in exchange Trumbull can take the new prison Rell wants to build. What say you Trumbull?
If Rell is going to get her way on the detention center, the next best thing the Mayor or Rep. Caruso can do is negotiate on the terms. A certain percentage of the construction workers and permanent employees should be from Bridgeport. Providing jobs is the least she could do.
You are right on the MONEY with that comment about the volunteer fire department TC. That is totally shameful. They gobble up developers’ money left and right but leave their property owners, businesses and residents exposed by not having a full-time fire department. It is sometimes a comment like this that ends up causing far more harm than good. The same comments that the new first selectman has made against the school can be applied to any new development proposal including the Jewish Home for the Elderly.
So Herbst wants Bridgeport to provide public works responsibilities to Trumbull, wants Bridgeport to provide fire protection to Trumbull and wants Bridgeport to provide police protection to Trumbull (not only here but when he talked about problems at the mall).
The mantra for the Herbst administration will be “Development YES, Public Safety NO!!!”
Trumbull for years has known that they can call Bridgeport Fire Department under a mutual aid agreement; they count on that all the time. Look Trumbull has a great VFD but that’s just what it is, Volunteer. It’s the same with the Police Department. They needed help when they had the disturbance at the Quarry Rd Movies and Bridgeport PD responded.
The audacity of the Trumbull Official who stated let Bridgeport build it on a brownfield in Bridgeport just shows how far away we are from regionalization.
They’re argument has nothing to do with Fire protection, Police Protection or anything else; it has to do with one thing and one thing only. Keeping Bridgeport Kids out of Trumbull. I say build the school on Quarry Rd and tell Trumbull KMA.
As far as Finch meeting with Herbst what does Trumbull have to offer Bridgeport? Nada. A good topic of conversation would be how much we are going to raise their sewer fees and it should be substantial. If I were Mayor Finch I would tell them to change all the toilets and sinks in municipal buildings so that they can save on their allotted capacity. Just ask former first selectman Timpanelli, he knows what needs to be done.
TC is on the money when it comes to the Trumbull statement. I think the economy will pick up in 2010.
Bridgeport should institute a congestive pricing policy for Trumbull traffic to and fro. They would go into Congestive Heart Failure.
I don’t care if it’s just a new year or a new decade. Let’s all decide that what we need in B’port is a new attitude. Let our motto be “Bridgeport First,” and then work to make us more than just the largest city in CT. Let’s tell Trumbull now that either we work together or we will do whatever is necessary to isolate them. Let’s tell Stratford that deals on the airport or Pleasure Beach must be mutual or we will also put them on the enemies list. We need to develop a list of things that B’port provides to the ‘burbs and market it.
Mojo said respect yourself so that you can respect others and they’ll respect you. Let’s practice that by dealing out of strength and not out of a need to get the crumbs of developments outside the borders and the discards from the State. We need to find pride in our assets and diversity. We need a vision for our city that goes beyond the “me first” mentality of the Democratic majority on the council.
Mayor Finch, your time is running out. Either you get tough with your pals and not just the city employees and get the tax revenue due the city or run for another office.
It’s time for strong leadership, without party loyalty, and with a vision of what is best for the CITY and not for any individual. Let’s make 2010 a new beginning for B’port by starting with cleaning house of deadbeats, egotists, power mongers, and unethical politicians and political appointments.
I read with interest the article in the CT Post about a deputy chief and fire marshal of the Boston Fire Department, saying that the tragedy would have been averted had a different type of smoke detector been installed in the Barnum units; ionization vs. photoelectric?
What is your take on this?
In the much-heralded smoke detector giveaway program, what does B-port give away?
And if this is a problem in PT, is it a problem in all of the BHA housing complexes?
A quick comment re the health care debacle … does anyone know of a person who was denied treatment at Bpt or St. V’s? I don’t believe this issue is health “care” as much as it is about health (insurance) “coverage.” Optimum Health Center will treat the uninsured and charge a portion of income. The debate, to me, seems to unfortunately be about money and politics and the insurance industry. Increasing the number of people covered by insurance from 89% to 94% is noble but is going to be very costly. If it was ever possible to go to 100% the cost to the taxpayers would increase exponentially.
Let’s get to back to basics. Congress needs to vote up or down on the question, should the American people have the same health care plan as members of the Federal bureaucracy? It’s time to consider voting out anyone who thinks they are better than the people they serve. This includes the people in Hartford as well as City Hall and its annex.
Grin Reaper: I think that his comments are premature as we do not know the cause of this fire as of this time. I will tell you this both ionization detectors (installed in PT) and photoelectric detectors are effective.
Ionization smoke detectors respond more quickly to flaming fires.
Photoelectric smoke detectors respond more quickly to smoldering fires.
Both detectors will respond to humidity such as that created by showers or steam-driven humidity.
Deputy Chief Fleming is a very qualified individual but until the cause of this fire and the resulting investigation are released I still think he is premature in his findings.
Having investigated and having supervised thousands of fire investigations I can’t for the life of me understand why it is taking so long to release the investigative report on this tragic fire.
*** Well, “OIB” readers will be the first to hear the great news! I’ve been approached by the state’s Latino “Palante” political committee with an offer of conducting a political study on my behalf, for a possible run for the office of Mayor in the city of Bpt. as an independent, no doubt. It’s just part of a bigger picture in actually getting either a Latino Mayor or qualified Latinos in high admin. positions like C.O.S., etc. All depending on who the strong candidates will be @ the time & political & financial backing of course. *** “Back to Basics” campaign! ***
Maybe someday we will wake up to the fact that there are no LATINOS. Better yet let’s send them all to wherever LATINOLAND is {probably around the corner from neverland}. Until we refer to ourselves as who we are, we shouldn’t aspire to represent anyone.
“town committee,” you wrote concerning Deputy Chief Fleming in the Post article, “I think that his comments are premature as we do not know the cause of this fire as of this time.”
Andy you also said, “Deputy Chief Fleming is a very qualified individual but until the cause of this fire and the resulting investigation are released I still think he is premature in his findings.” And, “having investigated and having supervised thousands of fire investigations I can’t for the life of me understand why it is taking so long to release the investigative report on this tragic fire.”
Andy, think some more about this and think out of the box, now answer what you asked above.
Ron I can’t answer what I questioned above. Chief Fleming is very qualified. However making a statement about which type of smoke detector would have been better in the case of this fire is premature as the cause and origin of this fire has not been released.
Under the definitions of the 2 smoke detectors if this were a flaming fire in its initial stages then Ionization smoke detectors were of better use. If this was a smoldering fire then photelectric smoke detectors were best suited for this type of fire.
The one thing that has to be taken into consideration is the fact that people heard the alarms for a reported 20 minutes before the FD was notified. I am not holding fast on the 20 minutes as you and I both know when fires are discovered and reported minutes turn into eternity while waiting for the FD to arrive.
I looked at the lack of an investigative report after all this time and can not figure out why no report.
I will tell you this now; all kitchen fires are smoldering food on the stove fires and the same is true with mattress fires not all mattress fires are smoldering fires. I don’t want to get into specifics as that would require unfair (to victims) speculation as to the type of fire.
Ron what I am interested in is fixing the problem properly and making sure not one more person dies in a fire at PT or anywhere else for that matter where corrective action can help avoid another tragedy.
“town committee,” Although Chief Fleming is very qualified why did the Post contact him to do an article? Who bought Chief Fleming to the attention of the Post?
Andy, I am in total agreement with your comment, “what I am interested in is fixing the problem properly and making sure not one more person dies in a fire at PT or anywhere else for that matter where corrective action can help avoid another tragedy.” Do you think the (CYA) cover your ass mode is in effect?
I am not sure about the CYA effect. The problem is that people living there are demanding answers and rightfully so. People living there want to know that when they go to bed at night they are going to wake up in the morning. They want to be sure they and their kids are safe. I agree with that.
What’s in effect here is how two fire chiefs and a fire marshal allowed what was a competent fire investigative staff go to hell in a hand basket.
While we wait for the State Fire Marshal to get off his ass and get this report done our citizens at PT are no safer than they were before the fire.
I don’t understand the delay. There are questions that come to mind.
1. Where did the fire originate?
2. Did it originate in the kitchen?
3. If the fire originated in the kitchen was the stove or the burners found in the on position?
4. Was there evidence of what if anything was being cooked?
There are many, many other questions that I will not put on the blog.
My point is why doesn’t the state’s largest city have its own full-time fire investigative unit? Why did the last 2 chiefs allow it to degenerate into a unit that needs the State Fire Marshal’s office to conduct what should have been their investigation? If we had our own unit like we used to have we would have had answers to this tragedy and corrective actions could have moved forward. CYA Maybe.