O&G Industries appears to be following a court order by Superior Court Judge Dale Radlciffe who ruled last month that the construction services firm must stop operation of its concrete crushing operation on Seaview Avenue. A sign on a company entrance declares “O&G IS CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING INCOMING MATERIAL.”
Radcliffe ruled in favor of a city zoning enforcement directive ordering the company to cease its operation that community activists declare is a visual and physical health blight on the East End and East Side neighborhoods.
The company request to reargue and reconsider Radcliffe’s decision was also rejected by the judge.
O&G is also facing community opposition to relocate the storage and stockpiling facility to the West End.
Hopefully, this is the beginning of the end. There are those still concerned about O&G’s plans to create the same facility in the West End/end of Howard Avenue, next to Wheelabrator, next to Cedar Creek-Black Rock Harbor. Those of us involved in the No To O&G are exploring staying together to fight other environmental abuses in Bridgeport. O&G is not the only player.
City Officials, make sure all city surveillance cameras are working/recording and being monitored. Citizens all over the city, keep your cell phone cameras on the ready. “… O&G Industries appears to be following a court order–‘O&G IS CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING INCOMING MATERIAL.'”
So, look to all vacant lots, parks, and isolated/poorly-lit streets in Bridgeport to pick up the regional “dumping void” left by Judge Radcliffe’s court decision. My fellow Lake Forest/Whiskey Hill/Trumbull Gardens-area residents should keep a close eye on several locations, especially Rodger’s Park/Frenchtown Road/Old Town Road as well as the isolated areas around Trumbull Gardens on Trumbull Avenue and Chopsey Hill Road. These are among the favorite areas in the city for illegal dumping. The East End and East Side will definitely pick up a lot of illegal-dumping
slack along Seaview and Stratford Avenues. There is going to be a lot of construction debris from the ‘burbs finding its way onto Bridgeport streets and park perimeters. (Make sure “night time” and “special” daytime access to the Bridgeport dump and Seaside Park “landfill” is monitored/blocked, we wouldn’t want to get any construction debris on our new UI solar panels, since it could give them another excuse to raise our rates.)
And there are several additional O&G properties on the West Side, the asphalt plant and O&G exterior showcase facility. The combo is a substantial piece of property.
I agree with the judge’s ruling however I disagree with the comments here. Sure we can drive O &G out of Bpt but who will pick up the tax burden they no longer owe by moving away? Jesus Christ Jeff, stop wringing your hands like a little old lady.
Andy: We can do better (we have to do better!) on our waterfront than construction debris piles (from the ‘burbs), asphalt plants and power plants. There are only two options for us in improving our tax base and providing residential taxpayer relief: i) Remove and replace the $#@! on our best, taxable locations (e.g. our waterfront locations). ii) Charge the almighty-$#@! out of the tax base detracting (polluting/unsightly-obtrusive) operations on all our land, especially the waterfront, such that we are getting maximum tax return on all our land. I will continue to “wring my hands like an old lady” as long as I’m living in this sad, waning municipality and am forced to watch really dumb-ass people in places of responsibility making stupid/corrupt decisions that take us farther down the tubes. The O & G decision can only be viewed as progress. Our financial picture is a steaming manure pile with or without them. (And they are actually a major component of that steaming pile, in their version of a “taxpaying” role, in any event.) (There’s a large lot in your neighborhood, on Huntington Road, where Manny Motinho wants to build a strip mall, that can accommodate quite a few loads of “clean fill” diverted from the O & G Seaview Avenue operation. Better keep your eyes and ears open for heavy trucks at night. Just saying.)
The strip mall does not bother me at all and for once we are building on Trumbull’s borders and not the other way around. Manny has not dumped one thing here even when he had to empty out Seaview Ave.
Whatever happens here the people of Bridgeport deserve. They keep electing Democrats who just don’t care. Look, we just elected Ganim after he served nine years and now he wants to leave for a higher elected office. I say go Joe and get the fuck out of here.