She’s an establishment fighter who does not suck up to the party fat cats, and won reelection overwhelmingly against a party insider in a Democratic primary. State Senator Marilyn Moore is fielding encouraging words to run for Bridgeport’s top municipal office in 2019, but is running for mayor worth the citywide hassle without the public financing available in state races?
And is she a better fit in a legislative role than chief executive position? These are questions Moore is weighing as her supporters urge her to run.
From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:
“Nobody can run for mayor in Bridgeport that is not beholden (to special interests) if you have to raise $1 million,” said Moore, a Democrat. “It would take an army of individuals willing to work–and I mean work–for no pay.”
“When those things change, I’ll talk to people about it,” Moore said.
Full story here.
Sign me up!
I’m in, put my name down.
I’m pledging the total amount of my $100 CT tax refund to Marilyn for mayor if she runs.
I would consider supporting Marilyn. I will work for free and raise money. 🙂
Come on friends, enemies and fellow-bloggers, you all know you want to encourage this possibility. I fully realize city employees and patronage appointees can’t weigh in, but there are many of you free, independent, knowledgeable, frustrated Bridgeport voters who must know what an opportunity awaits if Senator Moore moves in the direction of Mayor. I could name all the reasons why she would be the candidate we’ve been hoping for, but I’ll have time to do that at the right time. I always work for free, and I always produce, but if I have the pleasure and opportunity to work one more mayoral election, I promise the Senator I’ll outdo myself on her behalf and on behalf of our City and its residents.
Count me in.
Not smart enough.