Council To Vote On Resident Employment Ordinance


Newton ordinance passes 17-2. Council members AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia and Michael DeFilippo no votes.

The Bridgeport City Council Monday night will take up a resolution presented by members Brown, Viggiano, Herron, Martinez and Langan “recognizing White Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Groups as Terrorist Organizations.” It will be referred to Public Safety and Transportation Committee.

The council will vote on a Public Safety and Transportation Committee report regarding a grant submission “subrecipient agreement with the City of Stamford for a 2015 U.S. Department of Justice Body Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program” as well as “the Ordinance Committee Report re: Amendment to the Municipal Code of Ordinances, amend Title 3 – Revenue and Finance to add New Chapter 3.29 – Employment Opportunities with Developers Fostering Economic Development.”

For background and language on Councilman Ernie Newton’s proposal, with input from city lawyers, see here.

Full agenda here.



  1. Why not ask for 100%?
    Ask then for waivers to be voted upon.
    If they don’t reach 100% then they have to explain why and what they will do going forward. 25% of the lowest paying jobs is definitely not enough.

    1. Bob, I never understood why negotiate from the bottom, a company tells Bridgeport that they want there business here but they can’t do the 25% but they might be able to do 15% so what does the City do? This same business could just go to New Haven.

  2. I respect the concerns from these CC reps. But that resolution will be impossible to enforce. To the CC reps involved..please get back to managing and working for the People of Bridgeport on a level that will make a difference in the lives of BPT residents, This is just political grandstanding. City Council…get to work. Try to regain control of the Bridgeport Police Department. Come back to us then.

  3. “We think it’s very important to be accurate about what the program is so folks will understand it as a proactive program,” said William Coleman, deputy director of planning and economic development. “It’s not a requirement. It’s a good faith effort.”

    Just a good faith effort is better than nothing, not much just better than nothing.

    1. No Don. It’s worse than nothing. People now will believe there is an ordinance requiring a 25% minimum on hiring. In reality there is no such requirement.
      So the only one this helps is Joe Ganim.
      I thought this was the beginning of some change. Instead it is more of the same. And shame on Ernie Newton for going along with the joke.

      1. Bob you and Frank can say what you like. This is the first time anyone has put an Ordinance to hire Bridgeport residents and ex-felons before any tax abatements will be approved it must be sign off by Economic Dept. and Small& Minority Dept under Mr. Fred Gee as he dose with Minority set-a sides and it will be enforced by Contracts and Compliance Dept. Also its a reporting Companies must submit to the contracts compliance office. Its just so sad we need this in order for companies to do the right thing!

          1. BOb base on our charter when changing an ordinance or creating a new Ordinance. must have a written opinion from the city attorney office. All i can tell you is this before any tax abatement are approved certain things must be sign-off on. Its time to hold developer who say we will Hire people for jobs. We just want to make sure you hire Bridgeport Residents First!

        1. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing
          You have to have something if you want to work with me

          As I have said. This is a feel good ordinance that accomplishes nothing. If nothing is what you want then congratulations. You just might get it.

  4. Are they voting to adopt a new chapter , 3.29 based on a draft of the ordinance in its final form? Is a draft copy in their meeting packet? And if it is, will any of them look at it?

    Or, is it still just a resolution suggesting what the esteemed council members have been saying they want it to say?

    1. TOM i have must respect for you. Its an Ordinance its a NEW chapter,3.29 its a draft in its new form. IT’s not a resolution. We have a Public Hearing at 6pm and will VOTE tonight.

  5. “Recognizing White Nationalist and Neo-Nazi Groups as Terrorist Organizations.”

    Is this what the Bridgeport City Council works on?

    Do they think anyone cares what they say? It is a resolution with a statement of their opinion. It is meaningless. It has no relation to their duties as council members.

    Do any of them know the status of the police overtime account?
    (Hint. They should likely don’t)

    1. Tom White, it’s obvious why you are so concern but your sheets have pulled down we see the real Tom White being white right. No more dog whistles from 45 for you Tom White, 45 has made it for you to out and to stay out of the closet.

      1. Ron, I completely get your opinion, you’re entitled to it. But over many years of watching resolutions come and go at a whim, in some cases ordinances also, the questions to ask is where are the teeth?
        in these are good faith efforts. Do they exist beyond the passage of a resolution or ordinance? Are they feel-good paper? I’m happy to see engagement by the CC, but they must do their due diligence, then go for it. Good luck to them. I sincerely mean that. As an aside, don’t think the City Attorney’s office will give them their blessings. If they do, it’s because they know they are unenforceable.

        1. Lisa, I’m in agreement with you especially when you said, “As an aside, don’t think the City Attorney’s office will give them their blessings. If they do, it’s because they know they are unenforceable.

          Lisa there are other issues that are hurting the City where the City Council could show leadership. The Bridgeport Fire Department has not a female firefighter in 11 years, Lisa there is something terrible wrong but the City Council has not said a word. There are 13 female council members, Christina B. Smith, Denese Taylor-Moye, Jeanette Herron, Michelle A. Lyons, AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia, Mary A. McBride-Lee, Rosalina Roman-Christy, Maria Zambrano Viggiano, Maria I. Valle, Aidee Nieves, Karen Jackson, Nessah J. Smith, Eneida L. Martinez, 65% of the council are women some of the new not one female council member seems to be concern, in fact they won’t even ask any questions. Lisa, this is not about writing a ordinance, this is just about asking a question. Lisa this not leadership.

          1. Again, Ron, you got it. It’s a noble gesture by the CC, but unrealistic. Ernie, thank you for your efforts and a willingness to g
            et the ideas out there, pretty much forcing the “dead wood members” to put their thinking hats on. But, Ernie you know as well as I, the City Attorney’s Office will sabotage with legalizing tactics, and watch very closely if they approve the language or intent; it will amount to nothing more than a set-up. Get an attorney to take a look at what you and the others submit.

        2. Ron and Lisa,

          The City Attorney’s office has been misleading the City Council with sophistry, obfuscation and outright lying to further the goals of the DTC endorsed mayor. As Ernie Newton and Pete Spain have been calling bullshit on anything that drools out of Mark Anastasi’s mouth that may be coming to an end.

          1. Kid, you also see right through this. I still can’t believe my eyes when I observe Mark Anastasia hanging over the desk of some personally explaining why they should vote yes or no. We would have thrown his sorry butt out of the council area in a heartbeat. Imagine him trying to butt heads with Senator Gomes by entering the Senator’s space. His favorite seems to the councilwoman from the 138th district. Not Karen Jackson, figure it out.

  6. Should read I am in total agreement with you. In 11 years not a single female firefighter was hired. Not a single one.
    In this time females were granted full combat status in the US Armed Forces and yet they are not qualified to become firefighters in Bridgeport. What a joke.

  7. *** Ernie, I would like to see a change on the ordinance & or resolution for new developement’s; holding 10% of the apts for affordable lower income residents go to 20% holding’s. Which for a new 100 apts. dwelling, it would be 20 held apts instead of 10. ***WHAT SAY YOU?***

    1. Mojo, the phrase “affordable” has not spelled out it’s true meaning, what is that amount and how long does this remain “affordable.” We had so call “affordable” housing under Bill Finch along with outrageous abatement to builders. Also the term “minority ownership,” games have been played with companies being white own but with minority being listed as the owners.

      Affirmative Action:
      For federal contractors and subcontractors, affirmative action must be taken by covered employers to recruit and advance qualified minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and covered veterans. Affirmative actions include training programs, outreach efforts, and other positive steps. These procedures should be incorporated into the companies written personnel policies. Employers with written affirmative action programs must implement them, keep them on file and update them annually.

      DOL Web Pages on This Topic
      Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) – Monitors contractor and subcontractor compliance with the nondiscrimination and affirmative action provisions of VEVRAA.

      Affirmative Action and People with Disabilities – Explains why people with disabilities should be included in affirmative action programs and what contractors’ affirmative action obligations are pertaining to outreach and recruitment of people with disabilities.

      Executive Order 11246 Fact Sheet- EEO and Affirmative Action Guidelines for Federal Contractors Regarding Race, Color, Gender, Religion, and National Origin

      1. *** Ron all that bumble-jumble sounds good but bottom line is what they have now has many caution do not enter rules. 10% of the apts that are set aside at affordable income housing prices are always the smallest 1-bed-room size apts. Good for one person, maybe 2 but that’s stretching it. Every year you have to re-apply to be able to renew your lease. The apts are not completely out-fitted if your disable & in a wheel chair, just some standard handles in the bath-rooms but tubs instead of a walk-in or roll-in with a wheel chair type showers are not included. So basically 10 apts out of 100 apts is nothing & maybe instead of just a small 1-bedroom apt. they should have a variety on apts offered like a 2-bed-room, 1-bedroom with a den, etc… So 20 instead of 10 with a variety & complete set-ups if there going to pass them as a apt. for disable people, no?***

    1. Good for you Ernie, don’t let anyone think they can get over on you; you’re the senior council member, with an abundance of knowledge and experience. You never worried about winning a popularity contest so do the way we all did back in the day.

  8. Lennie
    Where are you? Judge Kavanaugh is going down in flames and you don’t seem to know about.
    Senator Orin Hatch just accused her of getting mixed up about who attempted to rape her!!!

    *155-17 Ordinance Committee Report re: Resolution regarding Downloadable 3-D
    Printed Firearms and Ghost Guns.
    *139-17 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re: Resolution
    regarding the Safety and Traffic Operation Improvements on Main Street at
    Summit Street Intersection and Removal of Median on the Southbound
    Approach as part of the 15-360 Main Street Signal Project.
    *152-17 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re: Grant Submission:
    State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management for FY 2018 Juvenile
    Review Board Grant Program (#19246).
    *154-17 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re: Street
    Discontinuance and Acceptance of a Portion of Michael Street.
    *162-17 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re: Resolution
    regarding Sidewalk Repair Pilot Program Cost Estimates (Fourth Round).
    *163-17 Public Safety and Transportation Committee Report re: Grant Submission:
    Subrecipient Agreement with the City of Stamford for a 2015 U.S.
    Department of Justice Body Worn Camera Pilot Implementation Program
    167-17 Resolution presented by Council Member(s) Viggiano, Nieves, Castillo,
    Valle, Taylor-Moye, Newton, Martinez, Roman-Christy, Jackson, Herron,
    Brown & Langan re: Proposed resolution in support of an accurate 2020
    Census and to create a “Complete Count Committee” with local outreach,
    assistance and promotion, referred to Miscellaneous Matters Committee.
    169-17 Resolution presented by Council Member(s) Castillo, Viggiano & Newton re:
    Proposed resolution requesting the Honorary Street Naming of a Portion of
    Frank Street as “Paul Mendes Way”, referred to Public Safety and
    Transportation Committee.
    170-17 Resolution presented by Council Member(s) Brown, Viggiano, Herron,
    Martinez and Langan re: Proposed resolution recognizing White Nationalist
    and Neo-Nazi Groups as Terrorist Organizations, referred to Public Safety
    and Transportation Committee.

    I am not addressing the Bridgeport residency employment ordinance/resolution/hybrid. I am directed my thoughts toward these “useless resolutions” presentedd Give me a break. A resolution about the Census..a Resolution about White Nationalists and Neo-Nazi groups…a resolution about Downloadable 3-D printed firearm ghost guns.. a resolution about the Sidewalk repair Pilot Program(Fourth Round again and again). As an afterthought,what is sooo important about Zygmunt Mysliwice that he need tom work beyond 65 years of age, Has Zygmunt passed any physical tests or what is sooooo important about Zygmunt.

      1. They voted in favor of all the resolution that were up for vote. A couple were taken off the board. I watched it on Facebook. You can watch all city council meetings on your councilman’s facebook.


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