C’Mon Man, How About My Van?

John Marshall Lee provides an update on Linda Lee’s towed van.

A good day to see what Acting Chief AJ Perez has arranged for Ms. Linda Lee in order to recover her van towed as authorized by Police Department. (This was the Silver Ford Econoline Van that was registered, plates were on, taxes paid, and insurance covered, parked in front of her home for the day when it was stickered by Police as Abandoned.) She had gone to Jim’s Auto on Kossuth promptly after June 6 to find that it would cost her $250 plus $25 per day to ransom the kidnapped auto. She came to the next Council.

I met Ms. Lee at June 16 City Council and introduced her to Chief AJ Perez. She recounted her story. It seemed the Chief understood the story that evening. He promised a call the following day. That would have been June 17. Today it’s August 14 and Jim of Jim’s Auto told us, in person, he has never received a call from the Chief on this matter. Jim did not remember the van at all until date, silver van not gray, and VIN # confirmed his possession at one time as well as his firm’s request (30 days later) of the Police Department to “crush” the vehicle showed up on paperwork in his office. It is paper to be filled out and sometimes filed, not modern technology, but today it showed up to confirm Ms. Lee’s story.

Ms. Lee had an email from the Chief yesterday, telling her about today and that is why we showed up. (I was ready to take a happy picture.) Was the Chief driving Ganim2 as Governor Candidate around the State today? Wasted time today. If process is followed the van worth at least $3,000, used in her employment activity, and having received $2,000 of repairs in May-June, was crushed.

Ms. Lee will try the Chief’s office again tomorrow, August 15, 2018 and learn his response. Or she will see him at the Police Commissioner’s Meeting next Tuesday evening as she is on the Agenda. Is this the way to make friends, influence people, serve and protect the people and proudly manage public safety activities in Bridgeport? Time will tell.



  1. Nothing says “I’m on your side” better than having JML backstop your story. He’s an en-elected official acting within the law’s limits.
    when the happy driver gets reunited with her van, I hope a happy picture awaits.

  2. I have one question? Was the van moved on a regular basis or had it been parked there and not moved for quite a while.I have a particular problem around my property where neighbors park their cars for days and days on end violating city charter and essentially using the streets of Bridgeport as a garage for unused vehicles. In the past,I did have to call the BPD to tag these cars(orange sticker) but they were not towed immediately. Warning..if you are tagged and wheels locked,you definitely will be towed within 24 hour. However,it is a source of great concern that BPT government leaders claim that they have absolutely no authority once a car has been towed. I think that’s BS. And what the towers do to owners is criminal. It’s literally extortion.

    1. Btw,I always have a problem where neighbors literally park up to 5 feet in front of the entrance of my driveway. I may have to take matters into my own hand. I have also had neighbors literally park right into the driveway itself. I call BPD thinking that it’s a question of trespassing on private property. OHH NOO! If the offending car in on MY property,it is MY responsibility to call a towing company and have it towed!

  3. *** Shame on Bpt’s chief for lying about doing something then doing nothing. This should of been brought before the Mayor who’s been working his election to no avail. *** Time to get back to city business Mayor.***

  4. Many police departments are participating in a lip sync challenge, Bridgeport PD should participate and lip Sync to Gun N Roses, WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE.

  5. So a van was towed, looked ABANDONED to someone whose name we do not know, and was held for 30 days with an initial fine of $250 for towing etc. and then $25 per day for parking. AFTER 30 days the bill is $1,000 when you fail to ransom your auto from the kidnapper.

    So they get quick permission, from whom and by whom, to crush the vehicle. A VIN number disappears? An auto on our Grand List is gone? And does the crusher pay anyone for the lump of metals they sell? A good business model for a garage? Just like WPCA foreclosures were for some specialist lawyers? Has this happened before? Time will tell.


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