Voting Once, Twice, Three Times

Voting booth
How many times have you voted?

The day has arrived. Have you voted yet? What, only once! It’s a Bridgeport tradition to vote multiple times, if only for all those brain-dead electors who don’t vote.

When it comes to elections the state’s largest city always seems to have entertainment value for the rest of the state. Bridgeport doesn’t disappoint, eh? Yes, there are Republican and Democratic primaries for U.S. Senate today but the Democratic State Senate battle between incumbent Ed Gomes, party-endorsed Ernie Newton and State Rep. Andres Ayala will certainly attract a flood of scribes, camera crews and various other media gawkers.

OIB will be on the ground searching for kooky stuff today. If you see or hear anything let us know. Contact Meanwhile, we’ll feed you results as soon as we get them after polls close at 8 p.m. It could be a long night with so many absentee ballots to count in the State Senate battle.



  1. *** donj, are you sure that was C. Murphy you saw? ‘Cause after six years in Congress I still wouldn’t be able to recognize him in person. He doesn’t get out much due to his “work in progress” no-jobs plan! *** FORGETABOUTIT ***

  2. *** I’m exhausted from voting not once, not twice but three times today! Can’t expose my method ’cause the SEEC is in town and we all know how hard they can bark and bite! *** HOUNDDOG ***


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