Aaron Turner, former legislative aide to a retiring State Senator Ed Gomes, has qualified for the August 14 primary ballot to challenge Democratic-endorsed Dennis Bradley, a member of the Board of Education, in his quest to replace his former boss in the 23rd District.
The office of the Connecticut Secretary of the State announced on Wednesday that Turner secured 1,662 verified petition signatures of district Democrats out of 1,585 needed to challenge Bradley. The district covers roughly two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford. Former executive director of the Greater Bridgeport NAACP Carolyn Vermont did not have sufficient signatures to make the ballot.
Two years ago Bradley lost a primary to incumbent Gomes.
Excellent, now on the way to victory with hard work and a message of truth for the voters.
I think Aaron would be a very good Senator. I would take him over Slick Rick any day. Anyone caught sending text messages related to bribes should not even be considered being put in office.
This is off topic but, I would like to issue an apology to Ron Mackey and Donald Day, not for anything I’ve ever said or spoke to anybody about but, because I had always thought, what they said about director David Dunn (the head of civil service) seemed like it was crazy. But it turns out you guys are probably right. The City of Bridgeport gave an exam for custodian 1, which at the top step pays, $40,333 a year. This test was closed to the public, which is normally open to the public. Usually it is promotional test that are close to the public. Over the last five years the city has been hiring custodians ,without giving them a test or off a list as required by the city Charter. The only way you got hired over the last 5 years is if your got a hook up ( a friend on the inside) . I know ,we all have friends who could benefit from a job paying $40,333 a year. This test for custodian 1 was closed to the public even though ,the city Charter states that there should be an open competitive exam( like it’s always been). For your reference you can read chapter 17 section 211 part ( A). I was at the board of ed meeting when the director of personnel for the B.O.E. said the director of civil service said he expected only 10% of the acting custodian to pass the test. So the outcome was rigged , so that the people in the (hooked up) positions won’t lose their positions. This test was pass-fail test ,where you much reach a 70%. , ( there will be 55 questions) that means you just need 39 questions right, to pass.
I have seen a copy of the sample questions from the custodian orientation ,and the breakdown of what they’re being asked and I can guarantee you the custodian test they gave 15 years ago and 13 years ago was way different and way harder. The passing mark was that you had to beat everybody else. The person with the highest score got the job. I will be so surprised if anybody who failed this test; loses their position ,they will be moved into another slot somewhere else. 88 % of the people who took this test passed, has there ever been a civil service test were 88% passed.
June 12 the Civil Service Commission change the standard to become a custodian, there by letting the ones that tested recently ,fall under the old standard, ( grandfathered in )
If a test for custodian could be set up to have the outcome ,come out as they want, I’m now quite sure that Ron Mackey and Donald Day are correct , when they say, a civil service test can be skewed to fit somebody’s agenda. If this happens on a lowly custodian test, I wonder what’s happening on the police and fire department test
Only In Bridgeport has more topics at the grass roots level about the operation of City governance than any other current source, in my opinion. Your reporting on the materials, the process, the exams, the results have been produced under an ACTING DIRECTOR, just as our Police Department for two years has had an ACTING CHIEF, and there are other ACTING heads of departments in the City as well. Has Dunn neglected his duties per Charter? Or has he just been slow? Or does he only act when ordered? Or…..?
Why isn’t the Civil Service Commission on top of these subjects? I have complained that Eleanor Guedes, who is listed with a City address on Noble Avenue with an expired term in 2011, is listed on Voting records as a Trumbull resident. We have complained. Joe Ganim is too busy? Angel DePara hasn’t gotten to this specific Board or Commission, yet? The State Elections Commission has the complaint. Time will tell.
Aaron Turner won’t boycott the State Legislature if he doesn’t get what he wants.
Based on how Dennis Bradley acted on the Board of Ed the same can’t be said if him. Enough said??
JML, I’m in total agreement with you, people like Velez must speak out and tell their story. It’s never a problem until it hits you, sometimes there are people out there giving warning signs.
Thank you. You said that your post was “off topic but”. Actually you are on topic to halt the “creeping corruption” faced daily in Bridgeport.
I heard Marilyn Moore recently state: “If you see something, say something.” To which she added, “And while you are saying something, do something.”
That’s what you did. You acted as a reporter to the rest of us who wonder about the work (or lack thereof) by Civil Service. Keep it up. TIME WILL TELL.
Aaron Turner builds bridges. Dennis Bradley builds walls.
Enough said??
What did Dennis Bradley have to promise Mario to get the endorsement.
Aaron Turner didn’t promise a thing but to represent the district to the best of his ability. Then went out and gathered over 1,700 signatures.
Enough said??
Bradley is Ralph Ford’s boy.
He’s entitled to be wrong with this loser.