It’s crunch time for the respective campaigns gearing up for Tuesday’s primary. Citywide there’s a Republican primary for governor between Tom Foley and John McKinney
Read moreTag: Dennis Bradley
Final Week Push For Primary Votes, Absentee Ballot Requests Flood Town Clerk
One week left until tsunami Tuesday. How many times have you voted? Oh that’s right, no early voting (yet) in the state of Connecticut. But
Read moreAbsentee Ballot Flood Continues, Supervised Balloting Ordered For East Side Highrise
More than 1300 absentee ballots (and counting) have been mailed by the Town Clerk’s Office for the August 12 Democratic primary featuring two races for
Read moreHomestretch To Primary Tuesday, $400K In Public Funds For City Races
Two weeks until the August 12 Tsunami Tuesday with loads of primary action out there involving Democrats locally and Republicans statewide. This is one of
Read moreAndres Ayala’s Mountain Of Absentee Ballots
Is there a book in the Bridgeport Public Library to school City Librarian Scott Hughes in the craft of absentee ballots? Quick Scott, take that
Read moreHughes, Ayala, Baker, Davidson Qualify For Public Cash
With less than three weeks until the August 12 Democratic primary, four candidates for legislative office received word Wednesday afternoon they have qualified for public
Read morePrimary Fever Heats Up In The City
Three weeks left until the Tsunami Tuesday August 12 Democratic primary and absentee ballots are now available. What would a city election be without the
Read moreClock Is Ticking To Qualify For Public Moolah In Primary Season
UPDATE: Dennis Bradley qualifies for public grant. The clock is winding down to qualify for public dough in state primary races, according to the Citizens
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