Social justice advocate Kate Rivera waged a compelling insurgent race last spring against Democratic-endorsed Antonio Felipe to fill the State House seat of the late
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Social justice advocate Kate Rivera waged a compelling insurgent race last spring against Democratic-endorsed Antonio Felipe to fill the State House seat of the late
Read moreFor Dennis Bradley, it started with frivolity March 15, 2018 as an Ides of March campaign event at Dolphin’s Cove in the East End formalizing
Read moreIn advance of the legislative session that begins in February, State House members Jack Hennessy and Charlie Stallworth will host joint office hours on January
Read moreBoard of Education Chair Jessica Martinez’s surreal world continues. She’s now the subject of a local police criminal probe into the stabbing of her “ex”
Read moreDecision time for a bunch of political operatives including West Side City Councilman Marcus Brown. Brown emerged several years ago as one of the new
Read moreCity Councilman Ernie Newton, the “returning citizen navigator,” is a resilient survivor in city politics. You gotta get up to get down. Newton know the
Read moreThe erratic operator of a Chrysler van that took the life of attorney Peter Tsimbidaros has an extensive criminal history including manslaughter, carrying a pistol without a permit
Read moreThe business of electioneering never really ends in Connecticut’s largest city. Glory be for that because OIB would be out of business. 2020 is a
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