Waiting to hear if he qualifies for the August primary for governor via a petitioning campaign, Republican David Stemerman has released a 15-page plan to “restore Connecticut’s world-class infrastructure and transportation systems” that includes calling for rail upgrades, port improvements, expansion of the city-owned Sikorsky Memorial Airport located in Stratford and high-speed ferry service to Manhattan. See proposal here. Of all the candidates for governor Stemerman, so far, has the most detailed plans for where he wants to take the state.
“Imagine what Bridgeport would become with a train time to New York City of 45 minutes, a major commercial airport at Sikorsky, a free-flowing I-95, and a high-speed ferry service to Manhattan,” Stemerman declares in the “Vision Bridgeport 2028” portion of his plan.
Stemerman wants to join Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, former Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst and entrepreneur Steve Obsitnik on the August ballot. He needs more than 9,000 verified signatures from GOP electors in Connecticut to qualify, a process that is under review by elections officials. If he makes the ballot he’ll force other candidates to become more specific about their vision for Connecticut.
More on this in a Stemerman news release:
This is the latest in a series of detailed policy rollouts by Stemerman which have also included proposals to implement across-the-board tax relief for Connecticut families, overdue regulatory reforms for small businesses and a restructuring of the state’s pension system which has placed the state on the road to financial disaster. As the Hartford Courant editorial board wrote recently, Stemerman is the only candidate running for Governor, in either party, who has laid out detailed policy proposals to save Connecticut from a looming financial crisis while rebuilding the state’s strengths to grow the economy.
“Gross mismanagement for decades have left us at a dangerous cross roads. Our transportation trust fund is broke and debt has grown so high that annual debt payments are crowding out future projects. Worse, Governor Malloy and the Hartford insiders have repeatedly diverted transportation receipts away from transportation to fix their ongoing fiscal crisis,” Stemerman said today. “As a successful businessman I know there are better ways to move our roads, trains and planes into the 21st Century. My plan will attract billions of dollars in private investment to get our congested highways flowing again, cut train travel times to New York City down by as much as half and build our airports into major regional hubs for passengers and cargo.”
According to CNBC’s annual Top States for Business ranking, Connecticut ranks near the bottom in terms of infrastructure at #47. Similarly, U.S. News and World Report ranks Connecticut’s road quality #45 out of 50 states. Southern Connecticut is one of the largest population centers in the country without major commercial passenger air service. The Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) is woefully inefficient. The cost for a mile of highway in Connecticut is $497,659 as compared to $180,000 for the country–more than twice as much.
David’s Principles for Rebuilding our Transportation Infrastructure include:
1. Harness the innovation of the private sector;
2. Ensure transportation receipts are spent only on transportation;
3. Spend your money wisely; and
4. Reduce the time to deliver projects.“Career politicians in Hartford are stuck in rhetoric of the past while citizens are stuck in traffic. The transportation improvements I’ve outlined in this plan will revitalize our cities and surrounding towns–with major initiatives in our four largest cites–Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven and Stamford. My plan will improve access for our coastal and rural communities throughout the state for work and play. It will also provide construction jobs and skills development in the building trades for projects that lay the foundation for our future prosperity,” Stemerman concluded.
ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND: David and his wife have been proud to raise their five children in Connecticut where he started his own business, Conatus Capital, ten years ago, and built it from a single desk to a multi-billion dollar business. He understands what causes businesses to succeed and fail, what works and what doesn’t. And most importantly, he knows what it takes to grow jobs and wages, and has a track record of delivering results.
1) Ensure transportation receipts are only spent on transportation?
2) Harness the innovation of the private sector
This sounds like we will sell off the major roads to private business and let them figure how much to charge and when to do repairs. Privatize, privatize, privatize.
We wont have state tolls but will have private user fees.
Finally a candidate with some vision and maybe even courage! We are over burdened with cowards in this state that have a hard time even listing their accomplishments after years in office.
What have any of the current elected officials done for the city, region, state?
If elected and even a 1/4 of these promises come to fruition, Stemerman will be light years ahead of any of our current representatives. And it’s likely for that reason that none of them will want to actually work with Stemerman – very much like our current state of affairs at the federal level.
Just found my candidate for governor. Thank you for running sir.
Sorry for the double message…not sure why that happened
“My plan will attract billions of dollars in private investment to get our congested highways flowing again, cut train travel times to New York City down by as much as half and build our airports into major regional hubs for passengers and cargo.” Really, billions of dollars in private investment, those are just words, there is no there there.
Iconic Post building sold. The new vision now includes this: https://westfaironline.com/103729/former-ct-post-building-in-bridgeport-sells-for-1-15-million/
He’s got a head-start on the other candidates, because he’s apparently trying to formulate an actual plan-template from which to create real policy… BUT… He is making these plans without reference to a small herd of elephants in the room (state) that will render steps towards a detailed, implementable, interrelated plan-initiative mute…
Indeed, the biggest issues/impasses toward resuscitating of the Connecticut economy seem to be lost on all of the candidates… The candidate that publicly addresses these impediments to statewide economic revitalization will definitely get my vote… Stemerman, while at least giving voter the respect of an offered plan, albeit terribly sketchy, still hasn’t met the muster of a real plan meriting a November vote…
Granted I have only read his vision of rail transport, but that’s enough. His vision of faster times to Ct. will be done with the same equipment being used today. How? The reason it can’t work today is because of the rail bed. The increased speed is incompatible with the current rails and the beds they are laid on. Sorry guy, but nice try.
It’s not just the road bed or the current infrastructure and it will costs BILLLIONS. Smoke and mirrors and not much else.
Legalized sports betting could an answer to new funding for the state.
I agree with you but them saying it and doing it are usually two different acts. If sports betting is not hooked up to the internet, it will be as successful as keno was.
The legislature is going to be called back into session on the 25th. If they do not approve the concept of on line betting, this will be a waste. Jersey is expecting over 100 million. We could match that if those two tribes haven’t bribed the politicians.