UPDATE: committee chairs. On a night Joe Ganim presided over his first City Council meeting in more than 12 years, Tom McCarthy once again was voted president of the budget and legislative body where he promptly announced committee assignments including freshman councilor from Black Rock Scott Burns and veteran Denese Taylor-Moye from the South End to serve as co-chairs of the key Budget and Appropriations Committee. McCarthy received support Monday night from all 20 council members. He had no opposition.
Taylor-Moye nominated McCarthy saying he’s been “decent, fair and honest.”
Eneida Martinez, Evette Brantley, Michelle Lyons and Mary McBride-Lee seconded the nomination adding praise to McCarthy’s eight years as council leader.
McCarthy welcomed Ganim back as mayor saying he’s looking forward to working with him. McCarthy worked on Ganim’s 1999 reelection campaign and received his city job and won election to the council while Ganim was in office his first go-around.
McCarthy became a Bill Finch loyalist while he was in office and supported him over Ganim in the Democratic primary, and then Mary-Jane Foster in the general election.
Ganim and McCarthy met on Monday for their first extended session prior to the council meeting which McCarthy described as cordial and productive. McCarthy is deputy director of Labor Relations where he now has a new boss Janene Hawkins, pastor at Walters Memorial Church in the South End. She is also serving on Ganim’s transition team.
Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa, State Senator Ed Gomes, State Rep. Jack Hennessy, State Rep. Charlie Stallworth were among the officials who attended the council session.
Ganim at the end of the council meeting said “it’s a real honor to be with you … allow us to get our sea legs if you will … this first week has been busy and hectic … for those of you I’ve had less communication with, my apologies.” He added he met with the city’s legislative delegation on Monday to work as a united front for the upcoming session of the General Assembly.
Burns, an educator by profession, says he’s looking forward to the challenge of serving as budget co-chair with Taylor-Moye who had served on the committee previously. The Budget and Appropriations Committee will receive the spending plan proposed by Ganim the first week of April. For the next two months it’s a laborious process of meetings with department heads, reviewing expenditures and proposing changes. Evette Brantley, AmyMarie Vizzo-Paniccia, Anthony Paoletto, Aidee Nieves and Jose Casco fill out the budget committee.
Other committee chairs: Ordinances, Eneida Martinez and Casco; Public Safety, Lyons and McBride-Lee; Economic and Community Development, Milta Feliciano and Brantley; Miscellaneous Matters, Vizzo-Paniccia and Richard Salter; Contracts, Jack Banta and Jeanette Herron; Education, Alfredo Castillo and John Olson.
*** Well it was to be expected, especially since there seemed to be no other council member who really wanted to run against Tom for council president. I did not read the entire article as to whom was nominated as chairs to what committees, however as nice as Ms. Denese Taylor-Moye is, she has no experience nor knowledge enough in government financial issues to co-chair such an important committee like B&A. Mr. Burns I don’t know personally nor his background either. However it could have been worse, no? Tom could ahve assigned Ms. Moye and Ms. Lee and really thrown the baby out with the bathwater! But in the end it really does not matter because from the look of the members on this new city council, it appears to be another rubber stamp group who’ll believe everything the admin. tells them without written proof and with the usual ten-minute pep talk on issues before voting on important city government agendas. Lets hope Mayor Ganim only brings forward positive items in front of this council that will move the city forward. I’m betting on this second-time-around history-making decisions by Joe! *** GOOD LUCK! ***
Excellent point, Mojo! Neither co-chair has any financial management experience. I would prefer this committee have the greatest financial management and experience possible. I think Tom is an excellent council president, but this wasn’t a great appointment selection.
PS, come to lodge!
Brick, who has the “financial management experience” on the City Council?
And where has that “financial management” experience and/or expertise been hiding during the past 10-20 years? Are voters even aware the City Council is our only possible watchdog over fiscal affairs? Do voters understand increasing taxes faster than increasing Taxable Grand List spells decreased property values as a byproduct? In the meantime who will attend sessions and enter into dialogue with the seven assigned to Budget and Appropriations? Will today’s posting about B&A be the last I hear most of you offering an opinion about City financials? Time will tell.
The choice of Denese Taylor-Moye was a great one. Here is a women who managed to charge her groceries to her stipend account 57 times and nothing was done about it. This was all done with McCarthy’s okay. The same McCarthy who authorized the spending of $30,000 to various charities like Mike Marella’s PAL.
Andy, I can always count on you for a good laugh!!! I only wish you weren’t right.
Yeah, that’s kind of the point. I don’t know the full bios and resumes of the elected council members, but I’m sure the president of the council does. Sooooooooo, I would HOPE he adds those people with the most relevant experience and skill to the committees!
As I stated on OIB on another topic, this council will be run by a “consent calendar,” there will no discussion, no debate, no dialog and council meetings will be short.
I’ll consent to that.
Hand out the Vaseline and give us taxpayers a kiss next time, Joe! Ooops, gonna PUKE! Gotta run. LOL.
McCarthy serves at the pleasure of the sitting mayor, meaning he doesn’t care who he sucks up to, he just sucks.
Wingnut, I’ll pass on the v-line, but beg for an honest line of reasoning from Mayor Ganim on his stance. After all, he’s our mayor now, the same fellow who showed up at the public forum in March.
www .ctpost.com/printpromotion/article/Ganim-backs-conflict-of-interest-bill-6126723.php
To hear firsthand my and many others’ (the majority’s) disgust with the violation of the charter by McCarthy and others, and to comment to the CT Post he thought it was all in the mayor’s (then Finch’s) power to resolve the charter violation by simply following the charter.
And yet, now, on this pivotal issue, will Ganim remain MIA? Will Mayor Ganim find himself somehow incapable of being the mayor for this essential issue to the city’s progress? Why?
OMG!!! Joe Ganim lied. But Joe said he was a changed man. Was he lying when he said that?
If you can’t believe a convicted felon whom a federal judge called a liar, then who can you believe?
Okay, so I guess one of Joe’s campaign promises is already done. Back in July, “If elected, I will honor the city charter requiring that no city employees can sit on the council.” That was then, this is now, I guess.
Okay, so in a parallel universe I attended the first council meeting of the new administration. I was pleased Tom McCarthy won unanimously. My councilwoman Michell Lyons gave a beautiful speech as well as Denese Taylor-Moye, Eneida Martinez and Mary McBride-Lee. Tom not only won unanimously but also with Ganim staunch supporters. I don’t think Joe Ganim twisted their arms and if he did, bravo as Tom was the only choice G-d forbid Joe Ganim could not do his Mayoral duties. It was also great seeing so many familiar faces. The only glitch in a smooth meeting could have been our OIB friend Maria P. who had planned a protest against Anthony Paoletto and Nessa from the 138th for voting for McCarthy. She did not protest however, she has taken it to Facebook! I am proud of the vote. Joe Ganim seemed very happy. Almost as much as Mario Testa! Lennie Grimaldi, I am so happy your issue is under control! I had a very nice time. Just thought I’d share as I attended as well as Lennie and JML. I think we are in good hands. Those pissed at Joe after his first week in office, get over it!
If Ganim clearly stated no council conflict, no job and council position both, then he should have thought it through first. Because he needs to show he does what he says. It won’t matter when a little time and water go under the bridge. There is no standard for judging his actions or anybody else in Bridgeport. It happens as it does, they do what they want to. The smiles on the faces make one pause and feel a heart pang for a brief moment. But if McCarthy is so bright and capable and honest, then how can he not know most people in all political camps in town want the conflict to end? If he is an honest broker then he needs to lead by example or he is pretending to be tone deaf, which is a condition of callous disregard for the will of the people, so to speak. Then back to the point that there is no standard. No real measure to prove the point is reached, Ganim must uphold campaign promises, McCarthy must act to eliminate perceptions of conflict. The council must not ignore a well-known issue. It is belligerent in its ignorance. That is why council members do not appear very bright. They are very hard of hearing, though.
Arrogant is an appropriate description, along with morally impotent.
Lennie, you made a point of how important the budget and appropriations committee is. Do you have bios of the people serving on the committee? You describe the new co-chair Burns as “an educator by profession.” Can you provide more detail? There has been nothing in recent times giving bios of city council members citing education and relevant work experience (except McCarthy, of course).
Good point, Tom. Selecting co-chairs for the budget committee was no easy task for McCarthy based on the background of the council members and willingness to put the work into the committee. I don’t know Burns well. He’s resided in the city for about three years, was a school teacher for 15 years, seems earnest and level-headed.
I’d like to clarify. I’m not saying McCarthy isn’t qualified, or not the person for the job. I’m saying our city charter forbids the employment/council issue. Granted Anastasi found a “loophole” in the charter, but I’m tired of the Finch/Anastasi way of finding “loopholes” to go around things.
Well, what is the Ganim/Meyers way of closing that loophole? Time will tell (JML).
Not for nothing, look at the rest of the cast of characters who are on the council. I would love to see the conflict end, and look forward to the day it does (hopefully very soon), but the choices available are nothing less than horrifying; newbies or zombies. McCarthy has a brain, uses it, and is able to work with people.
Enforcing the charter has yet to be addressed. We will see what happens when it is. The playing field is leveled then, and being Council President provides no immunity. President or not, McCarthy is in the same boat as Feliciano and Holloway.
I believe Ganim will force McCarthy to choose council or his city job, soon as he has a handle on the eight-year reign of incompetence of Finch, he will get to McCarthy. Just my opinion.
Regarding incompetence over eight years, much of the results can be observed in the lackluster Comprehensive Annual reports filed during those years where fiscal strength was dissipated, real estate values diminished, and taxes increased. Enough new info is surfacing currently about this last year of Finch rule where the public will wonder why we spent $800,000 on a project at Webster Bank and what board or commission authorized it. Why there has been little or no City Council approvals of transfers from one line item to another. (Chapter 9, Section 5, (i)) And will we see serious attention to the serious fiscal problem in Public Safety overtime that in October is projected to be $4,250,000 in deficit this year? Will the public come out to the Budget and Appropriations Committee meeting next Monday evening to see and hear what instruction and introduction they get to their duties? Will anyone raise a hand to be recognized and briefly comment? Will the raised hand be recognized by the leaders? Will a few OIB readers and posters become active in real time? Time will tell.
Things will not change in Bridgeport as long as you have Mario Testa in charge. He will make sure his buddy Tom is taken care of. GANIM is not going against Mario or Ralph Ford, two individuals who use their power to control the city. One week in office and Ganim has already created many enemies. He’s giving Richard Paoletto a job with Scott Appleby at the Emergency Center. Where is Ganim’s loyalty to the women of this city who voted for him? Rich was accused of sexual harassment several times. This City is a joke!!! This administration is no better than the previous. He’s placed incompetent individuals in key positions. Do they meet the requirements?
Is that true about Richie?
Problem number 1. Lennie didn’t report this and the CT Post didn’t. We have no reporters in this city.
If it is true Ganim has fallen to a level I thought it would take him at least two months to get to.
Say it isn’t so, Joe.
Serial Litigators, start your engines because there is a fat paycheck on the horizon! If there is any truth to the rumor Paoletto is getting a job with the City after the sexual harassment shitstorm he caused, this hire transcends insanity and lands in the “supremely stupid” zone. Hiring this guy is effectively picking the pocket of the taxpayer just as blatantly as Finch’s retroactive raises did.
I saw an article about a week ago on a National news blog that labeled Bridgeport an “Idiocracy.” Well to quote Mayor Finch, if “Democracy does not always work,” but Idiocracy does?
I would also be remiss not to point out decisions like hiring Paoletto are not going to make it any easier on our legislative team when they try to secure funding for Bridgeport in Hartford. Make no mistake, Hartford is watching. Moves like this hurt only the taxpayer.
After the BOE meeting and the Council vote last night, somewhere behind the curtain Mario Testa must be saying (in my Mel Brooks voice) “it’s good to be the King.” LOL LOL.
Now it’s time for Mayor Ganim to keep his promise and remove Tom McCarthy from his non-union City job! We’ll see if he does.
If Tom McCarthy transfers his job over to the BOE, his conflict of interest on the city council would then be eliminated and in keeping with the charter. He would only have to recuse himself when it came to a vote on the BOE budget. Does that work?
Yes, but Tom and other City employees do not know what recusal means. It means not participating in any way, including leaving the room when non-public discussions are held on a topic where you have a real or even perceived conflict. Tom and other City employees have failed that test on a recurring basis in the past.
Jim, he would still be receiving funds from the city treasury. There would still be a conflict.
Perhaps Jim Fox is thinking back to the exclusion of Michele Lyons, perhaps with a position in education in the City, and how her role flies under the radar. As well as some commentaries regarding a BOE employee in other communities entitled to serve on town meeting board as representative. Time will tell.
BOE employees are not precluded from being on the City Council and City employees aren’t precluded from being on the BOE.
The city charter prohibits anyone who receives payment from the city treasury from serving on the city council. BOE employees receive payment from the city treasury.
Connecticut State Statute 7-421 currently prohibits municipal employees from serving on municipal boards of finance with the exception of teachers. Efforts to amend the statute to prohibit city employees from serving on municipal legislative bodies which have the function of a board of finance would exempt teachers from the prohibition. Not all BOE employees are teachers. Michele Lyons is a BOE employee but not a teacher. By city charter and by the amended state statute guidelines, Michele Lyons, as an example, would be prohibited from serving on the city council.
Everything will be rubber stamped, as before. And the Lyons are in it for themselves. How did they get their jobs? They’re in bed with Testa!
If their participation on the council is not upheld by law, then how is it actions they pass or participate in are not null and void? It was like when all five or so police commissioners, including Danny Roach, were serving with expired commissions. It would seem positions, which may have a bearing on law, which have consequences in the lives of the people of the city, should have a lawful starting point or they are illegal. I am definitely missing something here.
Most of the BOE budget is not paid for by Bridgeport taxpayers. I will look at the Charter again when I get a chance but based on my recollection I do not believe BOE employees are precluded from being on the City Council.
*** The State loophole was never voted and passed concerning city employees serving on the council, so Ganim’s hands are still tied on a city level ’til changes are made! However getting back to some of these committees and the council members who were picked to co-chair them. It looks like choices were made merely due to council seniority and not actually knowing about the title subjects involved even though as a whole the membership will rubber stamp whatever comes before them for lack of leadership and know-how! Just wait ’til budget time, OIB. In my opinion the entire city budget should be turned over to an independent financial agency with experience in such matters then simply voted on by the B&A committee, then further approval by the entire city council. No nepotism or departmental favors or secret pots of gold hidden in different line items; totally independent from the present admin, no? *** WHAT SAY YOU, OIB? ***
I have stated previously Bridgeport will eventually require a Financial Control Board established under current state law. At the same time, Mayor Ganim can force Tom McCarthy to choose between a City job and the Council. He should do so given his promise to honor the related Charter provision.
How would that independent financial agency be elected/appointed?
Under current state law the Governor can cause creation of a Financial Review Board or a Financial Control Board for a City or Town. We had a Financial Review Board in the past. We need a Financial Control Board now.
Which state law is that, Dave?
*** Appointed by and working with the B&A committee to come in and oversee the city budget process with the final vote to accept or reject by the entire city council in the end! And the entire process to be transparent to the other council members not on the B&A, the Mayor’s admin. and most important the city taxpayers. No more padding line item numbers, financing ghost positions, accepting late made-up temp positions, or pending accounts receiveable and assumed incoming State money. Find the $ fat and cut it without making too many hurting decisions too soon! The city council has the money in their city legislative financial line item as well as their money stipends to pay the overall cost for the independent budget audit and the written reports for comparison next budget season, no? *** IT’S DOABLE AND MUCH MORE PROFESSIONAL AND TRANSPARENT IN THE END. ***
If they were appointed by the board you don’t trust to do a transparent and unpadded job, then they would be made in the same image it would seem. The people voted for all this again, and again. So they get this again and again. What’s the argument?
Who are the committee chairs?
Tom McCarthy has already engaged in a serious and blatant conflict of interest. As Council President, he appointed the leaders and members of the Council Committees, including the B&A Committee that deals with the City Budget. This conflict needs to be assessed now by Mayor Ganim!!! Actions speak louder than words.
The City Council could change its rules tomorrow to say no city employee can serve in a leadership position or as a committee co-chair.
Do we think anyone on the council will submit that change?
It’s not the same. But it is a start.
Does anyone actually think Tom is a leader?
All he does is play follow the leader. He did as G1 told him to do. He did as the Fabulous one told him to do. He did as the Bird Man told him to do.
Name one time where McCarthy stood up to a mayor and said no. Never happened. Is he spineless or just conflicted out?
Could you please cut the disgusting crap?