Governor Dan Malloy is expected to march in Monday’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade that will kick off Downtown at noon on Monday. This is your chance to needle your favorite (or not so favorite) city pol. Terry O’Connor, executive director of the Cardinal Shehan Center and McGivney Community Center is this year’s Grand Marshal of the 2014 Greater Bridgeport St. Patrick’s Day Celebration.
Schedule of Events:
8 a.m. – Mass at Saint Augustine Cathedral celebrated by Most Reverend Frank Joseph Caggiano, S.T.D., D.D. Bishop of Bridgeport
9:15 a.m. – Flag raising at City Hall with Mayor Bill Finch
10 a.m. – Grand Marshal’s Breakfast*, Grand Ballroom, Bridgeport Holiday Inn with performances by the Sheeaun Academy of Irish Dance
12 p.m. – Parade Kick-Off with 2014 Grand Marshal, Terry O’Connor
1:30 p.m. – Post Parade Luncheon & Awards Ceremony*, Grand Ballroom, Bridgeport Holiday Inn With performances by the Lenihan School of Irish Dance
For more info go to: st.patricksdayparade.net
This is the same guy who is opposing the recognition of the three tribes that would bring thousands of entry-level jobs to the city with great medical benefits. Two questions.
1) Why is he invited to come to the city he is hurting?
2) Why is Finch letting him come here and why is Finch participating with the person who is trying to hurt the people?
A parade route would be most helpful.
Mustang Sally,
Tell them to keep wanking I mean walking ’til the end of Main St. and over the sands at low tide (I hope). Keep walkin’ and I hope you folks don’t have the Moses luck.
This is what the St. Patrick’s day parade needs, two more assholes.
This parade in Bridgeport is a wonderful event and continues to grow and attract more spectators every year. Why are you always putting such a negative twist on everything and anything? Your postings are always so cantankerous and bitter.
No one can ever take you seriously. You can be 100% correct on something yet perception would be to bypass as your hate spews from your pores. You rant about Pereira but the inside evilness is a even tie between both of you.
Malloy’s GPS is only programmed for Bridgeport in election years and Finch needs a soft landing “Green”spot as Malloy and Stafstrom’s choice to be next Bridgeport mayor is Andres Ayala.
Will Andres be able to get off the FENCE he constantly straddles and actually have a platform?
So let me get this straight. It’s Saint Patrick’s day when every jerk decides they are Irish and because it’s St. Patrick’s day they can drink and be obnoxious.
Bill Finch has screwed this city around for the past 5 years and governor Malloy has basically ignored us for almost his whole four-year term, now election is approaching and he will be in a constant let-me-kiss-Bridgeport’s-ass mode.
So I should forget all of this because it’s Saint Patrick’s day. BS.
I wish he would be, but he thinks the people of the city will vote for him because he is a Democrat, period. I beg the city’s people, vote for yourselves for once and vote against the scum that are trying to keep you in bondage!!!
I can’t believe the amount of what could be perceived as “pandering” coming forth from the Democratic Party these days. Every time you read a newspaper, listen to the radio or watch TV, these days you see another cause aimed right at voter gut level being brought to the forefront by the Democratic Party. The latest? “Aid in Dieing.” Good Grief, ladies and gentlemen. Could ya back off a bit? It’s getting kind of embarrassing.
Yes, I am a Democrat.
Sally: This is the Democratic attempt to draw attention away from Obamacare. The Dems got a taste of what’s to come in a recent special election in Florida. The favorite was a Democratic woman named Singer who had statewide name recognition. She lost because the other candidate centered on Obamacare.
Had a conversation with two women within a decade of my present age, homeowners in Bridgeport, reluctant taxpayers for services received, one retired from State service but paying attention to BOE issues and the other still working after nearly 40 years for a Fortune 500 company. They were celebrating a birthday over a Saturday brunch.
Introduced myself and asked what was most disturbing to them as long-term B’port residents. (By the way they are regular voters, single moms who raised children to be successful independent adults.) After mentioning taxes I probed a little and the former corrections officer talked about jobs, lack of them in general and lack of them specifically for people coming out of the justice system. The other talked about accountability. She indicated private business has job descriptions, evaluations and consequences when people do not perform. She does not see that in the City. Interesting to ask general questions and get people talking specifically from what they have experienced in life. Perhaps the administration does not see the public may have much more understanding than given credit for. What will happen in 2014 and 2015? Time will tell.