UPDATE: Richard Paoletto will not be the only City Council member resigning after Tuesday night’s meeting. Add Democratic State Senate candidate Ricky DeJesus to the list. Meanwhile Mayor Bill Finch wants DeJesus to drop out of the February 24 special election, according to the Connecticut Post. Finch political operatives, after delivering the endorsement to DeJesus, have redirected support to Ken Moales over Ed Gomes, following disclosure of DeJesus’ back tax and child support issues. A daycare facility Moales operates also has back tax issues. So in the battle of baggage, DeJesus and Moales could compete with Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark.
From Finch:
“It’s a smart move by Councilman DeJesus to step down from the City Council,” Finch said. “I urge him to drop out of the state Senate race, too. It seems clear that doing so is in the best interest of our city, as well as Councilman DeJesus and his family, at this particular time.”
What a difference a few weeks make. DeJesus was Finch’s guy, but now Moales is his guy because DeJesus presumably has less baggage than Moales. Does he? Moales was Finch’s campaign treasurer in 2007 and 2011, but no longer serves that function. DeJesus has $70,000 in public campaign funds to spend in the final 10 days. Is the mayor trying to create cover if DeJesus dumps negative attacks on Gomes to aid Moales’ cause?
DeJesus issued a statement Friday afternoon declaring, “I don’t believe that it is fair to my constituents in the 136th district to continue serving in a council member capacity while tending to other responsibilities.” Whether Dejesus, who represents the East Side, believes he’s a lock to win the February 24 special election, or something else is in play, is unclear. DeJesus statement:
“As a loving father, small business owner, job creator, and endorsed candidate for state senate, I don’t believe that it is fair to my constituents in the 136th district to continue serving in a council member capacity while tending to other responsibilities.
“That’s why today, I’m announcing that after the next City Council meeting, I will give the city clerk my resignation.
“I cannot thank the people of Bridgeport’s 136th district enough for letting me serve them as a council member. And, I want to continue fighting for Bridgeport as your next state senator. I’m dedicated to making or city and state a better place. That means better schools that get our students prepared to compete for jobs.
“It also means fixing our broken tax structure. The status quo is unfair to cities like Bridgeport. It dissuades property owners from creating jobs, investing in new technology, and growing their businesses. On the other hand, it encourages land banking and leaving blighted property as is. It’s ridiculous. We need to change it.
“Most importantly, we need to send people to Hartford who understand the struggles that each and every one of us face every single day. I know hardship. I know what its like to create small business and employ people, but still face tough decisions each and every day. That’s why I’m the right choice for senate. Because I’ll fight for all of us.”
DeJesus should take a hint from Richie. A twofer. Resign from the Council and withdraw from the State Senate race. Both are embarrassments but at least Paoletto is staying in the city limits. Would we really send a delinquent taxpayer and deadbeat dad to Hartford when Christine Ayala’s seat is still practically warm? How deep is our capacity for embarrassment?
By the way, nice work Brett, on that release.
Now Finch is calling on DeJesus to drop out of the state Senate race, too. Moales is Finch’s guy because the millionaire and billionaire charter school investors/supporters want charter school-loving Moales elected. Finch wants their money and support for his re-election campaign. The Spanish community needs to wake up and see Finch for what he is, a conniving, dishonest, bloodsucking, untrustworthy, throw you under the bus so I can save me a$$ kind of guy.
The piranha says naughty things while the Conquistador says: Solo uno puede ser el mejor.
Es cierto, Sr. Local Eyes, pero todavía nadie puede estar tan loco como usted.
The Conquistador asked me to show you this
–> www .Solounopuedeserelmejor.com
Local Eyes,
Usted es feo y su madre le viste de una manera divertida.
(like a gruff Mexican) The mighty Conquistador waves his sword in the air and reminds The Bridgeport Kid wardrobes don’t concern the warrior and we don’t need your STEENKING attitude, either!
Maria Pereira // Feb 13, 2015 at 6:36 pm
To your posting
Absolutely on point.
Wow! The new Finch has got religion up the ying yang. When did that happen??? Oh whoops! It’s an election year and all his dirty peeps are in trouble. Earth to the rest of you dirty peeps–you are next!
Mayor Finch is keeping with the spirit of Valentine’s Day by handing out little red parking tickets to all the people in Black Rock who are parked on the wrong side of the street.
Bridgeport is getting bitter every day!
Friday the 13th is my new favorite day!
Unless two more city employees are appointed and approved for these two vacant seats and delayed implementation is added to HB 5886.
Richard, I mean Brett, is quite the wordsmith. He has the ability to speak in many voices.
Grin Ripper, it is called “ConnCAN doublespeak.”
I think he speaks in tongues. Forked Tongue!
I guess DeJesus believes he has the state senate seat all wrapped up. So why not resign now? And why would he have to wait until after the next City Council meeting? Submit it today. Unless he figures he can change his mind between now and then.
He actually sounds like a Republican. He should probably run as a Republican instead if he is concerned about lowering taxes.
Andmar, have you seen the Bob Keeley lawn signs?
CT Post online has a statement from Finch asking DeJesus to exit the state senate race … It’s been a helluva day at sea, sir.
The Counterfeiter should get out of the Mayor’s race.
That’s so cool! Finch supports the other deadbeat!
Finch wants DeJesus to exit Senate race
Posted on February 13, 2015 | By Brian Lockhart
UPDATED at 4:21 p.m.
Mayor Bill Finch Friday urged Councilman Richard DeJesus, D-136, to also exit the state Senate race in response to DeJesus’ announcement he is resigning from the City Council:
“It’s a smart move by Councilman DeJesus to step down from the City Council,” Finch said. “I urge him to drop out of the state Senate race, too. It seems clear that doing so is in the best interest of our city, as well as Councilman DeJesus and his family, at this particular time.”
The question is, why do this now, as opposed to before Wednesday when the state Elections Enforcement Commission awarded DeJesus his public campaign financing grant?
Original blog:
Freshman Bridgeport Councilman Richard DeJesus, D-136, announced suddenly Friday that he will be resigning from that position at Tuesday’s meeting, but still continuing his bid for the vacant 23rd state Senate District seat.
DeJesus in his statement referred to needing to tend to “other responsibilities.”
It was unclear–and in a brief interview DeJesus declined to clarify–whether he was referring to the Feb. 24 special election or the personal financial troubles and state Elections Enforcement Commission probe he has hanging over his head.
“As a loving father, small business owner, job creator, and endorsed candidate for state senate, I don’t believe that it is fair to my constituents in the 136th District to continue serving in a council member capacity while tending to other responsibilities.”
“That’s why today, I’m announcing that after the next City Council meeting, I will give the city clerk my resignation.”
“I cannot thank the people of Bridgeport’s 136th district enough for letting me serve them as a council member. And, I want to continue fighting for Bridgeport as your next state senator. I’m dedicated to making or city and state a better place. That means better schools that get our students prepared to compete for jobs.”
“It also means fixing our broken tax structure. The status quo is unfair to cities like Bridgeport. It dissuades property owners from creating jobs, investing in new technology, and growing their businesses. On the other hand, it encourages land banking and leaving blighted property as is. Its ridiculous. We need to change it.”
“Most importantly, we need to send people to Hartford who understand the struggles that each and every one of us face every single day. I know hardship. I know what its like to create small business and employ people, but still face tough decisions each and every day. That’s why I’m the right choice for senate. Because I’ll fight for all of us.”
So according to DeJesus, it was the seven years of Finch’s high taxes that put Bridgeport behind the 8-ball.
Bridgeport is getting Bitter every day.
Leaves one to wonder what is coming down the pike that this guy is trying to avoid. Why resign City Council? Oh I know! Maybe he needs an “Addressitude Adjustment.” How many other ways can he shame the constituency?
Can someone explain why Finch hates Ed Gomes so much he’d back Moales over him?
Because Finch is paranoid and desperate to keep what could be the last job anyone ever gives him. The problem is his paranoia and megalomania is so acute he can’t see Gomes might not like Finch but he would never do anything to hurt Bridgeport. Pathetic. Or more correctly, very sad we have such a warped mayor.
Finch hates Ed Gomes because Ed is not a yes man. Ed would never do anything to hurt Bridgeport but he is also not going to go out of his way to help Finch with items that seem to only help Finch. And get this. At one point Finch said if Ed Gomes was elected Senator he would embarrass Bridgeport.
I am laughing as I type that. Between DeJesus, Moales and Finch, Ed Gomes looks like a perfect gentleman.
He does not like Gomes because Gomes will not kiss his ass and Gomes knows what a phony Finch is.
He’s a Counterfeit Bill!
Nice strategy–about 10 to 14 days ago. Things are spinning faster than the administration can control.
With all this blind “oversight” on Finch’s part, what kind of State or Private company, short of an institution, would hire him after the mess he has created in Bpt? Any CEO or whoever would also be looking for work after a few months should they take him on.
Time to practice a new speech, Mayor Finch. Watch my lips and repeat after me. “Can I supersize this for you?”
Black Rockin, did you see that sweet deal he gave the UI to build that solar park? Rest assured, that deal was given to them with a wink and a nod that he will get hired by them once he loses this election, bet on it.
Exactly, Baffled in Bridgeport. How is Moales any better than DeJesus?
Jimmy C, good to hear from you. You would have to reach way back in GD files of the Bridgeport Post/Telegram to find a story like this. Even Terry McGovern looks like a polished politician next to these buffoons.
And for anyone who asks why did Finch wait so long?
He did it intentionally. He purposely waited until DeJesus had his money before saying anything. He is simply playing all sides on this one.
If DeJesus were to actually win Finch would be at the victory party telling Ricky this was all part of the grand plan to make sure he got the money.
If Moales were to actually win Finch would be at the victory party telling Kenny this was all part of the grand plan but he kept waiting for DeJesus to withdraw. When he finally realized that wasn’t going to happen well then he finally called on him to resign.
But when Gomes wins Finch will be cursing Woody out for allowing this to get so out of control.
In speaking with others, it is my understanding the SEEC is about to rule unfavorably on the complaint both DePara and Silva filed against DeJesus. It could explain why he is resigning from the council and not withdrawing from the senate race. It is my understanding he does live in the 123rd District, but not his council district. In speaking with others, it does sound plausible.
Anything is plau(SEEC)ible when it comes to SEEC. Imagine one day there is an upcoming referendum question on the ballot. Months before the referendum is held, electronic signs are installed on every charter school grounds paid for with taxpayers funds. What would your reaction be when you drive by the charter schools and find out the electronic signs have a posted reminder of the referendum day, place and time?
www .ct.gov/seec/lib/seec/DECLARATORY_RULING_2015_01.pdf
Joel Gonzalez, I’m surprised you didn’t run for the open state rep. positions, I think you would have been a good candidate.
Ron Mackey, my address pertains to the 130th District (State). But for City Council and Town Committee I fall in the 130th. One would think that means the 130th (State) and the 130th (Municipal) are one in the same. Not always, especially if one lives close (within a block) of the district boundary. At one tine, you would have been voting in this special election. Besides, why bother running when those you support hide from you and won’t take a position in regard to your candidacy. What we were made to believe were “coalitions” turned out to be coldalitions as the majority of the members of “coalitions” get cold feet when other coalition members decide to run for office. I’m in the 130th for State Rep.
Finch doesn’t like Gomes. He is also nervous that Joseph P. Ganim may seek his old job. He has a right to be nervous. Ganim still has a lot of name recognition. He may be a convicted felon who took money, shirts, French wine, etc., but he also got a lot accomplished for the city of Bridgeport.
Marion Barry served three terms as mayor of Washington, D.C. before the FBI busted him for smoking crack in a hotel room with a prostitute. He went to prison, was elected to the City Council and then re-elected to the mayor’s office. Joe Ganim may take a page from Barry’s playbook and use the campaign slogan “He may not be perfect but Joe is perfect for Bridgeport.”
All you hear in the North End is Ganim Ganim Ganim, ’cause we can’t get enough. Please sir, may I have another? Poor Joe, surrounded by pure sycophants who have no problem seeing Joe publicly humiliated and disgraced as well as raked over the coals by a new generation of voters. Show some respect!!!
Don’t insult all those sacred East Side figures from back in the day, Bob Walsh. Even the gang at McGovern’s would have done a better job organizing this while balancing empty bottles of Fleischmann’s on their noses.
This is almost … Charming.
I remember Terry and the boys at McGovern’s well. Well maybe just a little fuzzy as I too was an aficionado of Fleischmann’s back in the day.
You had Terry and the Sheriff Ed Nerkowski, Eddie Caldwell, Ed Green. If they weren’t going over voting lists at McGovern’s it would be at the Homeport.
Those were the good old days.
I think Bill Finch will take the weekend and hunker down with his advisers to sort out the mess that has become this special election for a state senator. He’ll come out on Monday morning and announce he supports the candidacy of Ed Gomes. He’ll do this for the good of Bridgeport. Ed Gomes speaks his mind and he isn’t a yes man for Bill Finch, but he has proven himself to be honest. He’s not about to jump into the cesspool of unethical practices his adversaries have displayed. He is the best choice of the three Democratic candidates.
Finch will never endorse Ed Gomes and if he does Gomes will tell him to stick it.
That’s one of the things that is great about Ed Gomes, he doesn’t need Bill Finch’s endorsement and if he got it he would tell him to stick it and much more, that’s something the mayor and his candidate Rev. Moales are not accustomed to, someone with a backbone who will tell them where to go.
Is it trick photography, or is Ricky walking around with a big spike coming out of his head?
A real lightning rod!
Maybe those who question the photo have never been in an elevator before.
I think the mayor has made that very clear. When it comes to a state senate candidate he prefers one who is financially irresponsible, who is a tax delinquent, who will not go to court when ordered and has fraudulently billed the state of CT over one who is financially irresponsible, who is a tax delinquent, who will not go to court when ordered AND a deadbeat dad.
Finch truly chose the lesser of two evils. Let’s hope the voter remembers you can chose the candidate with none of this baggage, a hard-working man throughout his life, honest, experienced and a true gentleman some of the time. ED GOMES. Mayor Finch, why settle for less.
When one says the “lesser” of the two evils, remember both are evil.