‘I Can’t Breathe … I Can’t Breathe’

Courage and control illustrate exceptional police work. In Bridgeport, we’ve seen examples of solid police work. We’ve also seen through video how three cops got it wrong such as stomping a tasered man in Beardsley Park that led to federal civil rights violations and cost city taxpayers $200,000. The Connecticut Post featured this editorial about “the talk we need to have.”

Questions about race relations in America cannot and should not be contained to Ferguson, Mo., and Staten Island, N.Y., where grand juries recently declined to indict white police officers in the killing of two unarmed black men.

In Connecticut, high school students are joining the national movement to raise awareness by staging peaceful protests they call “die-ins.”

On Monday about 60 Ridgefield High School students dropped to the floor in the cafeteria for about 5 minutes and about 100 Greenwich High School students staged a “die-in” in the school’s courtyard with some chanting “GHS can’t breathe!”

The chant refers to Eric Garner’s cry of “I can’t breathe,” as a Staten Island police officer had him in a chokehold, a maneuver that is against the department’s policy.

Full commentary here.



  1. And every news station has played this over and over again. We just can’t get enough. This news is as redundant as the death of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Anna Nicole Smith. I give it another week and I am sure there will be another news item to dominate the news ad nauseam. Watch CNN, Anderson Cooper can ask the same question for 3 hours with 30 different panelist then comes Erin Burnett milking it for another hour on every station etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Maybe the torture report, ISIS or Ebola will become the latest news item. I do however, commend the young people for getting involved, it should remind Republicans they will vote soon. It also should remind the older generation how ineffective we have been in rectifying these redundant stories across the states we have all been aware of but allowed these injustices to creep 15 years into the 21st Century. There is a problem, fix it!

      1. Lennie, funny you should ask. Every class in fifth grade and above I play CNN student News. I will always discuss current events, I was in Curiale School a week or so ago and the security guard wanted to come in and discuss Ferguson, I welcomed him after my lunch but first told him we would probably agree to disagree on a few issues. It was a great dialogue and we explained this is how you solve problems. We showed a few clips showing both sides of the story from Youtube. There are always a few bad apples, but the police are here to protect us. Destruction of property does not solve the problem. The kids were very thoughtful in their questions. I did not get into the politics of how I believe the ministers are responsible for inciting violence and racism. It is sad. I am not sure if I mentioned this before or not, but I need to share. The Reverend Al Sharpton who is always throwing himself into these situations is nothing like the character we see talking loud on politics nation. When not in front of the camera, Al Sharpton is actually a very nice guy. Surprisingly, classier than the character we see in the news and on his show. I know this to be a fact as I have met him a few times in New York establishments and even I was shocked!

    1. If these folks protesting in Fairfield County want to eliminate the apartheid of Fairfield County they can give up the 1% who control most of the wealth and then eliminate two-acre zoning and allow high-density zoning for low-income housing and public housing.

  2. Some fool posted this on OIB just a few days ago.

    “We have all read and watched the demonstrations about the police shooting in Ferguson Missouri and the death of Eric Garner in New York who died as the result of resisting arrest.”

    This fool was claiming Mr. Garner was resisting arrest for selling cigarettes, I did not hear one police officer say on that video Mr. Garner, you’re under arrest. He was not selling cigarettes! He was jumped from behind, choked and killed by seven bootjack cops. So what programs have the Police Commission in Bridgeport done to prevent another Beardsley Park stomping or the next Mr. Garner or Ferguson Missouri from happening?

    1. Jimfox, the Bridgeport Police Commission has done nothing, in fact things have gotten worse. The Bridgeport Police Dept is moving in the same direction as Ferguson because under Mayor Finch there have been very few blacks, Hispanics and females hired on during this mayor than in the last 40 years, the Bridgeport Police Dept has just been hiring white males from out of town.

      1. Ron Mackey, are you kidding??? You are assuming Mayor Finch is hiring “white” cops as though there is a racial undertone. I believe Bridgeport is addressing these issues. Ron Mackey, are there white members in your Firebird club? Does everything you say have to deal with race? Do you ever evaluate both sides of the story? Have you personally ever been racially profiled by the Bridgeport police department? Do you acknowledge we have many upstanding black police officers in our city? Are you suggesting a new quota system be implemented to hire people based on race? Honestly, haven’t we gotten beyond that? What if it were a black officer who shot Michael Brown? Wasn’t a black woman officer overseeing the New York incident? These deaths are very sad. There are deaths unnecessarily happening every day.

        1. Steven Auerbach, Donald Day and myself have said a number of times what the hiring problems are, Mayor Finch has allowed the head of Civil Service, David Dunn, to change the testing and hiring process that has changed both the police and fire department. Mayor Finch and David Dunn should put out the numbers of females, Hispanics and blacks that have been hired under his administration and the numbers that were hired during the past 40 years for each of the past mayors.

    2. As usual you are making shit up. The video did not show everything nor did it record everything said. Just so you know, there was a complaint about Garner selling loosies in front of a store that sells cigarettes, in fact you dumb ass he was selling loosie cigarettes. One more thing, that was not a choke hold on Eric Garner. One more thing, the cops were sent to that location by their commander who is black. Why don’t you post another bullshit video on this subject, sweetie?

    3. The video Lennie posted was not the complete video. It was a shorter, edited version. Here is the complete video:
      www .theguardian.com/us-news/video/2014/dec/04/i-cant-breathe-eric-garner-chokehold-death-video

      You can see Eric escalate and resist arrest 1 minute 21 seconds into the video. He was arrested 31 times for selling loosies. It was the shopkeeper who called the cops to have him removed. BTW–If you can speak, you can breathe.

  3. Personally, I don’t understand how anyone can view the Eric Garner video and not see it as a case of police overreaction resulting in the death of still one more black man.

    The reality is, we live in two Americas and police treat black men and boys (especially the poor) very differently than they do white men and boys (especially the not-so-poor.)

    We can go back and forth on why this is the case but until we recognize this reality, nothing is going to change.

    1. John–Those people also react very differently to the police. It is one thing to change the way you act to accommodate the world and a very different thing to change the world to accommodate the way you want to act. Selling cigarettes without a permit is illegal in that state. You can expect to be confronted by the police if you do this. It annoyed the shopkeeper who probably sold loosies on his own. Here is an educational video:
      www .youtube.com/watch?v=uj0mtxXEGE8

  4. BOE–Are you saying the police did not overreact? Further, are you saying black men and boys bring police brutality upon themselves? If this is the case, how come white petty criminals are not being shot and beaten on an almost daily basis? Or is it you feel there are no white petty criminals?

    1. John from Black Rock, thanks for your point about “white petty criminals are not being shot and beaten on an almost daily basis.” I did post a link about a white male police officer being indicted by a state grand jury in South Carolina for killing a black man but we don’t see young white males being shot and beaten on a daily basis.

    2. They are. On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI. 25% of the people shot by police are black and blacks commit 30% of the crimes. A white is more likely to be shot by the police than a black (by 5%). The news just sensationalizes these incidents. You simple do not hear about a white guy being shot by a white or black cop. Thousands are killed every day in car accidents but 3-4 are killed in a plane crash and you do not stop hearing about it. The cop thing is the same way.
      The stats you usually see are slanted because only inner-city police departments report these stats to the FBI. Inner-city crime rates are higher and more violent. Any interaction between you and the police you brought on yourself. How that interaction goes depends as much on the individual as it does on the cop.

  5. John, you are absolutely right on black men and boys being treated differently, police overreaction and white petty criminals not being shot and beaten on a daily basis. BOE, it is people like you who are one of the problems in America when you classify blacks as THESE PEOPLE! The fact is when Eric was approached he firmly said he had done nothing wrong and this harassment needs to end. Please just leave me alone, he pleaded. Please, don’t touch me he said as the cops took him down. When Pantaleo put Eric in an illegal choke hold, Eric kept pleading. When Pantaleo pressed Eric’s face into the concrete, Eric was still pleading. As Eric lay dying with indifferent-looking police officers around him, officer Pantaleo smiled and waved at the camera.

    According to Chief Judge Sol Wachtler, a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich if that was his or her desire. There is a system in America that was designed to exclude, ignore and trivialize the concerns of blacks while targeting, shooting, caging and killing them. BOE, you like a lot of others fail to fully appreciate just how embedded racism is in this system, from police officers to prosecutors to prison guards, the entire system is rigged against minorities, the poor and blacks.

    In reality, Michael Brown and Eric Garner had no chance and we should not pretend they did. They were caught up in a system that has done to thousands before them and what it will do to thousands after them. There is nothing extraordinary about the outcomes in Ferguson and Staten Island. They are what we should expect by a legal system in a society where the majority still harbors prejudices against blacks.

  6. Neither man would be dead today if they had obeyed the orders of the police officers. Garner knew better, he was arrested 31 or 32 times. He knew this was no big deal and he would do no time in jail. He chose to resist. Same thing with Brown. He punched a cop while the cop was in his patrol car. I guess according to all the protests the cop should have said screw this and driven off. Yeah, right.

    1. Andrew C Fardy, for the Eric Garner crime the police should have given a citation for his violation. He was so big, once he was on his side and back he could not have gotten up if the police officers got off him. I wonder why so many medical students are protesting across America, in fact over 70 colleges are protesting the death of Eric Garner.

    1. Hector, he did not murder him. Read the report on this incident. Brown twice punched Wilson in the face and walked away, he turned around and ran at officer Wilson. Brown is 6’5″ 290 pounds. Now Hector, tell me how you would stop Brown.

    1. Sweetie, how nice that you read my posts. Keep it up and you might learn how to research facts ad won’t have to post dumbass videos to try to make your point. Kiss kiss.

  7. “What if Whites Were the Minority?”

    DEC. 10, 2014
    Nicholas Kristof

    In the responses to my “When Whites Just Don’t Get It” series, I’ve been struck by the lack of empathy some whites show for members of minority groups. So imagine if the world were reversed.

    Then “the talk” might go like this:
    “Son, sit down. You’re 13, old enough to have a conversation that I’ve been dreading.”

    “Oh, come on, Dad. I hope this isn’t about the birds and the bees.”

    “Nope. That’d be easy. Have you seen the video of the white horticulturalist being choked to death by police?”

    “All the kids have seen it. He says he can’t breathe, and black cops still kill him. [Expletive!]”

    “Don’t curse. It is wrong, but it’s the way the world works. And that’s why Mom and I are scared for you. With us whites in the minority, some cops are just going to see you as a threat no matter what. You’re going to get stopped by black cops, and I want you to promise you’ll never run or mouth off. Mom and I can’t protect you out there, and white kids are 21 times as likely as black kids to be shot dead by police. So even when a cop curses you, I want you to call him Sir.”

    “Anybody curses me, he won’t get away with it.”

    “Yes, he will. And if he shoots you, he might get away with it, too. Especially when you keep wearing clothes all the other white boys wear like those polo shirts. Black cops see you in them and suspect trouble. Black folks make the rules, and we have to live by them. Like it or not.”

    “[Expletive!] Racists!”

    “Hey! I told you not to curse. And don’t hold it against all blacks. Lots have joined with whites in protesting these killings. And even for those who are unsympathetic, most aren’t evil, just clueless.”

    “C’mon, Dad. When a 12-year-old white kid is shot dead because he’s holding a toy gun, when a white woman professor is thrown to the ground for jaywalking, when cops smash a car window to taser a white guy in front of kids, that’s not cluelessness. That’s evil. White lives matter.”

    “It’s complicated. Remember when you were suspended in the fourth grade for being disruptive?”

    “That was ridiculous.”

    “Yup. White kids get suspended when black kids don’t. That’s just the way it is. But the black vice principal who suspended you–he’s the same guy who enthusiastically organizes White History Month each year. Intellectually, he believes in civil rights. But he kicks out white kids for the same reason doctors give less pain medication to white patients. Same reason that in experiments a résumé that is identifiably white gets fewer callbacks than the exact same résumé from a black person. It’s not on purpose, but people ‘otherize’ us. That’s why you’ll have to work harder to succeed in life–and even then you’ll be followed around department stores by security guys.”

    “O.K., Dad. Anyway, I got to go.”

    “Society cares about inequality. But the big inequality debate is about rich and poor, and some folks don’t seem to notice all the inequality that comes with race. White Americans have a per capita income that’s lower than in Equatorial Guinea, and life expectancy is roughly the same as in Sri Lanka. The system here is sometimes rigged. Cops stop and frisk whites four times as often they do blacks. And that criminal record hurts your chance to get a good job, to marry, to vote. Everybody makes mistakes, but black kids get the benefit of the doubt. You don’t, simply because you’re white.”

    “Dad, I got it. Can I go now?”

    “I guess 13-year-olds aren’t made for listening. Look, this thing we call ‘race’ is such a petty thing in biological terms. A minor adaptation in the last 100,000 years. Race is a social construct. It shouldn’t be what defines us.”

    “Hm. Feels pretty important to me.”

    “Well, it kills, and that’s why we’re having this talk. But there is also great progress. It’s incredible that we finally have our very first white president.”

    “Who lots of blacks say was born in Europe! And whose sons get dissed for embarrassing the White House for dressing like the rest of us.”

    “I’m glad the news reports jumped all over those comments. But I wish everyone were as outraged by destructive policies. When our education policy is to send so many white kids to third-rate schools, that’s worse than any racial epithet.”

    “OK. Later, Dad!”

    “Just remember: Some blacks just don’t get it, but black privilege isn’t their fault. If things were reversed and we whites were in the majority, we might be just as oblivious.”

    “Dad, we whites would never be like that!”

    1. You are right, some form of what you wrote is done in white homes. It seems to me more of this should be done in black homes. BTW 21 times as likely is a bad number. 123 African Americans and 326 white people were shot dead by police. This is from 2013.

  8. Ron,
    Thank you for posting this as I had not seen it previously. Walk seriously in the “shoes” of another person, and it changes your world view. Time will tell.

  9. The Washington Post

    It would have been very simple to indict Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo. Here’s how.

    I’m a public defender; I’ve seen it done to my clients countless times.

    By Seth Morris December 8, 2014
    Seth Morris has been a deputy public defender in Alameda County, California, since 2008.

    It is, we are told, very hard to get grand jurors to indict police officers–which supposedly explains why Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo walk free, despite the men they killed in Ferguson, Mo., and on Staten Island. But as a public defender, I know exactly what it takes to get an indictment. I could get one in either case. In fact, I am ready and willing to fly to any town in this country to get an indictment in any case where a police officer kills an unarmed civilian. It’s just not that hard.

    I’d start by saying this. “A man, a member of our community, has been killed by another. Only a trial court can sort out what exactly happened and what defenses, if any, may apply. I believe in our trial system above all others in the world. I ask for an indictment so that all voices can be heard in a public courtroom with advocates for both sides in front of trial jurors from the community. This room is not the room to end this story. It’s where the story begins.”

    I’d do it by asking the grand juries to apply the law to these men as the law demands it be applied–equally. I’d ask them to consider the recent fateful events as the work of ordinary humans, not police officers. I’d explain that the cases are too important to be settled in a secret grand jury room. The lives lost are too valuable to avoid a public trial.

    I’d ask them not to consider the defenses the men may raise at trial, because these are irrelevant to the question of indictment. Judges routinely tell my clients–indigent, poor, often young men of color–that they will face trial because probable cause is an exceedingly low standard of proof. All it requires is a suspicion that a crime occurred and a suggestion that the defendant may be responsible for the crime.

    Of course I’d present the facts, and exculpatory evidence if I had it. But the most important question is what suspicion is raised by the subject’s conduct, not what excuse he furnishes in his defense. I’d advise grand jurors to treat with caution any self-serving statements offered by someone who has killed another person. We indict on facts, not explanations. The “presumption of innocence?” It doesn’t apply. Affirmative defenses such as self-defense or “reasonable use of force?” Those are “better left to the jury,” just as my clients are most often told.

    I’d share with them the stories of how often police officers lie and shade the truth to advance their positions: I’ve watched cops lie about minor, irrelevant details–fare evasion, driving without a seat belt, reaching for a waistband–when they know how important those details are for the district attorney’s case. I’d say how I’ve confronted police officers for lying or omitting facts from their reports or even pretending not to see or hear something captured by a chest-mounted camera when that thing is exculpatory to the person they arrest.

    The prosecutors in these cases failed to share stories such as these because they don’t routinely have to confront police officers as part of their job. It’s also because they never wanted an indictment in the first place.

    I practice in Oakland, Calif., a city plagued by violent crime. I do this work because I believe in a fair process for every person, even those charged with doing unspeakable things. I have represented hundreds of defendants–in robberies, rapes, carjackings, kidnappings and murders–during preliminary hearings, which, like grand juries, determine whether a person should stand trial. In my hearings, the district attorney charges the defendant first and then presents evidence pointing to probable cause. The judge in these hearings, almost always, orders the defendant to stand trial. When defendants do testify, they typically do it at trial, not before the grand jury (as Wilson did). And the district attorney tells the jurors that the defendant would say anything to go free.

    So how is it that police shoot an unarmed boy in Ferguson and strangle an asthmatic man on Staten Island, and nobody found probable cause? The only explanation is that, rather than acting like prosecutors, these district attorneys acted like the officers’ attorneys. They did not push the grand juries to indict. In fact, they suggested that it would be okay not to indict. They presented mitigation. They didn’t cross-examine the killers. Remember, grand juries only see one lawyer–the prosecutor. There is no judge present and no adversary to the district attorney. When there is only one lawyer in the room, and that lawyer has asked for indictments in every other case he has presented, and he stands before you and tells you he wants you to do whatever you think is right, the outcome is almost preordained. Here’s what the right approach would have been:

    Unarmed men were killed. Let’s have a trial.

    1. This theory would also support the indictment of a doctor who had a patient die on the operating table. I can understand why a defense lawyer would want Grand Juries to indict innocent people. That would be a personal and professional gold mine for defense attorneys. Not only would they get more clients but their victory rate would skyrocket from all the ‘open and shut’ cases. They would also benefit from advancing the idea it is not the fault of defense attorneys the courts are so backed up and costly. It is the Grand Juries that are not doing their job.

      You do have to question the ethics of a defense attorney who could write such an indictment of someone who is presumed innocent. He made this decision without the benefit of all the facts. He handed down his legal decision devoid of the law, based solely on the court of public opinion and the facts fed to him by the liberal media. The same race-baiting media that seems to be dead set on sowing division in the country. It is almost as if some portion of the media wants to politicize these horrible things to ensure that minorities and whites are further set against each other, making it unlikely the two groups will even be able to work together to improve things for both groups.

  10. This liberal jerk is full of it. First, Brown was not a boy but a 6’5″ 290 man and they did not strangle Mr. Warner. This liberal idiot will say anything and Ron you will look all over the net to find this liberal crap. Ron, why not tell the truth, if they both obeyed police directions both would be alive today. What made them think they were exempt from the law?

    1. Andrew C Fardy, you know you will never get it and that’s okay. Both men should have “obeyed” the police and because they didn’t the ONLY choice the police had was to kill them and the only choice the state grand jury had was not to indict the police officers, right Andy? Then where are the numerous news stories of young white men being killed by the police, oh that’s right, only blacks do not obey the police and for that their sentence is death while young white males get to go home to their family.

  11. Ron. You are the one who does not get it. You are ignoring the fact 326 whites were killed by cops in 2013. You act like the cops go out every day and say I think I will shoot a black man today. Ron, what would you have done if you were officer Wilson? Ron, you keep coming up with this stuff but you never answer questions like do you think any of the doctors who protested will be practicing in poor neighborhoods. I will tell you, ZERO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH.

    1. Andrew C Fardy, police kill more whites than blacks. In absolute terms, that is accurate. However, the statement ignores there are more than five times more whites than blacks in America. When comparing death rates, blacks are about three times more likely than whites to die in a confrontation with police.

      1. Ron–You are ignoring black people commit 30% of the crime in this country. The cops shoot those who they come into contact with. By Andy’s numbers:
        123 African Americans and 326 white people were shot dead by police

        By population, all things considered even and you assume the police are randomly shooting people, the numbers should be:
        67 African Americans and 383 white people were shot dead

        If the police have a tendency to shoot people who they come into contact with because that person committed a crime, the number would follow the crime rate by race. Like this:
        135 African Americans and 314 white people were shot dead by police

        You can see the actual numbers fall somewhere in between. This is in line with what someone would expect and does not show a tendency to favor one race over the other.

  12. BOE SPY, read my last post again. By the way, where are the videos of young white males being killed by the police and where is the outrage by the white community?

  13. There is a simple answer to this problem. Everyone who posted on this subject are good people. If you think you know how the cops should have behaved, become a cop. The best way to change a system is to join it. Who would be better at doing the right thing than someone who knows what that thing is? Bridgeport is hiring.

  14. It’s obvious you are NOT reading everything on this topic or as usual you don’t want to believe what you read. Did Eric Garner threaten the police at any time? In fact he told them please a number of times, he didn’t swear at them, in fact the police were called because of a fight but instead they started questioning Eric Garner but not about the fight they were responding to. Why was no medical aid given to Eric Garner? It doesn’t matter, right?

    1. Watch the video. The policeman was trying to handcuff him and Eric pulled away and advanced in a threatening posture. It is at 1:21. The medical examiner later found a chokehold resulted in Garner’s death, but also asthma, obesity and cardiovascular disease were contributing factors. EMTs arrived four minutes after Garner was subdued by police. Garner died of a heart attack. Depending on the heart attack it may have not mattered if EMTs were there the entire time.
      www .breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/12/03/actual-facts-Eric-Garner

  15. Brother Mackey, you’re wasting your time trying to make BOE, who is an internet troll, understand this subject if you talked to her for years. The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls. At least Andy doesn’t hide behind anonymity and inscrutability. Andy says what he has to say and doesn’t give a damn who knows. I can respect that.

    Brother Mackey, there were whites who thought slavery was a great idea and didn’t see anything wrong with maintaining the status quo and blacks weren’t REAL humans anyway. There were whites who thought the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a bad idea and didn’t see a need because in America everything was equal and fair. There were individuals who thought the Voting Rights Act of 1965 wasn’t needed and the only reason blacks didn’t vote was because they were too uneducated and couldn’t vote for the best person and were lazy and wouldn’t go to the polls. Brother, there were people who thought the desegregation of schools would send America to hell in a handbasket and the system wasn’t broken and everyone had a fair shot at an education in America. You see what I’m saying?

    My brother, they will never understand the shooting of blacks by police is the least of the problems blacks face with respect to the police and there isn’t anything you can say in this forum to make these narrow-minded individuals understands that.

    1. I do not understand what you mean. Brother Mackey argued in favor of separate but equal in a past post. He voted for Finch and Malloy every time.

      More than 55 percent of registered voters got out and cast their ballot in Connecticut during the Nov. 4 election. The lowest turnout was in Bridgeport, where only 37.5 percent cast votes on election day.

      1. BOE SPY, I’ve NEVER voted for Bill Finch. Separate but Equal didn’t work because America wouldn’t put an equal amount of money for blacks like they did for whites. Donald Day, you are right, she just doesn’t get it because the only thing she knows is white is right.

        1. No, I AM trying to keep the black folks down. My plan is to keep you from addressing the REAL problems of the black community by keeping you chasing the racism boogieman. I think he is hiding under your bed. Go check, real quick. As long as you credit black success or failure to outside sources you will never perform the personal, searching moral inventory that would really lead to success. I am looking forward to how police are going to handle crime in BPT. Especially quality-of-life issues.

          I am outside blasting my radio at all hours. The cops show up and I tell them to F-off. If the cops try to do anything, all I have to do is start a fight with them and have someone film it. Then we get to riot, loot and burn down the brand new East Side grocery store. Brother Day can then spend the rest of his life wondering why no one wants to open a shop or buy a house in BPT. I would bet it is racism.

          1. BOE SPY, did you know over 371,000 German prisoners of war were treated better than black American soldiers here in America after WWII?

          2. OK, that was 60 years ago. Get over it. We put Asian Americans in concentration camps and ‘stole’ all their property. They managed to recover.

          3. So it’s OK for whites to commit these crimes and we should just forget about it. American heroes who risk their lives to protect and defend the rights of the Constitution of the United States and they are treated worse than the people who were trying to destroy those rights and that’s OK with you, you are a true xxx.

          4. I did not say it was OK, but get on with life. BTW–You were not in WWII. This did not affect you. Those people would be in their ?80s? if they are even still alive. You are a sorry SOB if you are using their unfortunate treatment as an excuse for your sorry existence. Can I claim PTSD for all the horrible things my dad saw in Vietnam??? He was treated very poorly by the Vietnamese people who captured him.

          5. BOE, my father was a vet in the US Navy and like so many other black men who could not get jobs with signs like blacks need not apply. What that did to these men was to prevent them from the ability to provide a better life. Free land was given to whites with low-interest loans to farm the land given to them but not to blacks, colleges were set up to train them how to farm but none of this was done for blacks. That’s a helluva start for whites coming from Europe who just arrived here. Those effects of racism are living well on America.

          6. Ron–like these colleges?
            Cheyney University of Pennsylvania (1837), Lincoln University (Pennsylvania) (1854), and Wilberforce University (1856), were established for blacks prior to the American Civil War. Established in 1865, Shaw University was the first HBCU in the South to be established after the American Civil War.
            Do you mean the people who came from Europe to see signs like “Irish need not apply?”
            Please, brother Mackey.

  16. Brother Mackey, you’re dealing with an internet troll. You have to have patience and recognize for some folks it’s going to be a process of developing understanding and empathy of inequality and injustice in our society.

  17. You know Ron and Donald, you have blamed every white person in America for the perceived problems in the black community. Are we responsible for the numerous one-parent households in the black community? Are we responsible for the high dropout rate in the black student population? Are we responsible for the multiple generations of families on welfare?
    What I want to know from you two is where is the black community’s responsibility in all you write about. What are your solutions because you two never answer that question.
    You two rail on about Ferguson. For the second time, what would you do if you were the cop in that situation? What would you do after this man who is 6’5″ inches tall and 290# punched you in the face and started to walk away and then turned and came towards you?

    1. Andy Fardy, if you look up the Million Man March you will see we as black men acknowledge the things we as black have, to our women, our family, our community and our people. It was about atonement and our pledge to go back to our homes and to change our ways and the wrong and evil that holds us back. Maybe you can tell me what have whites done to blacks that has held them back. You can’t take a bat and hit us on our knees then tell us to get up and run in races with whites who are already at the halfway point in a race and we are at the starting point and then tell us we are all even. Police officers should not be judged by state prosecutors who they work for and need to do there job. The only thing people are asking for is for a jury to look at what happened and they make the decision even if they are found not guilty.

  18. How is that atonement working out? Very dramatic portrayal of a white man hitting blacks behind the knees. The civil war is over for 149 years and don’t forget a lot of white men died fighting to free the slaves. How long are you going to blame slavery?


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