In the coming weeks Mayor Joe Ganim will appoint one of three finalists–Acting Chief Rebeca Garcia, Captain Lonnie Blackwell and retired Captain Roderick Porter–to a five-year contract that will go before the City Council for top cop approval.
Leadership of the fraternal organization Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society, President Dani Soto and Vice President Juan Esquilin, share this letter in support of Garcia’s service.
Wow mighty funny that the Hispanic Society took a stand. What took this fraternal organization so long to endorse one of its own? JG2 must have his mind set on who his top cop is. Unfortunately, it seems that this is too late. Also, why would this organization endorse a woman who, at the community forum, could not even say she is a member of the “Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society”? Solely referred to them as a “fraternal club/ organization” From speaking to many police officers, I am being told that this “Acting Chief” has been the worst thing that has ever happened to the police department. Poor morale because of her poor decisions or vindictive ways is causing the mass exodus in “her” department.
First, let us talk about the fact that the city lowered the minimum standard for this exam so that she can take it. Second, I urge you all to go onto IACP’s webpage and look at the Chief’s jobs that are posted, and you will see that she cannot even apply to be considered. Here are some of the links;
After doing some research, you will see that our “so called candidate” that finished number 1 would never be able to take her “police experience” anywhere in the nation because she does not hold the minimum educational requirement of BA/BS/Undergraduate. This incompetent Chief would be a nobody without Bridgeport’s corruptive ways.
In these forums, Garcia continued, “if i got the job, if i am chosen to be chief.” Um, hello, Rebeca. “YOU ARE THE ACTING CHIEF” what do you mean? You should have taken these forums to highlight all the good you have done and accomplished. It would not take too long to do so. I can sum up what you have done in a few words. “ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT DESTROYED THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. ”
This letter gives Garcia credit for paying officers on time with a system that the former police chief implemented. Please do not take credit for fixing an issue that the system fixed on its own, Rebeca.
This letter also talks about the “have and have nots” Garcia’s first order of business was to assign all of her family members to specialized units when she was put in place. Including her “nephews, goddaughters, and close family friends, etc.” Garcia talks about the “fusion center ” and defends their work. Why? Is it because a civil service commissioner is an officer under your command and your nephew and goddaughter are assigned to that unit? This is an excellent example of nepotism.
A little fun fact for the author of this letter is that before you put a bunch of words together to try and make this “Acting Cheif” look like a star, you do some “fact checking” of your own because many things from what I am being told are inaccurate and false.
It is funny how the Acting Chief is using this organization to put her letter out there to boost her diminished value. As a last ditch effort to save her job.
Start packing your bags, Rebecca I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately for you, your career is wrapping up. However, it is a blessing for the men and women in blue.
After receiving a phone call, it appears that Garcia may be the author behind this letter to JG2. Sad that you don’t have the confidence in your “accomplishments and skills” to land the five year contract to be the next top cop. Many retirees have told me that they haven’t heard a word from the Hispanic society publicly in over a decade, and now this is written up. It seems that Garcia is becoming desperate. Time to move on, Rebeca you’ve done enough damage to the department.
This is what the men and women working under you want to say to you besides the select few you have taken care of.
Well, if she wrote this herself then her education, or lack of it, should not be a lingering issue. A well-constructed written correspondent, Garcia. 🙂
Don’t think I have an issue with your critique of Garia for Captian. It’s just you critiqued Garcia and Porter. So by the process of elimination, Blackwell is your choice. Nothing wrong with that, but when I asked you who you support for the Job. You gave a political response about supporting Rene, whose not in contention for the job. Which would mean your critique of Garcia and Porter is selective and political. Which is what it is, political in nature.
That being said, you have a black organization within the police department for black officers who are endorsing Blackwell, and a Hispanic organization within the police department for Hispanics who are endorsing a Hispanic. I was just wondering if there was a white organization that supports/for white officers would, that organization be considered a racist organization? I mean wouldn’t that fall under equality? 😂
P.S is Mexican and considered Hispanic. 🙂
A little fun fact that the Hispanic society endorses Garcia, who was was embarrassed to say she was part of this organization. President Soto appears to have been forced to go through with this.
On the ctpost was quoted saying;
“If the Guardians could write a letter for Captain Blackwell — super nice guy, super knowledgeable, he’ll do a great job.”
If you want Garcia and support her, why would you give any kudos to another candidate?
President Soto, great job showing that Acting Chief Garcia is not your first pick to be top cop based on that comment. Please let us know how you feel about Captain Porter. I am sure that will show us that Acting Chief Garcia would be placed last where she belongs.
OK, If that’s your take on a four-page open letter to Ganim highlighting Garcia’s accomplishment by President Soto of the Hispanic Society”s to showing Acting Chief Garcia is not their first pick to be top cop based on the comment Blackwell is a “super nice guy, super knowledgeable, he’ll do a great job.”
Or is this your political way of endorsing Blackwell? 🙂
However, it’s a far better response than the NAACP/Lord’s repones/endorsement. “Anybody but Garia”, who is unqualified, and either one of the black guys will do.
Or the Guardians, racist/unfair comment about Garia’s disciplinary/ “unfair” treatment against black and white officers, over brown officers.
BTW They did comment about Porter. “They’re all great candidates. We’ll be lucky to have whoever out of the three.”
To be fair, they also said. “We have to stand with her (Garcia) Have and want are very different susceptible. 🙂 It might be a woman thing more the Hispanic thing though.
Have to? Did Garcia make you an officer you couldn’t refuse? 🙂
P.S she’s scaling buildings., She’s the Tom Cruise of the Port. 🤣
Ever since Benjamin Alverez made (a few weeks ago) his OIB debut, he made clear, who he ben(ds) over for. I complimented and welcomed him by letting him know how full of shit he is. In fact, he’s so full of shit his eyes are brown and now he’s gone blind. It explains why he didn’t read about the Bridgeport Guardians endorsing “one of their own” who happens to be their President. Rebbeca Garcia had not mentioned having any ties to the Bridgeport Police Hispanic Society, because she knows she can hold her own weight. The shit has definitely reached Bendover’s brain. He’s not able to logically figure out or understand that the Bridgeport Hispanic Police Society, listened to the questions and responses of all 3 finalists during the forums, BEFORE endorsing anyone. Here’s a dude with shit for brains, questioning the intellect and education of a woman who for over 2 years has demonstrated her ability to lead the Police Department. The reason Blackwell and Porter were able to get their higher educational credentials, while working (lots of overtime), is simply because as supervisors, they had plenty of time to study while working. As folks can see, Rebecca Garcia has reached the top of the tallest building in downtown. I’m positive Joe Ganim will make the wise choice of elevating Rebecca Garcia to the highest level in the Bridgeport Police Department. When this happens, Bendover, I hope it makes your brown eyes blue.
Benjamin Alverez, you can start rehearsals of this song now:
Speedy, what’s up wiht the all hostility? 🙂
Just because Alverez is supporting Blackwell. Although he didn’t explicitly express it, we only can deduce it by an examination when he graces OIB. you don’t have to be malice with your critique. 🙂 Cry me a Moon River. 🤣
Let me know how your rehearsals goes. 🙂
P.S speaking of Cry and river. Cool.
Playnice speedy. 🙂
Why? That demonstrates that you are too stupid to figure out what’s going on here with this fictitious character named Benjamin Alverez.
Let’s start with the last name–Alverez. I’ve never heard or seen the last name Alvarez spelled or pronounced as Alverez. Notice the timing of appearance of this alter ego named Benjamin Alverez? He is obviously a finalist for the Bridgeport Police Chief Spot in my strongest of opinion. It’s NOT Porter. Keep in mind who was behind the racist letter incident years ago. While Blackwell denies his involvement, I knew the officer who implicated him years before joining the force. He was raised on Hancock Avenue and he told me how everything played out. Another clue of the creator of the alter ego know as Benjamin Alverez, is the allegation made by the Guardians about Rebbeca Garcia “disproportionately” handing down disciplinary actions, at first, against white and black officer, and later against just black officers. When has the Guardians ever spoke on behalf of white officer? I’ve been blogging and reading OIB for about 16 years. I don’t fall for bull shit very easily and I’m sure most OIB readers are the same. Having gone out on a limb in such fashion, I urge, no, I demand that Lennie Grimaldi tells us whether or not he is 100% sure that Benjamin Alverez is a real person. He is probably using an untraceable phone–something cops know allot about.
Why do I demonstrate my stupid? Because I lost my decoder ring? 🙂
Without it, it’s hard to read between the line and decipher the COLLUSION of people’s BULLSHIT.
As for the last name, Alvarez I do believe there is a baseball player with that spelling, but as for the pronunciation, I guess that falls on you. As you read it, No. The Yankee baseball player spelled his last name the same as mine but the announces pronounce it difference ly the I do.
If you are deciphering Alverez as one finalist for the Bridgeport Police Chief Spot I would have to say he is Blackwell, based on his not-so-open support by critiques of Porter and Garcia. 🙂 It is not rocket science to come to that assumption. 🙂
However, regardless of how stupid I am. I am not that stupid to believe your assessment. 🙂
While I don’t care to engage in the political use of racism within the department but one of the officers who implicated him for the officers in a police abuse/beating case in Bearsley Park.?
To be fair, while I admire your image, it would be a stretch to assume Alvarez is Blackwell. However, in the world of coded manipulative BULLSHIT, you may have a point. I have seen some creative SHIT. 🤣 SJ
Joel raises an interesting point one worthy of a follow-up.
Do posts from Benjamin Alverez represent the thoughts, observations, and opinions of a person in the Bridgeport area of that certain name and identity?? Or is Alverez a fictional “poster” hiding the identity, thoughts, opinions, and story telling of someone else?
Well Halloween has now passed. Today honors All Saints. Time for a comment, along the lines of Joel’s request? St. Leonardo? Please bring the conversation down to earth. Time will tell.
John, does it matter though? Regardless of who Alverez is, wouldn’t a person still have the civil right to their personal opinion, as selective as it was/is? It’s not like Alverez didn’t produce links to factual-ish articles to assist in his “persuasive/ civil right opinion/question.
Perhaps if Alverze is a hidden identity it is because of fear of retribution/retaliation. Though, people and organizations have voice their opinions openly. Beside I don’t know how relevant OIB is regarding it comment section to initiate an investigation.
Or perhaps it an investigation of such amagnitude Lennie would need to call in the Bull, Durham, to get to the bottom of this SHIT. 🤣
BTW, All Saints Day? Is that a Catholic thing? (Google 🙂 Well, would you like that? It is. Being Catholic you would think I would know that. 🙂
After Halloween the only celebration next is Thanksgiving. 🙂
Watch out, All Saints Day. I hear Christmas is eating other holidays. 😂
You know, that Holiday (Thanksgiving) that commemorates the event when those “peaceful” indigenous “Indians” saved the pilgrims from starvation?
JML, several who have posted in the comments section over the years have been accused of doing so under a pseudonym. The name in question is now officially in the moderation pokey so if a comment appears again I must clear it.
Sure , Lennie!
Benjamin Alverez says:
November 1, 2022 at 4:30 pm
After some thought I am officially throwing my support behind the old man Captain Porter. Even though I was upset of his “google me” comment and what I found out. I guess I can get over it.
BTW Dr. Babar, 🙂 wouldn’t Garcia in her supervisor role also have overtime and access to study as Blackwell and Porter? Not to mention she already reached the highest level in the Bridgeport Police Department, and she didn’t have to go Tom Cruise either. 🤣
Peace out, I am out of here. Play nice people. 🙂
As for the last name, Alvarez I do believe there is a baseball player with that spelling, but as for the pronunciation, I guess that falls on you. As you read it, No. The Yankee baseball player spelled his last name the same as mine but the announces pronounce it difference ly the I do.
If you are deciphering Alverez as one finalist for the Bridgeport Police Chief Spot I would have to say he is Blackwell, based on his not-so-open support by critiques of Porter and Garcia. 🙂 It is not rocket science to come to that assumption. 🙂
However, regardless of how stupid I am. I am not that stupid to believe your assessment. 🙂
While I don’t care to engage in the political use of racism within the department but one of the officers who implicated him for the officers in a police abuse/beating case in Bearsley Park.?
To be fair, while I admire your image, it would be a stretch to assume Alvarez is Blackwell. However, in the world of coded manipulative BULLSHIT, you may have a point. I have seen some creative SHIT. 🤣 SJ
Here’s one of the ball player Alvarez as last name:
Lennie Grimaldi answered my question. The poster formerly known as Benjamin Alverez, Is exposed. Carefull, when you reveal too much. My question now is: Could there be sufficient grounds here for an Internal Affairs Investigation? Any attempt to assasinate the character of the entire police department by a suspected member of the force must be investigated. The bitch will then file a lawsuit against the city.
Touche Speedy, however there are renditions of it Alverze/Alverze
But how did Lennie expose anything/anyone, other then put his comments on the subject on moderation? Though Alveraz did flip- flop on Porter who he now openly supports over Garcia and Blackwell. Lennie put many on moderation.