The popular Harborview Market in Black Rock owned by Rick and Michele Torres is a tasty destination for food, political banter and neighborhood events. Monday night they will be honored at the City Council meeting in celebration of the market’s 25th anniversary. Torres, a three-time mayoral candidate and former city councilor, was involved in a dust up the other day with a city police officer who Torres says was rude to his daughter-in-law. Council agenda here.
Also on the agenda approval of appointments to several boards and commissions as well as a “Miscellaneous Matters Committee Report re: Resolution requesting the State and Congressional Delegation to support and establish anticorruption legislation regarding corruption in the city.”
The anti-corruption resolution is an initiative of Bridgeport Generation Now. See video below from recent Miscellaneous Matters Committee.
But then, there’s always this gem in the throwback days of corruption.
Congratulations Rick and Michele!
For what?
Being arrested?
I guess you could call it Arreted Development.
Why do we have firefighters applying to stay on the job past age 65?
These men I am sure served the city very well but at age 65 they are a firefighting danger to their brother firefighters. they are to old and are placing themselves and their brother firefighters in danger every time they respond to a call. Just so that people know the Federal government require federal fighters to retire at age 57. the council would be doing city residents a disservice by passing this request.
Andy, all of the facts are not listed here and yes they all have served the City very well and I’ve worked with all of those on that list. Some of those firefighters are not on the line fighting fires and as I said, we don’t have all of the facts.
As for the incident with Rick Torres it gave us peek into on influence and power works, Torres was comfortable in knowing that he could just make a phone call in an effort to have someone to intervene with the police something that someone black from PT Barnum couldn’t do.
We should have those facts and if they are not fighting fires then what
Rick Torres behavior as written would have gotten a Black man if lucky arrested, if not then his ass kicked or worst killed.
Here’s the thing that should offend all socially conscious people,he tries to use, unsuccessfully,white privilege. I can’t be the only astute OIB poster that sees this?
Black Rock, where you at?
They are conveniently ignoring this temper tantrum
So because he wasn’t beaten or killed you’re upset? He allegedly acted like an asshole and was arrested for it. So now even attempts at what you label white privilege, even if they aren’t successful, should be addressed by the rest of Black Rock, er…I mean, white people? That’s what you’re saying, right?
White guys don’t get arrested for being assholes. They get elected mayor of Bridgeport.
Jennifer, privilege, privilege, privilege, that’s something whites have in America and you can see it on TV with the recent phone calls to the police nationwide because blacks were doing something that ONE white person didn’t like sitting down in s restaurant waiting for a friend or having a cookout in a park I mean what are we talking about, this is make America great again at it’s best.
If a black guy that owns a local business for 25 years, runs for office (mostly unsuccessfully), knows a few people here and there, gets into an argument with a cop and tries, unsuccessfully, to use some sway with said known people and ends up arrested, does that mean he used black privilege? Or are they both something else?
I just watched most of the video. The sincerity regarding the ‘anti-corruption resolution’ is touching.
The city council members can make colorful statements but the fact is that their political party runs the City and reinstated an individual as mayor who was convicted of felony crimes involving municipal corruption for which he has yet to admit guilt.
Regarding the ‘interview’ of the mayor’s appointees to ZBA, why not simply ask them if they will, if necessary, support the future council member in his effort to open a liquor store by endorsing new guidelines. All in favor? (as they shuffle through paperwork they are seeing for the first time)
So the first ZBA new appointee says he understands both sides of a zoning process meaning applicant vs existing zoning rules. The second appointee didn’t know anything about the proposed new liquor law change being proposed by Defilippo abd his attorney Willinger who are both “using” Lynn Haig at the OPED to get what they want. He basically just says he’s “here to help” as his friend Dan Roach told him that the zoning board is where he could be. Says he may believe that the present liquor zoning distance should probably stay the same. I find it strange that he “does not know” anything about the issue. Front page news from time to time in CT Post and many clear cut explanations on this on OIB. First 12 minutes of video explains what I mean. We’ll see.
FYI: At tonight’s Council meeting:
1. Yes, the Harborview Market’s 25th anniversary and Michele and Rick Torres were celebrated with a citation from the Council and a proclamation from the Mayor.
2. Mr. McLaine’s appointment to the ZBA was tabled.
3. Mr. Mazzoni’s appointment was rejected.
Interesting. Thank you for the update.
Peter Slywka, I addressed the duality of race in America and it’s perspective from a white and a Black viewpoint. Peter, don’t try to change my narrative or put words into my mouth I said exactly what I meant with no ambiguities, that a person with average intelligence should be able to understand. If that leaves you out of the conversation then so be it.
People from Black Rock and whites in general comment on any subject matter when the subject matter is about a Black or Latino and again I’m addressing the duality of the lack of comments when the sacrificial lamb is light, bright or damn near white. Why no comments on his abhorrent conduct or does the fact that he’s had his own business for 25 years and ran for public office preclude him from common decency?
Jennifer, obviously white men don’t get arrested for being assholes instead they get rewarded by being elected as mayor which no Black in Connecticut would ever get.
Mr Day You did say that he needed to see a shrink back on October 30, 2014. I don’t know either of you but I was just checking my memory.
I guess I know my role now as a white, Black Rocker. Thanks for letting me know.
Hello Donald, I have of course spoken to Rick about the incident. I’ve seen police in Bridgeport be both understanding and kind and arrogant and intimidating, borderline threatening over similar incidents. Rick’s report of the encounter is not exactly as the paper reported. Eventually a day in court will allow the government to decide who’s in the right or wrong. Yes, pulling out the Rolodex to influence a decision is pretty common with the elected and connected. As I recall you were inclined to cut a lot of slack, or professional courtesy for the off duty Bridgeport police officer caught driving – was it over 80 – with JG2 and a newspaper reporter.
Jennifer, Rick Torres called Danny Roach who is a police commissioner, a top aide for Mayor Ganim and was Ganim campaign manager for mayor, C’mon now Jennifer this what you call privilege, something that someone living in PT Barnum could never have.
Hey Jennifer how are you doing down there in the Hoosier state? If I’m not mistaken what I said is that it’s not uncommon for one policeman to give another a break as a professional courtesy, one that’s not mandatory, but certainly appreciated. I can assume that you’re not equating a cop giving a break to another cop who understands the dangerous jobs both have on a daily basis with a person demanding a break because he is a friend of the mayor’s boy. One clearly demonstrates White privilege and the other professional courtesy.
Hello Ron and Donald,
I, like you, have no control over the color of my skin. I have problems to overcome and work through. None, in my case are because of the color of my skin. I can walk into a 7-11 to buy a cold drink straight from working in the dirt in the garden and not worry about making anyone feel uncomfortable or suspicious of my motives. I’m not going to be followed, searched or even shamed for shopping while looking like a field hand. I am starting to understand that. More and more everyday in this America.
Rick called Roach to complain about a police officer’s behavior towards his daughter in law. One issue in particular, the officer in question was directing traffic from inside his car behind tinted windows. Roach told him to get the name and badge number of the officer. Apparently the police officer was not happy about this, made it clear rather than just provide the information. Rick fired back rather than cry like his daughter in law. When I was in CT, the construction site officers usually directed from behind their cellphone conversations while standing beside their cars.
Police officer professional courtesy in not issuing tickets or arrests for breaking the law is not the same as white privilege, it is however perceived as protecting our own, no matter what the crime, which contributes to the Torres incident, and many others like this across America. People who are bad at their jobs, especially police officers who chose not to obey the laws they are paid to enforce, need to be fired, prosecuted, serve their time, find more suitable employment, not be protected by their brothers.
And especially any cop who shoots any unarmed person. My opinion, and I could be wrong.
The usual nonsense from Mackey and Day.
The usual is Tom being white.
News Flash: all privilege is White. You’re a genius Donald. I hope you have a lot of tissues. Of Note: the privilege invoked here was unsuccessful. By the law of common sense and unambiguous logic, does this render this ‘privilege’ no longer a privilege? Doesn’t privilege imply success? I guess we’ll never know and you’ll continue to go on rewriting the dictionary with your obvious superior intellect. Great job!!
White people who aren’t aware of the massive amounts of racism & inequality everyday in this country are like pretty girls who think “everyone’s so nice!” Sarah Silverman.
Lol, that’s right on time Jennifer. Peter read Jennifer’s post and get in where you fit in.
White Americans swear high and low that white privilege does not exist, that they’re the victims of reverse racism and that affirmative action has made it impossible for them to make a living in the country. They’re tired of hearing about slavery and how black people are still suffering. In fact, they’re happy to tell black people to just “get over it”, like the subjugation of segment of the population is something people can overcome with little or no effort.
You must remember that when the white privilege term comes at you, the intention is not to make you feel guilty. You’re not guilty of simply being born into the life you have. The point is to recognise it because you will hopefully have more understanding and empathy for those who have less. Then as a nation we will make greater strides in reconciling. Peter how’s that for superior intellect?
I believe white privilege is real, Donald. Is every privilege a white person has considered “white” privilege? Serious question.
Sort answer – pretty much. Please consider watching this short video and perhaps it might sincerely answer your question.
So blacks are told to get over slavery – yet white people have annual Civil War Re enactments. SMH.
Ops, the it is Jennifer.
I didn’t know all the white people in Black Rock had Danny Coach’s number. Can’t believe my whiteness alone gets me that kind of access.
Peter, absolutely not, white privilege is used to describe the unearned advantages that white people enjoy today. A quick example, I go to a restaurant and I’m there 4 to 5 minutes prior to you and other white couple come in yet the waitress takes your and the other couples order before taking mine. White privilege?
If ever you wanted to see white privilege in action, consider the reaction to white people who are victims of crime, as well as the attention they receive in the media. Black people hardly receive as much attention. It is most frustrating when white people don’t acknowledge this privilege and that it does indeed help to shape the reality and narrative of 21st century America.