Mayor Bill Finch has booted longtime political operative Americo Santiago from the Bridgeport Housing Authority. The housing agency has experienced turmoil the past two years including the recent resignation of director Jim Miller and prior to him Nick Calace, as well as financial irregularities uncovered by federal auditors.
The BHA is dealing with some hot-button neighborhood issues including the demolition of Marina Village in the South End and the relocation of its residents. Santiago, a former city councilor and State House member, is well connected in city and state Democratic politics. He managed the 2012 win of Andres Ayala to the State Senate.
While the mayor appoints the five-member commission, the federal Housing and Urban Development oversees the millions of federal dollars that finances the housing agency. Officials will express concern when the BHA commission takes too much latitude in the daily operation of the agency. Internally Santiago was butting heads with administrative leaders including interim director Sharon Ebert over disciplining of staff, including Santiago’s ex-wife.
Finch called in Santiago Tuesday to explain he was making a change. When it comes to politics, Santiago keeps score.
In a statement from Finch’s Communications Director Brett Broesder:
“Mayor Finch thanks Americo Santiago for serving our community as a Housing Authority board member. Since Mr. Santiago’s term is expired, Mayor Finch has decided to appoint a new board member. That said, Mayor Finch is proud to announce that he has appointed Janet Ortiz to the board. She has a tremendous background, and currently serves as the program director for the Nehemiah Commission, which provides afterschool and mentoring services for kids in Bridgeport who need them most.”
Just about every city mayor, one time or another, must flush out board members due to controversy.
CT Post scribe Brian Lockhart has more here.
It is about time someone caught up to this guy. He has caused more ill will in this city with his racists actions. I for one congratulate Mayor Finch on a long-overdue firing.
Happy to see Santiago go–if only he would go somewhere far away forever. He’s the sleaziest of the sleaze in Bridgeport (if you discount Lydia Martinez). Wouldn’t give Finch credit just yet … my bet is Americo has overstepped his bounds with Finch or Wood or both and has just been slapped.
Housing Authority
Five members appointed by Mayor
Any vacancy shall be filled for remainder of term
Meet first Monday of the month
Members serve until a successor is appointed and has qualified.
Jim Miller
Executive Director
150 Highland Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Shante Hanks (U)
145 Clover Hill
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2012
Dulce Nieves (D)
268 Iranistan Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Term Expires: 12/31/2014
Americo Santiago (D)
93 Burnham Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Term Expires: 12/31/2013
Rev. Sulton Stack (D)
40 Trelane Drive
Bridgeport, CT 06606
Term Expires: 12/31/2015
James Brown (D)
376 East Washington Avenue, APT B – 13
Bridgeport, CT 06610
Term Expires: 12/31/2016
This is the listing as of 4:00 PM today for the former “Bridgeport Housing Authority.” That agency is now identified as Park City Communities, though how, when and why the change occurred is a story that is yet to be told. And the new name has not filtered down to the Board posting yet.
The info above does not share the mission or vision of this group and easily could when you think of the fact more than 5000 residential units in the City are affected by tenancy in PT Barnum, Beardsley Terrrace, Charles Greene Homes, Marina Village, etc. or by the control of Section 8 vouchers. How many people affected? Perhaps 10% of the City population?
The entity has plenty of rules to follow and has missed some including the expenditure of funds inappropriately or excessively as uncovered in a recent audit. Turnover of directors has also made the news.
What gives? Don’t look for the minutes. They are not in the City Clerk’s file at this time. Why not? Where are they filed? How long are the terms? They meet on the first Monday of each month but at what time and where would be helpful to interested citizens.
Andy Fardy has looked at Boards and Commissions recently and found most volunteers are serving expired terms. This group seems to have been updated recently, perhaps the Feds asked questions and the answers from the City were not on target? Aren’t there any Republicans who started off in public housing who might serve on such a group as role models for our City? I can think of one. There must be additional.
When will Mayor Finch come to recognize Boards and Commission volunteers need their mission and vision to be clear, their activity and participation monitored, their ethical/unconflicted participation to be reported, and a regular evaluation to be carried out? Otherwise chaos happens in too many places at too many times. Human and financial resources are wasted. The job does not get done in justice. What is missing? Time will tell.
Good job!
He would probably want to be considered for the Dem. Registrar position if that were to become available.
Not a chance.
Of course he would! The fox would move into the penthouse in the chicken coop. Santiago knows more about election law–including obstructing votes and amassing absentee ballots–than anyone in CT. What a pity he has used his knowledge and experience to perpetuate violation instead of advancing all the right things. He is a part of the problem, can never be part of the solution and is a major stain on Andres Ayala’s future.
Hector, Americo dreams big. You can call it the Americo dream. He won’t settle for anything other than Mayor, Chief of Staff or Democratic Town Committee chairmen.
Problem with him is he doesn’t dream big for all of us. I’ve found him to be a very pleasant individual, but he’s known and continues to only advocate for a select part of the population.
John, I have been researching boards and commissions and find it is a disgrace. With so many vacancies (58) and so many terms expired (67), the people of Bridgeport are not being allowed a voice in city government. The longest expired term I found goes back to 1997, that’s 17 years, so Finch is not the only mayor who was and is lax in reappointments. Here are the numbers. The city lists 19 boards and commissions.
19 commissions
153 total commission seats
67 Expired terms
58 Vacancies
What these numbers mean is of 153 commission seats only 28 are filled with people whose terms have not expired.
Here is a headline in a report filed by Connecticut Post reporter Brian Lockhart.
“Incoming Housing Authority head reportedly under investigation.” This person has held many different positions in this field of endeavor and maybe this should have been looked into. The reason for the investigation in Toledo Ohio should now be taken into consideration and any job offer rescinded.
An active Inspector General looking at BHA/Park City Communities? And Brian Lockhart of the CT Post returning to the City beat? Good news. Shine the light where previously darkness and confusion or injustice has ruled. Time will tell.
This is an opinion, not fact. This pot has been simmering for a while now and it is just starting to bubble. Mayor Finch is concerned about the amount of power Andres Ayala has been amassing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Andres Ayala, Carmen Colon, Americo Santiago, etc. are organizing a movement for next year’s election. I would not be surprised if current elected Democrats closely aligned with Andres Ayala will not be endorsed next year.
There are certainly significant issues with the BHA, however this is bigger than the entire BHA debacle.
Maria, it’s a fact and if you need some proof here is a glimpse in the link below. Americo Santiago moved to Waterbury with Michelle Retamar and after serving four years as Deputy Secretary of State under Miles Rapapport, he tried making a political comeback in 2004 by running for State Rep. in Waterbury’s 75th State Rep. district. He came close to winning and created a PAC called Juntos. He also formed another PAC called Juntos for Bridgeport and you can see the three familiar names here:
On a side note, based on the electronic records regarding Juntos for Bridgeport, it appears the PAC is still an on-going committee as it doesn’t appear the PAC was ever terminated and I can’t tell where the $1,100 raised ended up. Maria, perhaps you can go to Chris Rosario with the camera and ask him to explain. If the PAC was never terminated, then he has failed to file committee reports for about eight years.
This is where the group started initiating their plan and began taking control of the districts (137th, 136th, 131st, 130th and 128th) they have concentrated their efforts in. All of those involved and/or their relatives, in the takeover of Town Committee seats, City Council spots and State Representative seats have all been rewarded with jobs with the city, social service providers, etc. Bill Finch has been very supportive of this clan and they have delivered when called into action by the machine. They have also lost some battles of course.
The problem with Americo is when you give him an inch, he wants a mile and full control of those he picks to run the mile stretch. No one shall try to take any credit other than him. This action by Finch is really meant to warn all members of this clan they should be careful with the plans they have been concocting.
Here is the link to the entire electronic records regarding Juntos for Bridgeport PAC. Notice there is no Committee Termination report:
What you state in your piece makes a lot of sense when you put those names together. You know and I know a good segment of the Hispanic population are not in love with Andres Ayala and Santiago will go where the money is. Andres has a following in one section of the city but I don’t believe he can win citywide nor do I believe he can raise the money necessary for a mayoral run. Santiago, I don’t think the story about him and the BHA is over. I think millions of dollars is important.
Andy, we need to blow up the City Council. As I recommended to the charter revision commission, add one member per district and require minority party representation. That should get around 1/3 of the members non-party controlled. Sure there will be some games played and it does not mean 1/3 Republican but it would not only break the stronghold the mayor has but also create more independent thinking and coalitions.
When I was on the council I authored an ordinance to alter the way vacancies are filled so the council would nominate replacements when the mayor did not act and if the council did not act then the incumbent would be reappointed for a full term.
The city attorney called it illegal but I was sure if the council passed it then the city would not challenge it.
I like your idea, Bob. One question–why one person per district?
For minority representation to work, you need an odd number of members. Or else you eliminate districts and you elect members at large. However that tends to strengthen the party hierarchy and it becomes a much smarter body and easier to buy off. Plus the sitting council members would only approve something that gave them the upper hand.
And that makes sense! Thanks.
This solution wouldn’t change much but it might help level the playing field. Make the mayor act or make his failure to act permanent.
Joe Ganim invented the hanging commission member. Don’t replace commissioners and use their expired term for leverage. Vote with me or you are gone. Joe used to have commissioners sign an undated resignation letter the day they were sworn in. More leverage. Of course all I did was write a letter the next day revoking any resignation letter that did not specifically mention my revocation letter. Never had to use it. Got on the council soon enough.
I thought I had read a comment from someone who stated Americo Santiago or his political organization can’t raise the money to run a mayoral campaign challenge. I have filed numerous complaints with SEEC and four (4) are currently under investigation and they are vs Ayala 2010 (when he was Rep. in the 128th.), Ayala 2012 (Senate race), Santiago 2010 and 2012 (Ezequiel’s committee), Juntos PAC. The one involving a huge chunk of money ($186,000) is from the Andres Ayala 2012 Senatorial race. The allegations are based on some serious red flags in the information provided by Andres Ayala 2012.
If the SEEC closely and meticulously examines all the checks (Bank Records) paid out by the committee, I’m sure they will find some serious violations. I was convinced 100% the day I received a call from John Gomes asking me for an explanation of my complaint as he is mentioned as he was the treasurer for Ayala 2010. I told him Andres Ayala should be concerned I had reported having received information Carlos Silva the son of former Councilmen Carlos Silva and nephew of Andres Ayala denies ever contributing $100 to Ayala 2012 and in addition, his girlfriend and stepson who also appear as having made contributions too did not do so. John Gomes was the only person I had mentioned this to.
The very next day, I was contacted by Carlos Silva (the father) and he told me it appears the SEEC was investigating as he had just been contacted by his son who told him Andres Ayala’s parents contacted him and asked him to give Andres Ayala a letter stating he did contribute the $100. Carlos Silva (son) refused to honor the request from his grandparents as he was very upset to have found out his and his family’s name was used. Can you say witness tampering? The thing I don’t know is if I’m right, specifically about all the payments made by Ayala 2012 is: Who really received the payments and cashed the alleged checks? Was it split between those involved? Did they set the cash aside to be used in a mayoral campaign in the near future? This is very possible and if you research Juntos PAC alone, you’ll see the PAC had been in existence for quite a while and these folks were very patient and held on to the money for future political and personal use.
Who wants to see the complaints? Lennie, you still have the files I sent you? For copies of the files, send a written request with a self-addressed postage big box to:
Joel Gonzalez
604 Noble Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06608
Joel Gonzalez, BINGO!!! You nailed this one down really good. The political climate in Bridgeport has given Americo an open door to do what he wants because nobody is looking and checking, everybody wants their slice of the pie and could care less about the whole pie. Past mayors didn’t care because they wanted Americo’s base to support them right or wrong. He will smile you away and you’re thinking that you and he are on the same page while he has his hand in your pocket. Joel, your description his correct, thanks.
Ron, I hope you didn’t take me seriously on the part about sending the request for copies of the complaint to the 604 Noble Avenue address. In the past, Americo didn’t really have a base of support. He had or has the best opportunity he ever had now or at least he thinks he has it. It’s not written in stone. For example, who knows what Mitch Robles, Vidal Agosto and the 136th will do as district leaders when it’s time for endorsements, it’s not like Americo will have a gun to their heads forcing them (their town committee) to go along with his political agenda. Everybody is jockeying for position to get a chance to run even for dog catcher. Word is so far Lydia Martinez is lined up to replace Alma Maya and your girl Evette Brantley to replace Fleeta Hudson among other possible changes.
Joel Gonzalez, it was the background and the past record of Americo I was talking about, a lot of people are not aware of his past involvement with the Democratic Party.
Now there are two class acts–Lydia Martinez and Evette Brantley. One’s a thief and the other’s a thug. Perfect fit for the Finch administration. Alma Maya should run as fast and as far as she can from that crowd. Alma is a class act.
You can bet on a primary if Alma drops out.
Hector, the machine can’t be beaten.
It can be upgraded, as all machines should be.
The machine can be beaten. Marilyn Moore proved that in the last primary against Musto. The Machine will only win if they can convince voters. People are tired of the same game with the same players. People get tired of supporting candidates who have sour grapes. I do not think anyone in the Hispanic community is upset Americo lost his position. The facts are what they are and Finch did the right thing and will be remembered for that.
The Machine compromised with the Moore campaign, as they did on Town Committee primaries.
Come on, Hector. Please. The machine compromised with the Moore campaign? And how is that?
All you saw were some individuals who have had enough of their so-called Bridgeport leadership telling them to support out-of-towners over an extremely qualified candidate from Bridgeport. So these leaders stood up and stood solid in saying enough is enough.
I didn’t say it can’t be replaced with an upgraded supercharged model. I was just checking on you.
Just got this e-mail. Here’s an idea for a segment on the Andres Ayala show. I’ll ask the questions and Andres Ayala provides the answers to the questions I’ll ask regarding the SEEC complaint I filed. I’ll bring my documents and Andres Ayala can produce his documents (the real ones, no fabrications allowed). The show will have to be at least a four-part series as questions and counter-responses will be allowed.
I will run a few commercials to pay for the time and expense it took me to put the financial puzzle together. At the end of each part we will take phone calls from viewers. The show must be in English and Spanish. Lennie Grimaldi will be the referee just in case Carmen Colon’s brother shows up to run his mouth at me again.
www .senatedems.ct.gov/enews/enews-img/ayala-header.jpg
www .senatedems.ct.gov/enews/archive/Ayala-1409-web.php
I know a great show that would give you an hour a week for this program idea.
Why are you so shy to promote your show? Oh, I see, you wrote “a great show.” What show are you talking about? 😮
This sounds desperate. Around this city and state, blunts are smoked:
If we fail to hit this month’s fundraising goal, we’ll have to make some critical cuts to our field efforts in the closing weeks that could make or break key elections across Connecticut.
So I’m gonna be blunt: we need you to help now.
Toss in $5 or more so we can maintain our program.
We’re not that far away from hitting this goal. Please give whatever you can to help us win.
Thank you,
Nancy DiNardo
Paid for by the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, www .ctdems.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
This email was sent to joel1964@optonline.net
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