Turnout is super slow for today’s Democratic primary for citywide Board of Education seats and four district contests for City Council. Just over 1400 votes had been cast citywide as of noon, one hour before the halfway point of voting. The city has roughly 45,000 registered Democrats.
Black Rock School, as usual, was running well ahead of the rest of the city precincts in voting. Unless there’s a surge of voting in the afternoon and evening hours the turnout citywide will be hard pressed to hit 10 percent.
Report from the field. As of 10:29am 130 people have voted at Black Rock school. I was the 130th person to vote. Andre Baker was there, the wife of Hennessey was there. Go Giants the guy who was working with row B said to me as I left because of my Giants hat.
I just got back from Winthrop school. Only 152 so far. I was 152.
I voted row B for Bridgeport. There were signs and workers for row A, the endorsed candidates. Not one person or sign for row B. Good job to Dennis Scinto Jr. and Sr. Where were the row B supporters? I know nobody called me and I am grateful. If they lose it will be sad. I know at least 30 of those votes are for row B.
All four candidates are wonderful people. But I will vote for new ideas and some sort of balance–because “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I wish politics were not so divisive, polarizing neighbor against neighbor. SHEESH!
hope, there are actually six candidates to choose from for the BOE. Unless you live in a district that is having a council primary. In any event, I hope you got out to vote. I hope all OIB readers got out to vote today and took steps to get their friends and neighbors to do the same. Our system of self governance, replete with its flaws, is the envy of the world and what our troops fight for. In my humble opinion, it’s un-American not to vote!
I was referring to the four council candidates in Black Rock–a comment on the picture of Phil and Steve. All four are terrific people–even tax lady!
Of course I voted! Sorry for the confusion.
Everybody yells and screams Bridgeport kids are getting a raw deal when it comes to education. Yet when the time comes to do something that actually might help our kids–that would be to vote today!–90% of the people stay home.
Somebody please explain. We have a clear choice between the two slates yet most people can’t manage to get off their collective butts to vote for the slate they believe will do the best job for the kids.
Apparently, most voters don’t really give a damn one way or the other. If I sound disgusted with most of the Bridgeport Democratic electorate, I am.
Those of you who don’t vote today have given up your right to complain about the piss-poor education our kids are receiving.
End of rant. Everyone have a nice evening.
Perhaps my last report from the field: As of 6:20 415 people had voted at Black Rock School, traditionally the highest turnout precinct in the city. I stand by my previous post. Good night and good luck.
*** Voted about 6 pm as voter #98 at C. Batalla on State St! Looks like citywide might hit 10%, we’ll see come 8 pm. I split my vote with two from row B and 1 from row A; hope my vote for the candidate on row A does not come back to haunt me later in the future in a negative way by being a possible rubber-stamper or resigning to keep another position thus allowing the endorsed party to really pick a loyal party admin. rubber-stamper! You never really know what you’re getting after an election with all the political options that may be available to reach a particular goal, no? *** Time Will Tell ***
I like all the people running in Black Rock, even the “tax lady.” I guess that is why I like Black Rock.