Cop Stuff From Finch, Delegation Dusts Bunning

News release from Mayor Finch:

Mayor Bill Finch and Assistant Chief Lynn Kerwin today announced that the City of Bridgeport has begun the recruiting process for a new Police Academy class to begin this fall. “Public safety is a top priority in my administration,” said Mayor Finch. “Crime rates are the lowest they’ve been in more than 30 years, and these officers will enhance the department’s community policing and overall crime prevention efforts.”

Funding for 20 of the new officers will be covered by $4.8 million in federal funds secured for the City through the Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grants. The money will be used to pay the officers’ salaries and benefits for three years.

A recruitment committee, headed by Assistant Chief Kerwin, and including officers representing the Police Union, Guardians and Hispanic Officers Society as well as staff from the Civil Service and Labor Relations offices, has been working together for the past three months to develop a transparent and impartial process for hiring the new recruits. These efforts will enable the department to be released from the 25-year federal court oversight, and allow it to handle its own affairs.

“We look forward to hiring a class of officers that is as reflective of our community as possible,” said Mayor Finch. “The recruitment team, headed by Assistant Chief Kerwin, has done a great job refining the process.”

The Police Department officially kicks off its recruitment campaign this weekend, although officials have done some pre-recruitment work by attending job fairs, and visiting community centers, colleges and churches to publicize these career opportunities. The department has already collected about 1,000 names of interested job candidates, all of whom will go through a rigorous testing process.

Candidates must be 21 years of age, possess a high school diploma or GED, and pass appropriate job screenings and a physical ability test before they are eligible to take the written examination. Physical ability testing will be held on May and 15 and 16 and May 22 and 23 at Kennedy Stadium at Central High School.

For the first time, candidates will be able to apply online at or Applicants also can call the police recruitment line at 203.576.7555 for more information.

“We’re looking for candidates who want to serve the public,” said Assistant Chief Kerwin. “Policing is different that it was years ago, it’s about getting to know people in the community, creating a dialogue and finding practical solutions.”

A Little Too Much Jim Beam For Bunning?

Joint news release issued by Connecticut’s legislative delegation:

Senate Inaction Holds Up Emergency Health Care, Unemployment Assistance, Transportation Funding

WASHINGTON, DC – Just as the U.S. House of Representatives passed emergency legislation to extend critical benefits to out-of-work Americans struggling to put food on the table, stay in their homes, and pay their bills, the Connecticut House Delegation expressed extreme disappointment with the U.S. Senate for holding those benefits hostage.

Today U.S. Senator Jim Bunning (R – Kentucky) blocked a request by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to move an extension of the unemployment benefits and an assortment of other programs or laws that expire this weekend, thereby faulting on needed benefits for people out of work, struggling to make ends meet.

“The inaction of the Senate is completely unacceptable—Senator Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky, is holding hostage millions of hard-working Americans who are depending on this extension of unemployment and health care benefits. Families across the country, and here at home in Connecticut, will now face another day of struggle, uncertain if they can afford to pay their mortgage, their heating bills, or for health care, and I think it is a disgrace. Every day that goes by is another affront to our citizens, and represents Republican hypocrisy and obstructionism at its worst,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro. “The House passed this legislation already, and I call upon the Senate to do the same. It is simply the right thing to do. Governor Rell should be talking to her Republican colleagues in the Senate about how to move forward on these issues.”

“Connecticut is a small delegation, and we have always prided ourselves on working together across party lines. For the Governor to attempt to lay partisan blame, while her party in Washington has delayed and obstructed more than 290 bills in the Senate is unfortunate. Critical legislation on jobs, financial reform, and help for seniors and veterans is being blocked by unprecedented Republican filibusters,” said Rep. John Larson. “I urge the Governor to call on members of her own party to end their political games. And I further call on her to work to ensure that state agencies maximize their efforts to secure the federal funding our delegation has worked so hard to make available to help Connecticut citizens.”

“Next week, we have to focus on breaking the partisan impasse in the Senate and making sure Connecticut starts submitting complete and sufficient applications for stimulus funds,” said Rep. Chris Murphy.

“Senator Bunning’s outrageous behavior is a new low for the filibuster-mania of Senate Republicans that is blocking consideration of important bills on issues like higher education assistance and job creation, which passed the House with bipartisan support,” said Rep. Joe Courtney. “I hope Governor Rell will use her influence in the Republican party to stop this unprecedented abuse of Senate rules.”

“This is exactly what’s wrong with Washington. As thousands of families and businesses struggle to get by, one senator is holding hostage assistance to keep food on people’s tables and families out of shelters,” said Himes. “No one would question emergency assistance in response to a hurricane or flood. As we continue to take additional steps to create jobs and get America back to work, these short term extensions are critical in the face of our economic recovery. The Senate must take action.”

Last night the House passed an emergency 30-day extension with critical benefits for families in the Connecticut and across the nation. This extension passed the House without a single Republican opposing it. However the Senate has yet to pass their version of the extension. Those benefits included in the extension, set to expire THIS WEEKEND, include:

• Unemployment benefits;

• Help with health insurance for the unemployed (COBRA);

• Surface transportation programs including highway and bridge funding and other critical state transportation projects thereby putting hundreds of transportation jobs at risk;

• Satellite TV access, which puts at risk the ability of people to watch the programs of their choice;

• Delay in the cut to Medicare physician payments, thereby putting seniors access to doctors at risk;

• Flood insurance; and

• Small business loan guarantees.

At this point, the timeline for full restoration of these benefits is unclear. Himes will continue to push his colleagues in the Senate to take this emergency extension up as soon as possible so that families have peace of mind at an already troubling time.



  1. *** Independent voting for the right person regardless of political party is one thing. However, as an “independent thinking” registered Dem it’s beyond me just what exactly capitol hill Republicans in general are thinking of??? They seem to want to be involved in a more bipartisan way to help “clean up” or “tweak” some of the pending important national issues & bills like healthcare, unemployment, national transportation programs, small business loans, etc.! Yet instead, continue to delay & obstruct the actions needed to get these things done! Are they that blind & politically power hungry, that they’re willing to hurt the Republican voters that put them in those seats? Time & patience to really study issues concerning bills & their actual effects & cost is far better than just rushing forward, for both major parties. But not if it’s just for political chess & ends up hurting average American citizens. Voters need to pay better attention & take notes on the 5 W’s in our local, state & fed. government & its officials, ’cause it’s only going to get worse! *** “TIME WILL TELL” ***

  2. You know, I can remember when I was 11 years old on Fathers Day in 1964 watching Jim Bunning of the Phillies pitch a perfect game against the Mets in Shea Stadium. Of course, it WAS the ’64 Mets. But it was still a perfect game. That was pretty exciting.
    I’m not sure Bunning is getting around on the fastball much these days, however.


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