City Zoners Reject Storage Facility Proposal For North End

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

With backing from the mayor, other local elected officials and the city’s economic development department, North End residents Monday convinced the zoning commission to reject an application to replace a shuttered Stop & Shop with a self-storage facility.

But might they eventually regret that win?

The self-storage plan required a special permit, which is why the zoning commission was involved and held Monday’s public hearing and subsequent 4 to 2 vote. Following that meeting, developer Hugh Scott of Branford, his local attorney Patricia Sullivan at his side, said he will file a legal appeal, but in the meantime come up with an alternative for the empty Madison Avenue supermarket that does not require such additional regulatory steps.

Full story here




  1. if they are so worried about traffic then they should have approved the storage facility. There is very little traffic around these facilities and they are very well designed now that they look really good …

  2. Bridgeport is where free market capitalism is being replaced by closed-market socialism!
    Hugh Scott should have a parade thrown in his honor. Also, he deserves economic reparations for the damage he’s incurred. If time is money, he’s been handed a costly bill and the meter’s still running!
    Furthermore — if I had my way — all city employees who criticized the proposal would be required to work six weeks at the dollar store that will soon occupy that space.

  3. Marcus Brown said this:
    In the economic development game, storage units are the McDonald’s,” Brown said, earning a loud round of applause.
    Local Eyes says this:
    McDonald’s is the largest restaurant in the history of mankind.
    Meanwhile, Marcus Brown was the local director of a turbine company that never generated enough wind power to blow out a candle!


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