Addressing healthcare, two wars, and taxes and spending Congressman Christopher Shays and his Democratic opponent Jim Himes served up some crackling exchanges Tuesday morning in
Read moreCategory: State Politics
Hey, We Have An Election, Plus: Bridgeport Leads State Registration
Can you believe it’s October 1? Time to take a quick inventory of two key local races. The November election almost seems like a sidebar
Read moreShays And Himes Debate Debates
Okay, let the games begin. A war of words has erupted between the camps of the great debaters Congressman Christopher Shays and his Democratic opponent
Read moreThe Financial Heat, Plus: Mojica Qualifies For Ballot
What the hell is going on around here? Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy protection. Merrill Lynch agrees to sell to Bank of America. Insurance giant
Read morePress Release Me, Let Me Go: Pelosi Stumps For Himes
We’re backed up on a bunch of press releases so I’ll leave four of them this weekend for your reading enjoyment. As we close in on November, campaign
Read moreBoard Of Ed Dough, Plus: Russo’s Viewpoint
Get a load of this: late Tuesday afternoon I spoke to Bob Curwen, co-chair of the City Council Budget and Appropriations Committee, and he says
Read moreIt’s A Numbers Game
Okay weekend warriors, we have some names in the news. City Public Works employee Tony DePrimo goes back to work on Monday following a Labor
Read moreShays Launches Air Campaign, Plus: Uncle Milton And Mr. Ed
Congressman Christopher Shays’ air campaign has begun with an introductory cable spot that shares the “hope” of Democrat Barack Obama and the “straight talk” of
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