Governor-elect Dan Malloy thanked a packed audience of city pols–some who love each other, some who can’t stand each other, some who stick pins in
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John Stafstrom’s Governor’s Grin
Politics is rarely a game of instant gratification. It requires patience. You win, you lose … you lose, you win. Former Democratic Town Chair John
Read moreThe Ed Gomes Mayoral Factor
You’ll never meet anyone more direct in city politics than State Senator Ed Gomes. Some pols will spit in your face and make you think
Read moreCaruso: Count The Ballots
State Rep. Chris Caruso says Mayor Bill Finch should order his City Attorney’s Office to back off and recount every ballot in the 12 city precincts
Read moreModern Plastics: Business Retention As A Campaign Issue, Plus: Jim Carbone Shares Thoughts
Institutions such as Modern Plastics bailing out of Bridgeport are toothaches in a reelection cycle. Mayor Bill Finch hopes he doesn’t field anymore of these company defections
Read moreWho’s Jumping Into The Mayoral Pool?
Tom Foley has conceded the race for governor, Dan Malloy will receive the oath of office in January, the gubernatorial cycle is officially over. Does
Read moreNow What, For Bridgeport: Will Malloy Be Like Weicker?
It was a screwy election, with the state’s largest city at the center of a ballot storm, the city’s Registrar of Voters Office vilified for its myopic election management, Connecticut
Read moreWill Bridgeport Be A Kingmaker?
Tuesday’s just a day away. Are you excited? For the first time in the years I’ve covered or managed campaigns in the city, Bridgeport could
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