State Rep. Auden Grogins’ advocacy for construction of a pedestrian bridge across Ash Creek in Black Rock to access the Fairfield Metro train station in close proximity to the neighborhood has moved a step closer. Monday night approval of a grant application to the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation Capitol Improvement Program will be referred to the City Council’s Public Safety and Transportation Committee.
Grogins says the total bridge construction cost is roughly $2.5 million. Grogins has lobbied state officials to support construction of the bridge across the Ash Creek Estuary that divides Black Rock from the Town of Fairfield where the Metro station is located.
In September, Governor Dan Malloy visited the proposed location for the bridge after Grogins invited him for an evening walking tour of the neighborhood for input on $500,000 in state funds supported by Malloy that will brighten the streetscape and facades of the busy business district.
Also on Monday night’s City Council agenda: Miscellaneous Matters Committee Report re: Appointment of Maria Alves (D) to the Zoning Board of Appeals Commission and Communication from City Attorney re: Proposed Discussion, Review and Approval as Appropriate of Various Statutorily Authorized Proposals and Applications concerning Real Property Taxation, referred to Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Full agenda here.
Why does it seem like State Rep. Auden Grogins is the only one of our State Reps and State Senators who is doing anything for Bridgeport?
Grogins is tireless, which is a good thing because the rest of our State Reps have brought home nothing. Musto brought nothing and Ayala is beginning to bring some dollars and effort but not yet the kind of leadership or independence Grogins shows. Ayala needs to shed the king and queen of voter fraud before he has any true credibility.
Woof! Woof!!
Regional Plan Association did not do a good job so far on planning pedestrian and bicycle access from the Black Rock side. I applaud this bridge! It will provide shoreline access, exposure to the natural environment and create great pedestrian traffic. It is what New Urbanism is all about.
Do we have the $500,000 in state funding for facade and streetscape upgrades along Fairfield Avenue yet?
Did we ever get the money for the Brooklawn Ave and Black Rock Gateway projects?
So before we cross this bridge, let’s see the $2.5 Million. Show me the money Auden, while our State is $100 Million in the red!
Show me the MONEY!
I always called the train station the Metrosopoulos after John Metsopoulos, the former first Selectman of Fairfield who actually started the Metrosopoulos train station. So let’s open this can of worms, I think this Bridge is half in Bridgeport and half in Fairfield? The dividing line has always been Ash Creek, will the cost be shared by both towns for maintenance? After all, does it need Fairfield’s RTM approval as well as Zoning and Conservation from both towns? And will Fairfield let us fish on their side of this bridge for snappers and crabs?
Should we call it Grogins Crossing?
How about the Banshee Bridge?
Lennie, that’s it! It has a nice scream to it.
Banshee Bridge … Now we need a troll for under the bridge!
We have one on OIB!
I’ll be there.
I’ll threaten any of those Far fielders who try to cross our bridge without paying paying the troll.
But wait a minute …
I thought the new train station was supposed to be the catalyst to spur economic development in the Rock. How’s that working out?
Have we rented any of those new apartments above the new restaurant in the Black Rock Bank building???
Not to mention the apartments that are going to be built above the parking lot. How’s that working out?
Any new retail on the ave?
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
But now we are going to build a footbridge to make it easier for Far fielders to bypass B’port to go to the train station.
Hello, East Siders. Are you following this? If a new train station on the Fairfield/Black Rock line does not spur economic development, how is that second train station in Bridgeport going to work out?
And did you read the article in the Post about this?
Kooris is quoted as saying it will help property owners in the East Side. And who are the two property owners mentioned in the article?
Bridgeport Housing Authority and Uncle Sal DiNardo.
This is where Steve A says uncle Sal is the city’s pal because he is such a visionary and Andy F chimes in about how the city should just tear down the buildings on these tax cheats’ properties for free.
What a world we live in. Only In Bridgeport.
Hey idiot, I mean Bob. How much does it cost the city if a firefighter is killed at one of these fires that happen frequently in vacant buildings? While people may be forced to live in poor neighborhood doesn’t mean they should be exposed to these vacant hazards. I wonder what you and your neighbors would do if you had one of these dangerous buildings in your neighborhood. Wise up.
Uncle Sal has a lot to be thankful for and a lot that’s polluted he would be thankful if the city would take off his hands for a minimal conveyance fee.
Firstly, the city should be making commercial properties the number one priorities of their anti-blight ordinance and not the personal residences of his political enemies.
They should paper these properties with citations and fines. When they do not respond they should seek criminal charges against the entities whether they are individuals, LLC’s or corporations if they represent a public safety threat.
But you know Finch wouldn’t dare stand up to the business community like that. It takes too much balls.
I second you bullets, Bob!
And Andy, to set your record straight, nine Bridgeport firefighters have died in the line of duty since 1953. I share your concern over the safety of our firemen but let’s not exaggerate any numbers to make the situation worse.
The 1953 fire loss was an assistant chief. I said there were eight while I was on the job, no exaggeration. I believe the chief’s name was Martin Hayden.