This Thursday April 18 at 6 pm the City Council’s Budget and Appropriations Committee will host a public hearing on Mayor Joe Ganim’s proposed spending plan that calls for a modest tax cut in an election year. See $564 million proposed budget here. The public hearing will take place in City Council Chambers, 45 Lyon Terrace.
A public hearing on the Board of Education/Library will take place April 23. The proposed budget calls for essentially the same education spending as this current year which could produce a crowd of school advocates urging additional resources to avoid cuts and school closures.

The council must submit its budget alterations to the mayor no later than May 7. The mayor will then have a two-week veto window before the budget returns to the council for final adoption, followed by setting of the mil rate in early June for the budget year starting July 1.
I am certainly urging residents to attend the Public Hearing on the Board of Education /Library on April 23, 2019, however, it is critically important we attend the Public Hearing on April 18, 2019 in opposition to the $4,000,000 increase for Public Safety/BPD.
Bridgeport cannot be transformed via the police. It can only be transformed through great public schools and great social services.