While some city residents are “horrified” about the Park Board’s decision to return the Christopher Columbus statue to Seaside Park, City Councilwoman Maria Pereira asserts it’s not on the radar of her constituents, as News 12 reports.
“Not a single one has texted me, called me, emailed me or contacted me directly about concerns for the Columbus statue,” says Maria Pereira. “They care about issues that directly impact their lives, taxes, the COVID-19 pandemic, how to return their children and grandchildren to the public schools safely, police reform, quality of life issues.”
Full report here.
Maybe her constituents don’t care abut the statue, but News12 is fixated, focused and fascinated by Maria Pereira because she appears on their report. She’s newsworthy.
Even in her absence she’s OIB’s MVP and her appearance here seems to support that.
This woman is a Damn fool just like those Damn FOOLS from the Park’s Board. It doesn’t matter that Not a single constituent has texted me, called me, emailed me or contacted me directly, but that having a statue up of a man that sent over 1500 Indeginous people to Europe into slavery and who raped young Indigenous girls as young as 13 is Wrong, Immoral and Unjust. It’s just that simple you DAMN FOOLS!
I hear Day, but don’t sugar coat it, or white wash it by saying people of Europe. It was the Latino (brown) ancestors and Latino supremacy that Columbus represents. Wouldn’t you say Bobbie, pastor and those high school students who led the march? JS
P.S Are the people who you say blacks will never vote for, PR, fools for erecting the world’s largest Columbus statue? But make know mistake oppression and slavery was adherent by all races and cultures throughtout the world in human history. JS
Don, base on Maria Pereira’s statement that, ““Not a single one has texted me, called me, emailed me or contacted me directly about concerns for the Columbus statue,” well base on Maria’s own words then she had no need to say that the statue should be placed back into Seaside Park because “Not a single one has texted me, called me, emailed me or contacted me directly about concerns for the Columbus statue.”
Don, this has to more about Maria’s hate for FaithActs and its President Pastor William McCullough and Board Of Education member Bobbie Brown. This is from NEWS12, Councilmembers Aidee Nieves, Ernie Newton, Mary McBride Lee and Jeanette Herron released a resolution asking the city attorney how to proceed in dealing with “unbecoming, abusive and unparliamentary conduct,” also saying Councilwoman Maria Pereira has been culturally insensitive in her use of language.
They point to a recent Facebook post by Pereira, saying Board of Education member Bobbi Brown, “conducts herself in an incredibly disrespectful and quite frankly ‘ghetto’ manner.”
Don, Maria’s payback is her comment above.
Agreed Don. That is a difficult way to measure your voters. Just because they don’t complain it doesn’t mean they agree with you.
So if your constituents don’t care about Columbus, why do you???
Shays endorses Democratic candidate Joe Biden. That’s my man.
*** For once, I agree with Ms. Pereira’s statement about the statue. Its not a major concern to my district constituents, therefore its not a major concern to her! There’s much more important things on her & her district constituent’s mines at this time in Bpt. Well said & a “right-on” to that! ***
time Bob, because she said Ganim had no right to remove it. The same can be side for your though. Why do you care? You don’t live in the Port.
In a more concerning issue, the Port kids and their education got screwed. (I believe) Since the BOE is only going to make hybrid classes for the high school students, I can assume they only secured laptops for them. Even in a pandemic they would put the kids and family members at risk then provide the Port’s students with the tools needed for a better education. It is sad to say but on an optimistic viewpoint. It took a pandemic to get them to get the Port’s high school students up to speed with those suburban schools that they always harp about getting more funding.
Those backpacks and photo-ops seems nice, but rest to sure, the adults running this city and its education system failed the students. No protest or march about how the Port continues to under sever its kids in their education. The best way to oppression and enslave someone today is to give them poor education, and that’s exactly what the BOE when they voted for full-time classes, with an option for parents to keep their kids home. The adults allowed the Ports kids to be underserved time and time again. However, I am sure I will hear more about funding be it the City or State. JS.
P.S It may not be alarm doors like white school have but the principal the same.Or even an ESL OIB class, but you get my point. JS
*** However, I too am aware that the statue is personally something Ms. Pereira would like to see placed back at Seaside Park, so lets see if its just a political play on words or if she will continue to get involve in the statue’s final resting spot, no? ***
Are residents expected to be impressed by this gathering of malcontents? I’m not.
Is this what Bridgeport has devolved into?
They are offended by the presence of a statue of a European explorer?
Find something legitimate to complain about.
Tom White being white, Christopher Columbus was just a European explorer. Tom White, why are there no Nazi statues in Germany?
Comrade, the same reason America doesn’t have a statue of Hitler. But Germany does have a statue of Stalin. And in America, Seatle has one of Lenin.
Make no mistake, these are Godless, Marxist, Anti-American views targeting this statue is more than the reason they are claiming and using. That is why Bobbie’s led march was done on the 4th of July, a day that signifies the birth of America.
So when you have a pastor saying he will fight tooth and nail to remove a statue of a man who never stepped foot on America and has no connection to this land, as well as, statements from groups like Gen Now calling out worshiping false idols that represent tyranny, the genocide of Native Americans who are exploration opened the door to the transatlantic slave trade and chattel of slavery. You have to ask is the removal of this explorer’s statue more about a mans’ disgrace legacy, Godless view, anti-America, or making a better nation for blacks, Latinos, and others.
My assumption using a disgrace legacy to move their anti-America, Marxist POV., than making America a better nation for blacks or anybody else. JS
I will end this discussion on this note. I can tell you first hand, not only did I encounter packet teacher but also anti-American sentiments being taught. So it is not just the quality of education but what is being taught. I letter got kicked out of class, presentation shut down because of my assignments where pro-God and Pro America.
Everyone on the side of the removal of Columbus seems to bring up how he was portrayed in our history books but doesn’t question the Irish as being slaves but indentured servants.
Cromwell genocide and slaughtered forced them from their homeland place on boats to cross the same Atlantic ocean as African slaves. Yet you ask them if Irish were slaves the would say no. Why?
Some of the rioter’s motives are pent up anger. However, when you have 80 days of rioting -protest in a mostly all what city or city allowing a group to occupy a part of the city where police and other city government agencies are not allowed in, in the name of BLM is not about unfair treatment of black and brown people.
When protestors calling for Columbus’ statue to be removed and calling his voyage and treatment of the indigenous as white supremacy, when in fact it was the ancestor of Latinos, brown people that are always added to BLM movement and the treatment of people of color in racist white system. My guess, the racist system is the same system that taught in school about Columbus is the same system that taught Irish were simply passive indentured servents. I guess that’s the game. Everyone is taught and learns in their own way, Usually the hard way. Which makes you wonder about who are educators are. JS BAM! 🙂
Taking down statues is easy and has little to no effect. If people really wanted to make a significant impact, they should boycott all products that contain; tobacco, cotton and sugar.
Peter Perillo, so you have no problem with someone who rob and rape people then after their death a statues are placed al over and because he’s from a certain ethic group that makes it okay to honor that person.
That’s not what he said!!!!
You always turn things around and imply that if someone mentions something without mentioning everything that YOU want them to mention, then they’re ok with it. Joe Biden was right about people like you in stating that you “have no diversity””.” But your comment shows either how stupid you are, OR, the knotty head is really kicking in. I would add that to Mr. Perillos list of boycott items. Bet you couldn’t deal with that though could you?
You don’t even understand what he meant do you? Chalk it up to the Seagrams I guess.
Hey Perillo! Nice to see another voice here. Don’t be discouraged by these clowns.
Yeah Peter, don’t be discouraged by these clowns just join this circus. By reading your post you’re going to fit right in. BAM 🙂
That’s not what I said! I don’t care about statues, I don’t care about Columbus. If people want to honor or deplore, they have the right, but they don’t have the right to destroy private property or government property. There are proper, legal means to petition for change.
Mobilizing against two of the most destructive elements (tobacco and sugar) in society, will have a more profound effect than removing an old pigeon stained statue. Protesting against the current industries that promoted and profited from slavery seems more rational than arguing about a 500 year old dead man.
We’re not going to get anything from Columbus but maybe we can get a few billion dollars from tobacco and sugar, which can be put to good use.
Peter Perillo, really, Mobilizing against two of the most destructive elements (tobacco and sugar) in society, maybe we can get a few billion dollars from tobacco and sugar, which can be put to good use. Peter, U.S. Congress has and private lawsuits have been filed against both and best that has come from those fights were putting a warning labels on the product that said that it could be harmful to your health, now do really think that those who protesting in streets can make a change, really?
You said, “people, they don’t have the right to destroy private property or government property, really? Peter, this country was form from protest and revolution.
Really!? The convolutions in your brain have not “form” as well. I do however thoroughly enjoy your posts that continually prove what an absolute moron you really are. Keep up the good work in entertaining everyone. It’s people with brains like yours that destroy the only places that they can shop for necessities AFTER they steal everything in them. Most of those places are owned or run by people from their own communities and employ those that live in the communities. Oh that’s right you don’t want them to work you want them to be handed everything. Pardon me!!!
Cheers…… you idiot.
Ron, history has Columbus as a despotic ruler. Cromwell was also a despotic ruler in England under King Charles II. who enslave the Irish to “denture servitude”. There are statues honoring him. You are dismissing human history and despotic rulers throughout it. For the most part, it’s not about Columbus’ governorship rule. It about his voyage that changed the world as it was known.
Not sure what impact Pete is trying to refer to. Columbus didn’t invent despotic rule and tyranny and anyone who is being oppressed is not looking as Columbus as their inspiration. That being said, Italians should understand despot rule, and if it’s put back don’t be too surprised if someone that’s a hammer to it. As well as his despotic rule was not white supremacy that was the driving force for its removal-ish.
If I were Italian I would replace the Columbus with Madonna of Bruges. That would ruffle some feathers. 🙂 and use a Madonna during her heritage parade. JS BAM
Peter Perillo, here’s a little American history concerning rioting, it was called, “The New York Draft Riots” HISTORY.COM EDITORS.
The New York Draft Riots occurred in July 1863, when the anger of working-class New Yorkers over a new federal draft law during the Civil War sparked five days of some of the bloodiest and most destructive rioting in U.S. history. Hundreds of people were killed, many more seriously injured, and African-Americans were often the target of the rioters’ violence.
When the war broke out in 1861, there was even talk of New York seceding from the Union itself, so entwined were the city’s business interests with the Confederate States.
As the war progressed, New York’s anti-war politicians and newspapers kept warning its working-class white citizens, many of them Irish or German immigrants, that emancipation would mean their replacement in the labor force by thousands of freed black slaves from the South.
In September 1862, President Abraham Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation (which would take effect early the following year), confirming the workers’ worst fears. At the time, Lincoln’s decision for emancipation sparked protests among workers in the city, as well as soldiers and officers in New York regiments who had signed up to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery.
Facing a dire shortage of manpower in early 1863, Lincoln’s government passed a strict new conscription law, which made all male citizens between 20 and 35 and all unmarried men between 35 and 45 subject to military duty.
Though all eligible men were entered into a lottery, they could buy their way out of harm’s way by hiring a substitute or paying $300 to the government (roughly $5,800 today).
At the time, that sum was the yearly salary for the average American worker, making avoiding the draft impossible for all but the wealthiest of men. Compounding the issue, African Americans were exempt from the draft, as they were not considered citizens.
Riots over the draft occurred in other cities, including Detroit and Boston, but nowhere as badly as in New York. Anti-war newspapers published attacks on the new draft law, fueling the mounting anger of white workers leading up to the city’s first draft lottery on July 11, 1863.
Thousands of white workers – mainly Irish and Irish-Americans – started by attacking military and government buildings, and became violent only toward people who tried to stop them, including the insufficient numbers of policemen and soldiers the city’s leaders initially mustered to oppose them.
And your point is?? Why don’t you muster your people and take them locally to the better parts of Bridgeport like black rock or the north end. There you all can protest and riot and pillage and steal and then burn it all down. Then everything will be alright for whatever your cause is right?! Let us know how that works out for you.
Conrade, Ron you forgot the Pumpkin Feat Riot of 2014. 🙂
Rich his point is black and white. or Black against white.
P.S Pete our ringmaster left this circus for another bigger tent, called the City Council. Maria burn the tapes. 🙂
We are the city of PT Barnum. Not if Comrade Ron and those Marxist educated fools have anything say JS
Jacob Blake, a 29 year old black man who was shot by Kenosha police officers during the attempt to arrest him, Blake was unarmed but mean while a 17-year-old white male Antioch resident, Kyle Rittenhouse, shot two protestors with his rifle and he’s walking around carrying his rifle in the opening and the police didn’t stop him or asked him any questions. A black man is shot seven times in the back and he’s unarm but a white teenager is not even stopped and questioned, now what’s wrong with this picture?
Wrong again and you are assuming things that you know nothing about. As is always the case, the cops are CALLED to handle a situation that they feel threatened by, in this case- Blake. He was armed and did not comply with a lawful order to stop his actions. Apparently no one CALLED the police to intervene on the white kid and I guarantee that the kid would have complied with police orders. You seem to think it’s ok for someone like Blake or anyone else to do what they want, when they want, and to not have to listen to authorities. I have the solution for people like that…and YOU.
Don’t call 911!!!
idFor starter the way you are portraying it. Jacob was in a situation with the police where they were called. I hear he had a knife and didn’t comply with the officers. He runs to his car. I am not saying it should have ended that way, I believe the officer was not equipped it cams or tasers. That being said this incident far from what happened to Floyd. I believe you have to give the officer the benefit of the doubt. They didn’t know what he was going to do when he reached his vehicle. If Jacob complied, I truly believe he wouldn’t have been shot.
From what I gather, this kid was thereto because of the rioting and was protecting a business. He was being chased and attacked by them, he fell, attacked and they were trying to take his gun. They were not protesters unless protesting is not routing.
Ron, I am done trying to have a discussion with you. It will ways be black and white. Sometimes you are right and sometimes you are wrong, like this post, trying to paint a picture of black and white not justice or injustice. JS
These outcomes are most unfortunate and of course they should never end that way. But some do and it’s terrible for ALL concerned.
But: if you obey the law, 99.999 percent of the time, nothing bad happens. Those who say it’s all because of racism are sadly mistaken and many of those who spew that are racist themselves and have a lot of hatred towards others for no good reason.
They are unfortunate. However, many are preventable and very rarely held accountable. What you see being played out is because they are. I sure there a race issue with police, hell we watched it being played out in BPD with racist letters, texts and that’s just jockying within the department. You have one side completely willfully oblivious and dismissing the the rioting. While the other side fact there are real issue regarding police, with each side making excuses.
Resist to sure, this is small potatoes to a larger game. This storm will cost more in damages then all the riots in the changes need in the departments. Everbody has their own perspective based on the shit they are being fed.
Real change was needed every since tech exoploded. I remember “people” give video recorders on the blocks to record cops behaviour, and since you worked in those times, the 80s 90s you know first hand. 🙂
Once again America has shown the world that Black Lives DON’T matter when you have a black man is shot seven times in his back as he open the door of his car where there was knife but a 17 year old white boy comes from another state with his gang openly carrying his rifle and he shoots 3 people killing two people and the police does nothing, then this white boy gets a arrested the next day, that’s America at its finest. We have white cop killing a black man in front of 3 children because he didn’t obey a police command and a white teenager kills two people and the police does nothing, that knife was more dangerous than that rifle. The cop will found not guilty because he has that get out jail card that ALL cops have, I fearful for my life. Cop kills black man on camera and nothing ever happens to the cop.
Once again America has nothing to do with this. You once again has showed your anti-American and racism. This cop was put into an untenable position. Did he have to be shot, no. I don’t even think those cops are given tasers? but could it ended with him getting a gun out of the car? Yes. His actions contributed to him getting shot. You have to give the benefit of the doubt. This is not Floyd or others unjust, an unwarranted black person getting shot by a trigger finger white cop, or on even a black cop.
You are comparing two completely different reactions to make your racist point. From what I heard he walk up to the cops after the shooting.
You talk about America and black treatment. Keeping with the rally to remove Columbus statue. Do you think blacks will be better treated South of the border? I don’t see a mass exodus of blacks going to Mexico for a better quality of life and treatment. Do you believe they will find it there? Be honest people.
PS. The world has shown blacks lives they don’t matter. Millions of black live each year by stravation. And those that are gunned down in there own neighborhoods in street violence in major Democrat run cities. Your silence on those black lives shows you don’t ever care about black lives. Only when it involes a white officer. Which is sad in itself. JS
Ron there are real issus that need to be address with in the justice system and force, however don’t dismise the real and challenging situations cops find themself or the roiting in the streets.
S.P there shouldn’t have been any rioting over this shooting. That is the mindset of the left, and that kid shouldn’t have been there trying to police the rioter by protecting property he has nothing to do with. That is the mindset of the right. JS
In the end they, this is just noise.
RT you are absolute right. And…all Ron ever says is more blah blah blah….racist..blah blah….damn fool….blah blah…..history “lessons” with no point…blah blah…and repeat. That’s why people like him have never made a difference. The BLM “movement” does nothing for people of color except SET THEM BACK and people like Ron helps them with that set back tremendously. Poor man is too blind to see that. Among other things….that damn knotty head gets in the way.
you are absolutely right that I am absolutely right? 🙂
But what is right? However, you know there is racism in the police. However, you are absolutely wrong if you think BLM doesn’t do anything to change that.
My issue with comrade Ron and Day is that they are the boy who cried wolf. When you make everything about white they diminish legitimate issues concerning race and policing. They reach for the obscure point to inject race. Like only these think only happen to blacks.
Ron is a racist and will always look for a race angle against whites, but then again he supported Bob so who knows.
Maybe I am just absolutely, absolute that we went for ice cream. 🙂
Good luck, Cheers
Rich Augustynowicz, you are a moron if you think Ron Mackey has never made a difference, which again alludes to your being a moron. If your punk ass children, grandchildren, niece’s or nephew’s apply for a City job through Civil Service then they are getting an extra 10 to 15% added to their score by virtue of being a City resident! Thank you Ron Mackey!
You’ll never understand the condition of being Black in America because you aren’t Black in America! You’ll never understand dealing with morons like yourself who feel that because you worked or lived around Black people that you know or understand the Black condition. That is evident by your use of the term Knotty Head which you think by using, you think you’re cool or relevant! You’re a 🤡 clown just like Robert, who like your ignorant ass thinks he’s an expert on what is racist or how Black’s should act.
I’m going to end on this 🤡 clown, Ron don’t hate white people, he just abhors RACISM! Oh yes and RACISTS as well. BLM, but clowns are a dime a dozen!
I am clown why? I didn’t say black people would never vote of PR. (or and aerobic). Is that being black in America? If a white person had said that I bet you would call them a racist. 🙂
Ask why a Port residents needs and extra 10% or 15% added to their score. I bet it’s because the BOE votes to allow parents to keep their kids home instead of providing things like computers that those out-of-towner get, who don’t need the added points to win out on a job.
PS unless you expect every employeer to added points for Port residents or expect teh city to hire every kid coming out of it’s school system, Rich is somewhat right . Ron has not done much. by -the-way you will never understand what’s it’s like being called a clown. 🙂
Like elvis this Clown (a racist term) is leavine this circus. 🙂 BAM.
Wow Don!!! We were waiting for you. Waiting for your blah blah blah!!
Don, super cop doesn’t have any black friends, he doesn’t know any blacks who he could sit down and have discussion with a group of blacks because he doesn’t give a dam. The issues at hand has nothing to do with political parties, or anything to do with you Don or myself, if just want America to keep its word.
The Declaration of Independence, written in 1776, announces a complete break with Britain and expresses the ideals on which the United States was founded: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Don, Martin Luther King Jr. in his speech at the March On Washington on August 28, 1963, said, “we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to full heir. This note was the promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
“It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note in so far as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.”
See Ron, I told you it would EASY. 🥱😂😂
Easier then you think. 🙂
What did one old goat say to the other old goat?
Easy? Lol. You guys are easy! It’s easy to get you out of the basement unlike the guy you will vote for. You just want to complain. You never give any solutions for the “plight of your people”, the ones you somehow appear to represent. Your demands will never be accepted by the USA. I guess you must really hate all the people of color that have been speaking at the RNC this week. (I think you may have watched some of it.) No doubt both of you are much more intelligent than any of them. So you can crawl back into your little hovels, call or text each other, and plan on your next blog post.
Both of you are losers, except for the fact that you had civil service jobs and have pensions and benefits. Did you know that 70 percent of the government work force, local, state and federal are minority’s. Those are pension and benefit jobs…..just like both of you had!
ANYWAY….this went from statues, to police issues, to minority issues.
How are we doing?!!!! Lol.
Don, I must say that I’m proud to see professional sports players stand together in support of the protestors and especially the Milwaukee Bucks who made the first move not to play and that started everything.
“NBA, WNBA, MLB and MLS games called off as players boycott in response to Kenosha police shooting of Jacob Blake”
All three NBA playoff games scheduled for Wednesday were postponed, with players around the league choosing to boycott in their strongest statement yet against racial injustice. The reverberations quickly moved into Major League Baseball, the WNBA and Major League Soccer.
The statement by the Bucks also called for state lawmakers to reconvene and take immediate action “to address issues of police accountability, brutality, and criminal justice reform.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Thank you, Bucks,” Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers tweeted.
The NBA did not say when Wednesday’s games would be played or if Thursday’s schedule of three more games involving six other teams would be affected. NBA players and coaches met for nearly three hours Wednesday night to determine next steps, including whether the season should continue. They did not come to a consensus, a person with knowledge of the meeting told AP.
Ha. Lol. Lmao. Lmfao. “I’m so proud” you say!!!!!
They have had almost no viewership at all anyway. Those poor underprivileged players, taking a stand for people with criminal records AND weapons- some impaired by drugs- causing problems in THIER OWN communities-AND then failing to comply with and actually struggling against officers who are CALLED to handle these offenders. Are these pillars of society not being paid then since they decided not to play? Are they donating their millions to “the cause ?!.” I just don’t know what the world will do without them!! Woe is me!!! Woe is me!!!
Comrade, that statement about being so proud of professional sports you made to your comrade, was so fake. It says a lot about you. I have no problem with someone who owns a business and chooses to close it in protest. It is their right. But are you as proud of those so-called peaceful protester that burned down someone’s else’s business?
More recent. ,