From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:
Following an unprecedented investigation, 17 Bridgeport police officers are facing discipline–nine could be fired–after the city’s Office of Internal Affairs found they lied on official reports and violated regulations in a 2017 incident where cops broke up a party on Colorado Avenue.
Two other officers investigated for their involvement that night have since killed themselves, including Sgt. Mark Belinkie, a 19-year-veteran who was found dead in his Milford home on Saturday, Police Chief Armando Perez confirmed.
“(Belinkie) told me he was concerned about Colorado (Avenue), about going before the Police Commission; it takes its toll on police officers, having this hang over their heads for so long,” Perez said.
But the chief continued that he did not know what led Belinkie to shoot himself.
Full story here.
I experienced this first hand. Let me be clear, not assault, but blatant lies by police officers on written reports. What they didn’t know is that there were four cameras recording everything that happened that night.
Thank goodness there was a camera on the back of the house recording the truth.
There are many good BPD officers, however the constant turmoil under Chief Perez has tarnished the BPD collectively. I have spoken with several officers who all agree Chief Perez is a “nice” guy, but also agreed he should not be the police chief. He simply cannot lead.
All three BPD officers I recorded last week were respectful and professional. They did absolutely nothing wrong. They were simply following orders.
I truly believe the BPD is in turmoil under Chief Perez.
17 Bridgeport police officers are facing discipline — nine could be fired, this is really big but the suicide of two police officers has bought this problem into the light. This is way over Police Chief Perez head and we have Mayor Ganim, the entire police commission and the City Council who all have backed and supported Chief Perez. Everybody will tell you who know AJ Perez that he’s a nice guy and I truly believe that but the Bridgeport Police Department needed to go in a different but Ganim wanted Perez to be his chief and David Dunn gave Ganim what he wanted by selecting the testing company that would give the results that the Ganim wanted. Sadly, 17 Bridgeport police officers are facing discipline — nine could be fired will not go away.
This is a direct reflection of Chief Perez and his inability to lead, his fostering the good old boys network which he supported like that of his boy that quit rather than get fired for making racists remarks and that of Mayor Ganim and his inability to select a qualified Chief.
All of you that stood up and said that this is the chief that Bridgeport needed should all reevaluate your decision and acknowledge your mistake.
Done!! Are we done yet, Police Department?
Dunn (Acting Civil Service Director) let more than 24 months pass without arranging for Police Chief hiring. During the two years of bullets flying and innocent youthful victims nothing pro-active relative to “community policing” happened. No concern registered by 20 year Police Commission member and aviation consultant Roach over example of “racist invective” by high ranking officer engaged with PD Chief secretary on internet. (How deep did inquiry into White Supremacy go? Where were results registered?)
Fall, 2017 – Colorado Avenue investigation, inquiry, unsettled matter? Serious enough for two officers to be unsettled and take own lives within two years? For City Attorney Office to complete inquiry but stonewall questions? Simple matter of a noise complaint? Obviously not. But what dark issues are at the bottom of this story that has been around during the tenure of Ganim2, Dan Roach, and current Chief Armando J. Perez?? Was this kept quiet and under wraps because Ganim2 was campaigning for governor? Too many lives affected at this time!! Do we need to go outside the community at this time to find leadership with integrity? Time will tell.
I don’t know JML, are we? Wow an office’s life passed, and it seems the blame falls on a person who everyone says is a nice guy, AJ, Jesus Christ people. Maria I will agree cops have a problem with reporting the truth. 🙂 but in fairness the pendulum swings both ways. Someone,not me, would have a serious drug conviction record if it wasn’t for their blind eye.
You bloggers act like the Bridgeport Police department wasn’t in turmoil and had no racial issues prior to AJ becoming Chief. Did you not read Ron’s book, No Black Heroes? Was AJ Chief during his career? Did you hear him say that the leadership of the black organization with in the police department asked him to send a racist letter within the department, and the black cops who did it, apparently, lied about being order to do it by another black cop? Let’s not forget the incident in the park people. Was AJ Chief then?
Maria was on to something with regards about cameras. Let’s not forget it was under AJ’s leadership that our office now have cams. It took a lot longer then it should’ve but that what happen when community leaders do force and issue to address a problem, and deflects it instead.
I have to reevaluate the amount of worthlessness bloggers on OIB. Not you Maria you are far for worthless, Annoying maybe. And TBK you are still a loser, but moving up on OIB, Good Job. 🙂
P.S lets not deflect with racism when it come to people making abusive arrests., and power. JS
Retired Bridgeport Police Lieutenant Ron Bailey
‘No Black Heroes’–Bailey’s Book Chronicles Struggles Of Black Police Officers – Only In Bridgeport®
And? I believe Ron also say that the leadership in the Guardians asked him to write a racist letter and he refused. So that make him a hero, not like this black guy. He’s super. 🙂
Another murder in Bridgeport today. A male shot on CT Ave. at 10:00 this morning has been pronounced dead.
Again, he was shot at 10:00 am, in broad daylight, on a major street in Bridgeport.
I am so sick and tired of this. If we had a school delay this morning, children could have been at a nearby bus stop or walking to school.
The incident on Colorado Ave. in 2017 investigation needs to taken over by State or the FBI because the Bridgeport Police Department is unable investigate their self. This why the federal court put in place a “Special Master” for the Bridgeport Police Department because they were unable to investigate their own issues.
What I loved about this article was how the city attorney’s office is stalling on releasing the support.
They will claim “pending court action” which is more BS.
Police officers should be held to a higher standard.
There is clearly, extremely serious dysfunction within the BPD and with respect to the City and the Police Commission. Outside intervention is needed — in a hurry. Officers are suffering. The Community is suffering. The Department needs outside oversight — probably at the state and federal levels. It also needs department-level intervention, internally, with respect to internal functioning and officer stress-levels/mental health intervention… An organizational psychologist/intervention team seems to be indicated, internally, and an expert, outside police professional(s) is needed to work with such a team in doing an analysis and creating remedies for the internal dysfunction/stress-levels even as the state and federal government seek to implement the oversight needed to stabilize the force…
We clearly have an unhappy police force in an unhappy community… Outside help is indicated…
*** I don’t believe, from the little I saw on the video here on OIB that 9 officers could get fired with disciplinary action against the rest. Nor do I believe the suicides were due directly, to this particular incident with the party on Colorado Ave. A few suspensions & maybe some temp desk-duty along with some slaps on the hands @ best; especially with this in-house I.A and the Bpt. police commission making their usual decisions! ***
Mojo, I understand your point but let’s look at the big picture, why has it taken this long for the report to be made public, plus why would 9 police officers write a false report and we really don’t hear and see what was going on inside the house, why so long?
What is the big picture Ron? It’s no secret the department has its issue regarding public trust. Its been a run theme since forever. It’s always been one thing or another. No one asked for the report until two months ago, and I’m sure if Mendez attorney wanted it they would get it as soon as it was completed, they probably did. And the paper didn’t express its failure to get it until after this officers passing. To be honest if he didn’t pass this report would have still been on the self until the heat of this political campaign season. That’s the way I see it. The chips are going to fall soon. Other then the guy who grabbed Mendez to the ground, for what appears to be for no real reason. It’s going to be all about the police reporting, and I will bet out of those 17 officers there are going to be some Lations and black officers on that list. I’m sure the paper, AJ, and Joe’s administration is going to have to deal with this relatively soon. The bigger picture is why did this cop’s life ended ? Two officers passing in little over a year over this incident. something not adding up. Politics sucks I’m out BAM . See you at our next ESL class reunion. 🙂
I agree, this is weak. But you know what they say it’s not the crime it’s the cover up. Even so, lying on a police report, and the thought of losing your job is nowhere even close to losing your life. Anyone who remotely suggest these two cop passed because of this incident is not being “honest”, Steven.
I’m not rocket scientist but to me I don’t think the two office who passed are even in the video and are the ones who incited his arrest. This is just politics, and those who will exploit it, not like there are not failures in the department, if there wasn’t these two officers would still be here. To be honest what drove these two officers to their passing goes a lot deeper then this incident. It maybe have been the strew that broke the camels back. But the load they where carrying was a lot more.
Expose the corruption!
Your sarcasm is obvious.