Response from Justin Parks:
As the great grandson of Edmund Chase Bassick and on behalf of the Bassick family, I thank John Weldon for his sincere apology for the outlandish and cruel comments made by BOE member, Chris Taylor. In a public forum, Mr. Taylor accused my Bassick ancestors of involvement in the slave trade. These comments were utterly false and the Bassick family is proud of our long-standing contributions to the city of Bridgeport.
Justin Parks
Well this apology loses much of its sincerity when it comes a half a year after the comment was made.
I guess Mr Weldon was doi a great deal of research into this matter before offering it up.
Exactly Bob! Chris Taylor made these outrageous comments on a Public Hearing specifically held on the future of Bassick High School.
John Weldon chaired the meeting and did not rule Chris Taylor out-of-order. He sat there in utter silence. I was the only one who rebuked Taylor’s disgusting comments.
E Webb Bassick in Chicago wrote a letter demanding an apology for Chris Taylor’s slanderous comments months ago that both the CT Post and OIB published.
The grandson of Bassick residing in Norwalk then got involved and personally spoke at a regular meeting over 5 weeks ago.
John Weldon approached Justin Parks at Aquaculture School that night and promised he would issue a formal apology.
Weeks later I spoke with Justin Parks who shared John Weldon had not kept his commitment. I encouraged Justin Parks to email him regarding the promised apology. No apology was forthcoming. Last week I encourage Justin Parks email him again. John Weldon responded promptly and sent the letter featured above.
John Weldon has not censured Chris Taylor for a single outrageous action EVER. And, it took almost 6 months for John Weldon to issue an apology. Let’s be clear. Chris Taylor has NEVER apologized for his false and slanderous remarks regarding Bassick ancestors being involved in the slave trade.
Chris Taylor, acting like a damn fool, while living in Fairfield and serving on the BBOE in violation of city charter. Mayor Ganim, when are you going speak to these glaring examples of malfeasance?
Chris Taylor — between falsified residency and associated illegal political activity in Bridgeport, compounded by his libelous public statement concerning the reputation of one of Bridgeport’s foundation families — could well become one of the major political liabilities for the incumbent administration in City Hall this election year… He’s high on that list of liabilities. It is a mystery why the administration hasn’t arranged for his disappearance from the Bridgeport political scene. If Chris Taylor has any concern for this city or his political friends, he would disappear from the political scene in Bridgeport, voluntarily… The comments concerning his personal legal situations, and the damaging publicity that media attention to his legal problems are bringing to Bridgeport, strongly indicate that his resignation from the BOE and disengagement from any Bridgeport political activity must be officially requested by all relevant officials such that this damage to Bridgeport’s reputation and public school system can be quickly contained…
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good should look on do nothing,” by Andrew Marshall.
Ron Mackey’s quote is so true.
Chris Taylor is an asshole, in a word. How did this chauvinistic piece of slime actually receive ANY votes?
Only In Bridgeport
Unfortunately. Chris Taylor ought to brush up his legal knowledge. “Innocent until proven guilty” is a legal concept. Doesn’t mean he’s actually innocent. Defendants are found guilty or not guilty at any rate, never innocent.
And that “Everyone else is doing it, why can’t we?” business that spilled out of Michael Garrett’s pie hole…